Goose Goes Wild Attacking Shopper in Canada
When Animals Attack Shopper Gets Goosed!!!

The feathers were flying in Canada when a rogue goose took its frustrations out on an unsuspecting customer, and the video is .... well, hilarious.
You wouldn't think a goose is that aggressive, or at least most people wouldn't, but this goose was out for bear as shopper exited a store and walked to the parking lot waiting for her ride to roll up.
That's when she noticed a goose was on the loose, but who'd think it would go after her. Well, it did ... repeatedly, as her ride approached.
The shopper runs around the car as the goose gives chase!!! She jettisons the bag and hops inside the car ... but guess who follows her in?
The driver is blindsided as the feathers fly and then jumps out of the car and falls on the pavement. The shopper somehow gets the goose out of the vehicle.
We have no idea if the goose hung around for other shoppers, but if it did send up the video!!!