Joey Chestnut Says He's Recovering From 76-Dog Feast With Salad And Veggies
Joey Chestnut I'm Recovering From 76-Dog Feast ... With Salad And Greens!!!

How's Joey Chestnut recovering from his 76-hot dog, 22,800-calorie 4th Of July feast???
TMZ Sports got the planet's greatest eater out in NYC just one day after he put away a world-record number of wieners ... and he told us the key to recovery from here is simply salads and greens.
"I'm still bloated," the 37-year-old legend said. "If I start sweating, I'll smell like meat. But I go in knowing that it's going to take a couple days to recover."
"As soon as I can, I'm going to start eating a salad, greens and high fiber."

It's a miracle Chestnut can even consider eating again at this point ... 'cause the dude consumed about two weeks worth of food in 10 minutes at the annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest on Sunday.
In total, Chestnut plowed through 1,368 grams of fat, 1,824 grams of carbs and 836 grams of protein.
Chestnut obviously didn't feel wonderful -- at least physically -- outside of his hotel Monday ... and because of it, he seemed to hint that an ending to his eating career could be on the horizon.
"I tried pushing a little bit harder but I'll tell you what, last year I felt I recovered a little bit quicker," Chestnut said. "This year, I'm getting older and I don't know how much more I can push it while I'm getting older."
"It's like anybody. You have to be aware of your body.”
That said, Chestnut added, "As long as it’s still fun and as long as I’m healthy, I’ll be doing it. I hope I can keep making gains, but it’s going to get harder and harder. I can see that coming."
So, see ya next July for a run at 77 dogs?!?!