'The Real Tarzann' Mike Holston Says Bear in Chinese Zoo Isn't Human in Costume
'THE REAL TARZANN' MIKE HOLSTON Bear In Chinese Zoo Isn't Human In Suit ... More Dangerous If It Was

Mike Holston, the internet sensation famously known as The Real Tarzann, says the Chinese zoo being accused of trotting out a human in a bear suit actually has the real deal in captivity.
We got Mike at LAX and asked him about allegations a zoo in eastern China is fooling folks with a man in a suit.

This viral video shot at the zoo is certainly fueling that speculation -- but Mike says the animal shows all the signs of being an authentic sun bear.
The rumors got so out of hand, the zoo was forced to defend itself, and Mike says it's not uncommon for bears to stand on their hind legs, which is one reason why the video had folks thinking something was afoot.
Instead, Mike says the bear is just showing the animal's natural agility ... and it's only standing up to beg for food from humans. See what happens when ya feed the bears!
It's interesting ... Mike says he's interacted with all sorts of wild animals across the globe, but he'd be more afraid to be trapped with an American than a sun bear.
He's got a host of reasons why humans, particularly Americans, are most dangerous in the animal kingdom. For example, he says wild animals never lie about their feelings. 🤔