YouTube Star Fousey Says He Worried About Being Canceled After Singing N-Word
YouTube Star Fousey Rapping The N-Word Was Huge Mistake ... Hope I Don't Get Canceled!!!

YouTube star Fousey says the first thing that went through his mind after using a racial slur while rapping along to a J. Cole song was having to move back in with his mom ... telling us he worried he would be canceled.
Fousey sat down on the "TMZ Verified" Podcast and told us he regrets singing the n-word on a live stream ... saying it was an honest mistake and explaining why he feared the gaffe would cost him his bread and butter.

As you may know, Fousey is currently on a live stream marathon and earlier this month he went viral for using the racial slur while singing along to J. Cole's "Love Yourz."
Fousey says J. Cole is his favorite rapper and he normally substitutes the n-word for similar-sounding words ... insisting it's not in his character to use the slur, even with rap lyrics.
After the tongue slip, Fousey punched his bed in disgust ... and he says he couldn't stop thinking about being canceled and having to call his mom and tell her what happened, fearing the worst.
Fousey's still streaming, though ... and he's got his sights set on live streaming for the rest of 2023 ... and it sounds like his initial fears of a downward mental spiral due to the incident may have been premature.