'Steamboat Willie' Version of Mickey Mouse Entering Public Domain Soon
'Steamboat Willie' Mickey Entering Public Domain Soon ... 100% Probs Getting Ruined
Mickey Mouse is entering the public domain for the first time ever -- well, a version of him anyway -- and just like Winnie the Pooh's been desecrated ... so too is MM sure to follow.

Mickey Mouse Gets Horror Film Makeover, Character Now in Public Domain
Disney is losing its copyright over the original iteration of their prized cartoon character -- plus OG Minnie -- which was first depicted in 1928's "Steamboat Willie" ... directed by none other than Walt himself. Starting Jan. 1 ... they'll be up for grabs to just about anyone.
That was the first time Mickey had ever been onscreen, and that black-and-white form of Mickey served as the archetype template for all the other modern Mickeys we've seen since.
The Mouse House has had a tight grip on the rights to this old Mickey for years now -- and they even lobbied Congress to extend their exclusive hold for just a tad bit longer back in 2004 ... which lawmakers granted at the time. Their time is up now, though, at 95 years.
The original version of Winnie the Pooh (from the storybook) also got released to the public a couple years ago ... and we've seen what's happened to the beloved IP in the aftermath.
There was the famous slasher horror flick, 'Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey,' that got released -- which saw the old bear reimagined as a psycho mass-murdering killer -- and other twisted takes on the story as well ... and something tells us Mickey might be next.
Funny enough, the filmmakers who did 'Blood and Honey' said they actually wouldn't touch Mickey and make him go evil -- but ya gotta imagine someone else will, and probably ASAP.
The more familiar versions of Mickey we all know are safe for quite a bit longer -- but all these black-and-white ones are about to unleashed into the masses. Buckle up, y'all.