Fyre Fest Founder Billy McFarland Says Pre-Sale for Sequel Is Worth $110M

Fyre Festival founder Billy McFarland is proving folks can't resist a good comeback ... 'cause the pre-sale for the sequel to his infamous music event has made him a boatload of cash!
Billy boasted about this achievement on IG Thursday -- and he confirmed to TMZ as well ... saying FYRE Festival II has received applications for over $110,000,000 worth of tickets during its second and final pre-sale -- an impressive feat compared to sluggish Coachella.

Pre-sale tickets started up at $2,500 and soared up to a whopping $1M per ticket for the festival which is set for its Caribbean return in December ... and we're told that 40 of those ticket holders were invited to celebrate the $110M figure during an intimate dinner Wednesday night at Le Baratin in NYC.

While he's made another fortune, it looks like Billy's learned a few lessons -- 'cause this time around he's leaving it to the pros and letting his operation partners and entertainment bigwigs call the main shots at the festival.

Billy himself said in his IG clip Thursday that the next time people would hear from him was when his partners would officially announce the event ... so he's covering his bases here.
His do-over got off to a flying start when pre-sale was first announced in August 2023. Back then, they released 100 tickets, and they all sold out in a day!
Billy attributed the success to the massive curiosity and interest generated by the epic failure of the 2017 Fyre Fest, telling TMZ at the time that he's living proof of the saying "no publicity is bad publicity."

You'll recall ... Billy served 4 years in prison for wire fraud related to the OG Fyre Fest disaster. Clearly, he's hoping FYRE Festival II doesn't go up in smoke like the first one -- and so far, it sounds like it's still got the interest of a lot of party-goers who are down to rage.