Michael Lohan in Heated Exchange With Kate Major on Video, He Calls Cops
Michael Lohan Heated Exchange With Kate On Video

Michael Lohan and his estranged wife look to be going through some more tough times ... because they got into a heated exchange on camera ... and cops are involved.
Kate Major just shared video of the incident, and the footage picks up with her behind the wheel of her car in Spring, Texas ... with Michael standing in the road and blocking her path.
Though, the lead-up to the incident is really why this drama unfolded.
Michael tells TMZ ... he and his kids were out of town, letting Kate stay at his place while he was gone. She was notified by the DA's office -- because he has an order of protection against Kate -- and Michael that she had to be out by 5 PM. At 6 PM, he says she took his car, which she was not supposed to do, and that's what led to the standoff.
While he was gone, she allegedly destroyed his security system in the house and was drinking the whole time. Michael also claims she had people over at the house partying.
The rest of the footage shows Michael, phone in hand, telling Kate to get out of the car. You can hear him say he just spoke to her lawyer ... and he waves down a cop as Kate screams at him to get out of the road.
The cop pulls up and Kate calls Michael a "psychopath" ... again screaming at him to get out of the middle of the road. She says her kids are in the car too.
Lindsay Lohan's dad then talks to the cop ... and when the officer approaches, Kate claims Michael jumped in front of her car.
The cop tells Kate to pull off to the side of the road and she yells at Michael, "You're out of your f***ing mind!!!"
Kate claims Michael does this sort of thing to her all the time ... she tells the cop he's been following her and says he needs to be 5150'd.
The video ends as Kate drives away. No charges were filed.
Remember ... Michael and Kate are still married despite tons of bumps in the road ... but they've been estranged for a few years now, and she's been battling alcohol issues for a while.
Michael tells us he and Kate also had a heated conversation Tuesday night, arguing about her drinking ... but cops weren't called that time.