Fatal Beating of New York Inmate, Body Cam Video Released by State's Attorney
New York Corrections Officers Fatal Beating Caught on Tape ... Released by State Attorney's Office
12/30 12:24 PM PT -- James Miller, rep for NYS Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association tells TMZ ... "NYSCOPBA’s Executive Board has reviewed the video footage released by the Attorney General regarding the death of Robert Brooks at Marcy Correctional Facility. What we have witnessed is reprehensible. It is clear to all of us that these actions are a disgrace to our profession and have put everyone inside our facilities at risk. As correction officers and sergeants, we have a duty to protect every person inside a correctional facility. At all times, we must be ready to stop those seeking to do harm, and that includes fellow staff. We, as an organization, stand in complete defiance of the callous disregard for the suffering that we have all witnessed on this video. NYSCOPBA will continue to fulfill its legal obligation to defend all members from all administrative charges, regardless of severity or public outcry. However, as more information becomes readily available, NYSCOPBA must continue to focus its efforts on advocating on behalf of those members who dutifully come to work every day and act with the professionalism and selflessness demanded of them."
Body cam footage of corrections officers brutally beating a restrained inmate -- who died hours later -- has been released by the New York State Attorney General ... showing officers hitting the bloodied man repeatedly.
The video shows Robert Brooks -- an inmate serving a 12-year sentence for first-degree assault -- repeatedly being punched and kicked ... and, one man appears to gag him with a towel.
Videos released by the attorney general's office show one officer repeatedly striking Brooks in his midsection with a shoe as other officers hold him down with his arms behind him. At one point, the officers lift Brooks up by his neck ... he's got blood all over his face and he can't even hold up his own weight.
According to the attorney general's office, Brooks had a "use of force" encounter with corrections officers on December 9 at Marcy Correctional Facility in Upstate New York. He was transported to Utica's Wynn Hospital, about 7 miles away, and died in the early morning hours of December 10.

NY State's Department of Corrections and Community Supervision Commissioner Daniel F. Martuscello III tells TMZ ... "Watching the video evidence of Robert Brook’s life being taken left me feeling deeply repulsed and nauseated. There is no excuse and no rationalization for a vulgar, inhumane act that senselessly took a life. This type of behavior cannot be normalized, and I will not allow it to be within DOCCS."
Martuscello says his department plans to independently investigate this tragedy ... promising institutional change. Among the changes already instituted, Martuscello says 13 of the people involved in this incident have been suspended and one resigned.
The commissioner ends his comment by telling us that this act was a killing ... and people will be held responsible for their actions.
Originally Published -- 12/27 3:22 PM PT