'Tanning Mom' Patricia Krentcil Lashes Out -- I'm the Victim of a Witch Hunt!
'Tanning Mom' Lashes Out I'm the Victim of a Witch Hunt!!!
"Tanning Mom" is red hot over accusations that she's a lousy mother for allegedly letting her 5-year-old daughter burn to a fare-thee-well on a tanning bed -- calling her critics "jealous, fat, and ugly."
44-year-old Patricia Krentcil was in Nutley (perfect) New Jersey yesterday on her way to a hair salon when she unloaded and then proclaimed she was a fabulous mother.
Krentcil was arrested last week after a school nurse asked her daughter Anna how she got a sunburn and she replied, "I go tanning with mommy." Krentcil was charged with second-degree child endangerment. She pled "not guilty."
By the way, you gotta see the part in the video where Krentcil narrowly averts looming plumber's crack.