Sean Kingston -- SAVES HIMSELF from Driving Drunk ... Blames TMZ
Sean Kingston Saves Himself from Driving Drunk Blames TMZ

Sean Kingston was thiiiiis close to making a TERRIBLE decision last night -- getting behind the wheel of his car after a night of boozing -- but at the last second, he GOT OUT OF THE DRIVER'S SEAT ... thanks to our camera guy.
The 23-year-old rapper was leaving Playhouse nightclub in Hollywood around 2am after a night of partying ... and beelined straight for the driver's seat of his Bentley.
But right before he hit the road, an intoxicated Sean had a moment of clarity ... and JUMPED out of the driver's seat so a sober person could take the wheel. The funny part ... he actually tried to blame TMZ for shaming him into making the right move.
"This is what TMZ wants to catch -- they want to catch a DUI!" Kingston says. "NOT ME!!!"
We're glad he made the right decision ... but there's one thing that's still bothering us about the situation -- would he have driven the car if our camera WASN'T there?