Justin Bieber -- Cops Called Over Skateboarding Ruckus
Justin Bieber Cops Called Over Skateboarding Ruckus

Justin Bieber pissed off another neighborhood Monday night ... with the help of a half-dozen buddies and a couple of skateboards.
Justin was in Downtown L.A. for the Clippers game, and afterwards he and his friends took to the streets and began weaving in and out of traffic on their skateboards.
A pissed off motorist called the cops and said Bieber and his crew were snarling traffic and creating a hazard.
By the time cops arrived ... Biebs had wheeled out.
Fun Fact ... based on what we know, the whole egging incident with his Calabasas neighbor occurred after Bieber and his friends were drinking in his backyard and doing tricks on his skateboard ramp.