Drake -- Blasted By Canadian Politician ... Paul Pierce Handshake Was B.S.
Drake Blasted By Canadian Politician Paul Pierce Handshake Was B.S.
A Canadian politician is BLASTING Drake ... claiming the rapper offended his fellow countrymen when he shook Paul Pierce's hand this week -- and now he's warning Drizzy, DON'T DO IT AGAIN!
The man with the beef is Councillor Norm Kelly ... a Toronto legislator and die hard Raptor's fan ... who says he was sickened when he saw Drake dappin' up the Washington Wizards star while they're in the middle of a heated playoff series.
"For Drake to have any recognition of Pierce, offended a huge number of fans," Kelly tells TMZ Sports.
"We have no problem shaking hands. Just wait to do it until after the series."
Kelly -- who happens to be a HUGE Drake fan -- says he's not the only Torontonian who feels this way and has some advice for the 28-year-old hip-hop superstar:
"If [Drake] really has his ear attuned to the people of Toronto, we won't see a repeat of that behavior again."