Randy Gregory's Girlfriend Fires Back at Haters -- He's Not a Bad Person!
Randy Gregory's Girlfriend Fires Back at Haters He's Not a Bad Person!
With Dallas Cowboys player Randy Gregory getting crushed by haters in the wake of his 1 year suspension for a drug test violation ... his girlfriend is coming out swinging in his defense.
The woman in Gregory's life is Nancy -- the mother of the his 3-month-old daughter -- who clearly doesn't believe the 24-year-old is the screwup people are making him out to be.
"You're not perfect and you have your flaws but you don't deserve half of the things people say about you," Nancy posted to Randy on social media.
"You're the father of my child and I will not let the media and fans tear you down."
"You don't deserve the hate you receive. You're an amazing human being and I know you have it in you to be an elite athlete you strive to be on a daily basis."
She added, "God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers and I know you got this one."