Floyd Mayweather Balls Out in L.A., But There's One Thing He Won't Discuss ...
Floyd Mayweather Balls Out in L.A. But, There's One Thing He Won't Discuss ...

Floyd Mayweather was in attention-seeking mode Tuesday night -- taking his head-turning Rolls-Royce to the most paparazzi-packed restaurant in town ... while wearing a bright pink hat.
So, when we saw him walking into Catch LA -- we had to ask about Oscar De La Hoya calling out Conor McGregor ... since Floyd's beaten 'em both.
Mayweather was super nice to our guy -- but made it clear he didn't want to add fuel to that fire.
Why not? Perhaps it was because his cutman Rafael Garcia passed away earlier in the day. Maybe he doesn't want to take the focus off a MayMac rematch?
Either way ... condolences.
And nice hat.