Justin Bieber Dodges Arrest Warrant In Egging Case
Justin Bieber Dodges Arrest Warrant ... For Skipping Egging Depo
Justin Bieber just avoided the wrath of the law -- for now -- dodging a potential bench warrant for his arrest.
According to the court clerk, a judge refrained from issuing the bench warrant Tuesday in L.A. making it likely that JB and his former neighbor, Jeffrey Schwartz, have finally agreed on a new date for Justin to sit for a deposition about the 2014 egging incident.
We broke the story ... Justin missed his deposition on June 22, and Schwartz said it was because the pop star was canoodling with Hailey Baldwin in New York. The couple's been back and forth between the Coasts for well over a week now, and were East as recently as Monday.
As for things getting this far in the first place, Bieber's legal team told us they'd tried rescheduling with Schwartz ... but that he ran off to court before attempting to work something out.
Ya gotta imagine it'll suck when Bieber does eventually come face-to-face with lawyers, especially after such a swoon-worthy time with his gal in the Big Apple. Back to reality, we suppose ...