Prince Harry Pranked into Dissing Trump, Talking Megxit by Russian Hoaxers
Prince Harry Disses Trump on Prank Call!!! Fooled by Russian Hoaxers

Prince Harry allegedly ripped on President Trump and revealed why he and Meghan Markle bailed on Royal living during what he thought was a phone convo with Greta Thunberg.
Ya see, Harry was apparently a prank victim of a pair of Russian hoaxers -- Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov -- who tricked him into thinking he was having a private chat with the 17-year-old Swedish climate change activist and her father.
On the call, Prince Harry unloads on the state of the world, which he says is being led by "some very sick people." He goes on to say he believes we're moving toward the tipping point of climate disaster, and specifically calls out Trump for supporting the coal industry.
He goes so far as to say Trump has "blood on his hands," and later jokes if Trump can become president ... anything is possible.
Harry was allegedly pranked twice -- on New Year's Eve and January 22 -- and reportedly also dished on Megxit and what it's like to be a member of the Royal Family.
We don't have that audio, but multiple outlets report Harry said, "Sometimes the right decision isn’t always the easy one, but it was the right decision for our family. It’s a tricky one, but we will start a new life."
He added about his wife, Meghan ... "I can assure you marrying a prince or princess is not all it’s made out to be. There’s lots of layers to it and lots of pieces to the puzzle."
So far, Harry hasn't confirmed or denied it's him on the call. The Palace had no comment.

Interestingly, we recently spoke to Talib Kweli ... who told us he was almost tricked by Russians into thinking he was chatting with Thunberg, as well.