Conor McGregor Demands Ireland Go Into 'Full Lockdown' ... In Fiery Speech
Conor McGregor just made a VERY passionate plea to the country of Ireland -- demanding they go into '"full lockdown" ASAP to protect themselves against COVID-19.
You gotta watch the clip ... the UFC superstar is HEATED -- saying straight-up, "True lockdown must begin, and it must begin now!!!"
McGregor shouted out the leaders of his country -- from the President on down -- saying, "While we are currently debating a full lockdown, I feel that we must! Any time spent debating this is needless time from the clock."
So far, at least 6 people have died from coronavirus in Ireland -- and more than 1,000 people have tested positive. Conor clearly believes the country needs to stop the spread.
Conor points to other countries that have seen success from quarantine -- and urges his people to take the threat seriously.
"Let's get it together and ring the bell ourselves," Conor says.
McGregor calls for the country to shut down everything from airports to non-essential businesses -- "along with stricter adherence to social distancing, must be put in place now!"
"We have the advantage here in that we can see this coming!"
He added, "Let's go Ireland! Let's go rest of the world. Lockdown united. Together we stand. God bless us all."