Gwyneth & Chris' Son Happy Socially Distanced Bday, Moses!!! Drive-by Love from Friends

Gwyneth Paltrow couldn't throw her son a huge birthday bash with the coronavirus guidelines, so she set up the next best thing ... a driveway parade in his honor.
Gwyneth and Chris Martin's boy, Moses, celebrated his 14th bday Wednesday, and instead of eating cake and opening presents surrounded by his friends ... they drove by honking their horns and playing music for him instead.
Socially distant and totally responsible.
Moses' pals also came bearing balloons and handmade signs, and pulled off a drive-by candy delivery to boot.
Paltrow gushed about her son, saying ... "He is the kindest little man and he has the most unique way of looking at the world and expressing himself." She added ... "I hope you never stop hugging me goodbye when you go into the next room. I love you."
Gwyneth and Chris' daughter Apple turns 16 in a few weeks ... probably gonna have to get creative with her celebration, too.