Hollywood's Plastic Surgery Business Booming With Actors During Strike
Hollywood Actors Strike A-Listers Saving Face ... Flocking to Plastic Surgeons!!!

Lots of actors who are on strike are getting work ... courtesy of Beverly Hills plastic surgeons!
Business is booming ... so says Dr. Ben Talei of the Beverly Hills Center for Plastic Surgery. He told Harvey and Charles on "TMZ Live" he's working 7 days a week, because actors are using the downtime to go under the knife and recover without being noticed or missing work.
Dr. Talei says it's the A and B-listers who are swarming his office ... mostly because they can afford it. He's been doing work on some of his favorite sports stars and actors, and there's an interesting story about a famous Scientologist who went under his knife.
And here's the most fascinating part ... he says some actors made contingency plans -- if it seemed the strike wouldn't last long, they'd get minor, filler work, but if it was prolonged, they get the full monty.
Get ready to see some rejuvenated celebs once the strike comes to an end ... courtesy of Dr. Talei!