Fat Joe Says Rihanna Attack Only Difference Between Chris Brown & Michael Jackson
Fat Joe Chris Brown-Rihanna Attack Only Separation Between Him & Michael Jackson!!!

Chris Brown and Michael Jackson are one and the same -- with the only difference being one of them beat the hell out of Rihanna ... so says Fat Joe.
In his latest IG Live session, FJ came with a bit of a hot take -- namely, arguing the only thing keeping Chris Brown from matching up with the King of Pop talent/music-wise is his infamous assault of his then-girlfriend ... something that's haunted him ever since.
Joe argued it's been 20 years since the Rihanna incident -- and that it's time to let it go and move on ... noting fans know CB is the best singer/dancer/performer since MJ.
The veteran rapper also threw an R. Kelly comparison in the mix to prove his point, which is basically ... you have to separate the talent from the actions of the artist. Like we said ... it's a hot take, but Joe's all in on it.

While the MJ/CB comparisons have been made for years now ... Breezy himself says he wants no part of the debate -- telling Big Boy in 2022 that his special sauce came from watching Michael, and that he just twisted the recipe to pave his own way.
King or not, Breezy has been getting an MJ-like reception while out on his latest tour. On the issue of forgiving for Rihanna ... we'll let that one simmer on the internet.