Sam Asghari Filmed With Britney Look-Alike Girlfriend at LAX Airport
Sam Asghari Shields New Girlfriend From Photog ... Younger Version Of Britney Spears

Sam Asghari is going to new heights with his girlfriend, who just so happens to bear a striking resemblance to his famous ex-wife.
We got Sam and his boo, Brooke Irvine, at LAX on Friday as they were heading off somewhere together ... and Brooke looks like a much younger version of Britney Spears.
Sam and Brooke were pretty mum on the status of their relationship, but there's a reason for that ... Sam and Britney finalized their divorce in May but the marriage won't officially be over until next month, so it's best he keeps his mouth shut until then.
But, check out our video ... it's pretty clear Sam and Brooke are an item ... and it seems he has a type ... blonde and smoking hot!!!
As we've told you ... Sam and Brooke have been spending a lot of time together recently ... and the last time we saw them, they were shopping at HomeGoods in matching outfits.

Sam and Brooke also had some PDA on a different shopping trip ... but here, they're trying to fly under the radar.
Britney and Sam used to fly private ... but now it's back to commercial for him ... though something tells us his travel partner will help ease the pain.