Troy Aikman's Ex-Wife -- Punished for Boozy Arrest at Texas High School
Troy Aikman's Ex-Wife Punished For Boozy Arrest at TX High School
Troy Aikman's ex-wife is getting off with a slap on the wrist after cops say she was drunkenly hanging out in a Texas high school parking lot back in August ... TMZ has learned.
TMZ broke the story ... Rhonda Aikman was a stumby, wobbly mess when cops found her in a car at a high school in Murphy, TX on August 27. Officers say they also found two water bottles filled with a liquid that smelled like booze inside the vehicle.
During the arrest, Rhonda tried to guilt cops into letting her off the hook by dropping her ex-husband's name -- "Do you know what this is gonna do to him? Troy?"

She was eventually charged with public intoxication.
Today, Rhonda -- whose marriage to Troy ended back in 2011 -- agreed to plead "no contest" to the charge in exchange for 30 days probation ... after which the underlying charge will be dismissed (presuming she keeps her nose clean).
Rhonda's lawyer Larry Friedman tells TMZ ... "This is a good result for everybody and puts the matter to bed once and for all."