Kevin Hart -- Shots Fired ... err, Ordered -- How to Make 200 New Friends, Quick
Kevin Hart Shots Fired ... err, Ordered How to Make 200 New Friends, Quick
Kevin Hart doesn't mind dropping a grand on star f**kers, but we're not talkin' the Hollywood types ... these are far more hardcore.
Our boozy sources say Hart was feeling the love in Laredo, TX Tuesday night after swinging through town to gear up for his big comedy tour -- which kicks off Thursday in San Antonio. Kev facilitated a buzz for 200 people, courtesy of Red Bull, whiskey and schnapps ... aka star f**kers.
Here's the breakdown ... Hart dropped $300 on dinner, which included 2 bottles of vodka for his crew, his fiancee and 8 others -- then threw down $600 for the shots and tacked on a fat $300 tip.
But he wasn't done yet -- he shelled out another $100 in drinks for a b-day girl and her friends and passed the local flower lady a hundo just because.
Sounds like if Hart's ever down in Texas, he'll hook you up.