Greg Ellis Defends Jerry Jones ... He's Right About Greg Hardy
NFL's Greg Ellis Back Off Jerry Jones ... He's Right About Hardy

Good news for Jerry Jones ... there's at least one guy who supports how he's handling the Greg Hardy situation ... former Cowboys superstar Greg Ellis, who says it's Jones' job to put winning first.
"I don't think Jerry made a mistake by putting him on the team. Jerry's job is to help the Cowboys win," Ellis told us in L.A. Wednesday night at a screening of his movie "Carter High."
"When [Jerry] sees a talent that can help his team, he goes after that talent."
We also asked if Jones should have reconsidered and FIRED Hardy after pictures surfaced last week showing the damage Hardy allegedly inflicted on his ex-GF in 2014 ... and once again, Ellis had Jerry's back.
"[The pictures are] not 100% evidence of what really took place."
There's more ... Ellis also says he strongly believes Ray Rice deserves a 2nd chance in the NFL.
It's interesting stuff ... check out the clip.