Donnell Rawlings Says Blake Griffin Will Roast Jeff Ross, Then Roasts Jeff Ross
Donnell Rawlings Blake Griffin Will Roast Jeff Ross ... And I Will Too

Comedy star Donnell Rawlings is 100% behind Blake Griffin in his upcoming roast battle with Jeff Ross ... saying he believes Griffin will win, then roasting the hell out of Jeff Ross on the spot.
Ross and Griffin are gonna duke it out with the insults pretty soon ... and, when we got Rawlings at LAX on Thursday, we wanted to know who he thought would come outta the roast victorious.
Normally this is where we we'd put a quote in the story, but after saying Blake would win the battle, Rawlings proceeds to eviscerate Ross with every four letter word and insult we can think of.
It was enough to make us blush ... and we're TMZ Sports ... think about that.