Roy Jones Jr. Spoke with Michael B. Jordan About Boxing Match
Roy Jones Jr. Spoke with Michael B. Jordan ... About Boxing Match

Bad news everyone ... Roy Jones Jr. and Michael B. Jordan have finally talked -- and it looks like they WON'T be getting in the ring for a real-life boxing match.
Remember, Michael B. previously told us he's so confident in his boxing skills, he could actually hang with the 49-year-old in a fight. Roy had told him to set it up!!!

Well, now we've learned the two sides have connected -- and smartly for Michael B., sounds like the fight is off.
"We just talked about it. We laughed about it. It's a fun thing," Roy told us.
The good news -- Roy actually likes the guy and says he'd be down to help train Michael up for the next 'Creed' movie.
In fact, Roy acknowledged that Michael's had "extensive" boxing training and -- "he'd probably do okay for a few rounds with me!"
This all stems from comments Michael B. made to TMZ Sports a few weeks ago when he said he thinks he'd be able to hold is own with the current, 49-year-old version of Roy. He admitted Roy in his prime might kill him in the ring.
Roy had previously invited Michael B. to call him up so they could fight -- but after talking things out, sounds like the two ain't about to get it on any time soon.

Bottom line -- Jones says people can train for a fight all they want, but there's nothing that can prepare you for the first time you get cracked in the face.
True statement.