Common Admits Black Community Failed R. Kelly Survivors, Says That Ends Now
Common on R. Kelly Black Community Failed Survivors But, That Ends Now!!!

Common is copping to turning a blind eye to the allegations about R. Kelly abusing women ... saying he and the entire black community should have put a stop to it long ago.
We got the rapper/actor out Tuesday at LAX where he said he's guilty of not coming to the rescue of Kelly's alleged sex slaves. He also calls it a systemic failure when it comes to how society values black women and makes no bones about it -- if the alleged victims were white instead of black, there would have been more outrage.
Common -- who's from Chicago, just like Kelly -- is done giving him a pass. As you know, there's been a ton of backlash since the "Surviving R. Kelly" 6-part series -- Tank blasted Kelly and Daymond John explained why he thinks Kelly should kill himself.
Add Common to the list of people who think Kelly needs to face consequences, starting right now.
But, he's also saying Kelly fans -- himself included -- shoulder some blame for letting the singer's alleged criminal behavior go unchecked.