Dr. Phil Hypochondriacs Especially Screwed By Coronavirus Panic!!!

Dr. Phil says folks who constantly fear getting sick are probably more at risk to contract coronavirus than the average Joe ... but not because of the virus itself.
The good doc came on "TMZ Live" Wednesday to talk about what's now a global pandemic and its effect on hypochondria. First off, he dropped some knowledge ... it's now called illness anxiety disorder, and he says people suffering from it are in "their perfect storm."
Phil says the wall-to-wall media coverage of coronavirus not only affirms their worst fears, it actually exacerbates the problem. Watch the clip ... he explains why their immune systems could be compromised by the panic.
Howie Mandel -- who's not a hypochondriac, but famously a germophobe -- showed up for 'AGT' Tuesday looking like most folks with illness anxiety disorder probably feel right about now.
Even more bad news ... Dr. Phil says it's near impossible now to convince them things aren't as bad as they seem.
Yeah, we could all use a big ol' dose o' Hakuna Matata right about now.