Mother Selling Taylor Swift Tickets Because of Kamala Harris Endorsement
Taylor Swift Woman Says She's Selling Tickets ... Won't Support 'Non-Christian' Swift
Taylor Swift's support of Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election has cost her the support of at least one fan ... who's calling out T-Swift's faith.

A video's going viral online featuring a woman who says she has 3 tickets to a Taylor Swift concert in Toronto, taking place in November ... a gift for her daughter's 13th birthday.
But she says she's pissed about Taylor's endorsement of Kamala Harris ... saying Taylor posted it so soon after the debate, she thinks Swift didn't actually keep an open mind going into Tuesday night's Harris v Trump showdown.
The woman in the clip then calls out Taylor for voting without considering the working person ... saying people are losing their homes, jobs and businesses, but Swift doesn't have to care since she's a billionaire. She says she thinks Harris will only further damage the economy.

Taylor Swift's only thinking of LGBTQ rights and abortion access, this woman adds ... neither of which will be affected under Trump, according to the poster.
The Taylor Swift hater then asks how Taylor can call herself a Christian and believe in abortion rights ... calling her mindset "Non-Christian."

All this boils down to the mom saying she's selling 3 tickets to the show ... 'cause she doesn't want her daughter thinking abortion's OK -- and, she doesn't want to pad Taylor's pockets with any more of her coin.
The video's pretty divisive online ... split along party lines, with conservatives applauding her for telling Tay off, and liberals mocking the woman who posted it for complaining about the economy after she bought 3 very expensive T-Swift tickets.
Taylor said she's voting for Kamala after the debate Tuesday ... branding herself a "childless cat lady" in the caption -- a shot at J.D. Vance's past comments.
Seems not every Swiftie is happy about it ... and, they're letting Taylor hear it.