Ben Baller Offers Kanye a Chain Ultimatum Over Kid Cudi Feud
Ben Baller Ye Wants a Chain??? He Can Dream On If He's a Cudi Hater!!!

Kanye West apparently wants a chain made by Ben Baller, but he’ll never get it ... as long as he’s still beefing with Kid Cudi, anyway.
We got Hollywood’s go-to jeweler in L.A. to expand on some tweets he fired off during the Ye-Cudi showdown this past weekend -- when Kanye disavowed KC because he's friends with Pete Davidson.
In response, Ben recounted how Kanye’s been hounding him for a custom dove piece -- while also calling him a “bitch” for attacking Cudi, with whom BB is good pals.
The way Ben sees it, going after Cudi is totally unfair and unwarranted -- not just because of their long history as label mates, but on account of personal things Ben says Cudi’s gone through. On top of that, Ben says he’s just a lovely guy.
Like Ben tells us here, he wasn’t going to stand by and let his friend take a stray for something so absurd as perceived alliances. He also makes this clear ... if Ye has a problem with Cudi, then he's got one with Ben too -- and he can kiss the prospect of getting a chain goodbye.
So, yes, the door’s still open -- if only slightly -- and the ball is definitely in Ye’s court on how to proceed.
One last thing ... Ben gave us his thoughts on the Kim-Ye-Pete drama, and he had an interesting way to describe it -- “high school.” He also offers advice to Kanye about where his priorities should be right now.