'Big Brother' Head of House Launches Into Rant ... Less Than A Week In!!!


"Big Brother" is heating up early this year ... 'cause one housemate tore into another just days into the competition -- and, people online are loving it.

Here's the deal ... season 26 of "Big Brother" premiered on Wednesday, and diehards are obviously watching the 24/7 streams -- and, anyone who got up early on Saturday got treated to a verbal brawl between two contestants.

Angela -- who won the first competition, therefore becoming the first head of household -- comes downstairs to breakfast with the other competitors at 8 AM ... and immediately launches into an epic tirade about housemate Matt.

'Big Brother' Champ Dick Donato Blasts Show for Nixing Live Feed ... It's All Over $$$!!!


"Big Brother" winner Dick Donato is sounding off on Paramount+'s decision to axe the live feed's rewind and archive features, and he has a one-word theory on why they did it ... money!

We caught up with Evel Dick after the streaming platform retooled the live feed -- which left fans seriously pissed, because now they can't watch back unfiltered moments. Fans speculated this was a strategy to keep problematic moments in the house from plaguing the show ... but DD isn't sold on this theory, telling us this is likely a money thing.

As Dick put it, Paramount+ and CBS don't care about controversy, as this often captures fans' interest and gets them to tune in. Instead, he points to the fact the show is filmed with HD cameras ... and says archiving that footage likely costs a pretty penny.


The classic winning formula "Big Brother" has implemented for years is getting a facelift this season -- 'cause you won't be able to hit rewind anymore ... and fans are pissed.

Paramount+ dropped the news on their streaming site -- noting archives and flashbacks won’t be available for the live feed on Season 26 of their long-running CBS reality show -- but they've told fans they could still catch all the live feed action on four different cameras.

The only catch ... they'll have to do it in real time, so if you miss something -- tough!

'Big Brother' Autumn Daly Arrested For Theft

Autumn Daly -- a contestant on "Big Brother 2" way back in 2001 -- has been arrested on a theft charge in Texas ... TMZ has learned.

Police arrested Daly last month in Lewisville, TX on an outstanding warrant for theft. Cops say they found AD after they tracked her car to a local retail store she owns called Encore! Encore!

An officer asked her if she had any warrants, and they say she confirmed she did. Police claim Autumn said she's in the process of taking care of the warrants but hadn't yet -- so, they arrested her.

'Big Brother' Christmas Abbott Dismisses DV Protection Against Ex Memphis ... Stands By Allegations

"Big Brother" star Christmas Abbott is no longer seeking protection from her ex, Memphis Garrett ... but the ex-couple will still keep their distance from each other, TMZ has learned.

Sources familiar with the situation tell us ... Christmas has voluntarily dismissed her petition seeking a restraining order against Memphis ... this after she made claims of domestic violence against him back in March.

We're told the reality TV star moved forward with this decision after Memphis agreed to a no-contact arrangement. While it might seem like they're all good ... they're anything but.

'BIG BROTHER' CHRISTMAS ABBOTT Revenge Porn Case Against Baby Daddy Dropped

The father of Christmas Abbott's kid is off the hook in his revenge porn case ... as prosecutors in North Carolina have dropped all the charges against him.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, prosecutors dismissed the case against Benjamin Bunn -- who shares a 5-year-old son with the 'Big Brother' alum -- due to insufficient evidence.

We broke the story ... Bunn was arrested back in October, and hit with 3 counts of disclosure of private images after Christmas told cops Bunn was behind a fake online profile pretending to be her, and posting her adult content she published behind a paywall.

Police investigated and got a warrant to arrest Bunn, but now prosecutors say there just isn't enough evidence to bring this case before a jury.

Meanwhile, Christmas has also made domestic violence claims against her estranged husband Memphis Garrett, and even got a temporary restraining order against him before he filed for divorce.

Memphis denies the DV allegation and sources close to him told us he feels Christmas made it all up to get him in trouble with the law.


El padre del niño de Christmas Abbott puede estar tranquilo, ya que los fiscales de Carolina del Norte han retirado todos los cargos en su contra.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, los fiscales desestimaron el caso contra Benjamin Bunn -que comparte un hijo de 5 años de edad con la estrella de "Gran Hermano" alumbre- debido a la insuficiencia de pruebas.

Publicamos la noticia... Bunn fue detenido en octubre y acusado de tres cargos de divulgación de imágenes privadas luego de que Christmas le dijera a la policía que Bunn estaba detrás de un perfil falso en línea, haciéndose pasar por ella, y publicó contenido para adultos en un muro de pago.

La policía investigó y obtuvo una orden de arresto contra Bunn, pero ahora los fiscales dicen que simplemente no hay pruebas suficientes para llevar este caso ante un jurado.

Mientras tanto, Christmas también ha hecho denuncias de violencia doméstica contra su marido Memphis Garrett, e incluso obtuvo una orden de restricción temporal contra él antes de que pidiera el divorcio.

Memphis niega la acusación de violencia doméstica y fuentes cercanas a él nos dijeron que siente que Christmas lo inventó todo para meterlo en problemas con la ley.

'Big Brother' Christmas Abbott Baby Daddy Arrested For Revenge Porn

Christmas Abbott's baby daddy was arrested in North Carolina ... for allegedly sharing explicit images of Christmas without her permission.

According to legal documents obtained by TMZ ... Benjamin Bunn, who shares five-year-old son Loyal with Abbott, was arrested back in October and charged with three counts of disclosure of private images. He was later released on a $30,000 bond.

Sources close to the investigation tell us ... Abbot was being harassed by a fake account pretending to be her. Christmas believed Bunn was behind the account and was using it to post photos taken from an account where she publishes adult content from behind a paywall.

We’re told Christmas took this info to the cops ... who investigated, got a warrant, and eventually took Bunn into custody. His next court date is in February.

"Big Brother" fans will remember Christmas from seasons 19 and 22 of the show ... where she finished third and fourth respectively. She's also a CrossFit trainer and former Nascar pit crew member.

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Abbott's had well-documented trouble with Bunn in the past. As we reported ... just a couple months before her son was born, Christmas suspected Benjamin was cheating on her -- and went to a Tampa gym to confront his alleged mistress.

The confrontation got out of hand ... with Christmas ramming into the woman's car. Cops showed up at the scene, but they declined to process her at the time, because she was almost 8 months pregnant. She turned herself in a few months later after she'd given birth.

Ultimately, CA avoided jail time ... pleading to misdemeanor criminal mischief and getting a year of probation and 25 hours of community service ... she was also ordered to pay $1,357.95 in restitution.

Benjamin Bunn es detenido por pornografía vengativa

El padre del bebé de Christmas Abbott fue detenido en Carolina del Norte por presuntamente compartir imágenes explícitas de Christmas sin su permiso.

De acuerdo con documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Benjamin Bunn, que comparte a Loyal -de cinco años- con Abbott, fue detenido en octubre y acusado de tres cargos de divulgación de imágenes privadas. Más tarde fue puesto en libertad bajo fianza de 30.000 dólares.

Fuentes cercanas a la investigación nos dicen que Abbott estaba siendo acosada por una cuenta falsa que se hacía pasar por ella. Christmas creía que Bunn estaba detrás de la cuenta y que la estaba utilizando para publicar fotos tomadas de una cuenta donde publicaba contenido para adultos.

Nos dicen que Christmas llevó esta información a la policía, quienes investigaron, obtuvo una orden judicial y finalmente detuvieron a Bunn. Su próxima cita en la corte es en febrero.

Los fans de "Gran Hermano" recordarán a Christmas de las temporadas 19 y 22 del programa, donde terminó tercera y cuarta respectivamente. Ella es también una entrenadora de CrossFit y ex-miembro del equipo de boxes Nascar.

tmz investiga
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Abbott ha tenido problemas bien documentados con Bunn en el pasado. Como hemos informado, solo un par de meses antes de que naciera su hijo, Christmas sospechaba que Benjamin la estuviera engañando y fue a un gimnasio de Tampa para hacerle frente a su supuesta amante.

La confrontación se le fue de las manos, con Christmas embistiendo el carro de la mujer. La policía se presentaron en la escena, pero se negaron a procesarla en ese momento porque estaba embarazada de casi 8 meses. Ella se entregó unos meses más tarde después de haber dado a luz.

En última instancia, evitó el tiempo de cárcel declarándose culpable de un delito menor de daño criminal y obteniendo un año de libertad condicional y 25 horas de servicio comunitario, también se le ordenó pagar $1.357.95 en restitución.

Paris Hilton I Have a New Baby Girl!!! Big Fans of Paris and London

Paris Hilton had a solid reason to give thanks Thursday ... she announced a new addition to her fam.

Paris and hubby Carter Reum have a new little girl!


Based on pics of Paris over the last few months, it's pretty clear the baby was born via surrogate, just like their other child, Phoenix.

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The baby's name -- London. We're guessing that's the name because Paris posted a pic of a pink getup with that name emblazoned on the garment.

London and Phoenix are contemporaries ... he was born less than a year ago.

Paris is already asking her son if he's ready to be a big brother. Hopefully, that doesn't mean she's angling to put him on the reality show!

Paris was all over social media, asking her niece and nephew, "You guys excited for your new cousin?" Caspian, her nephew, asked, "You have two babies?" She replied in the affirmative.


Paris Hilton ¡¡¡Tiene una nueva niña!!! Fans de Paris y London

Paris Hilton tenía una razón muy sólida para dar gracias este jueves y es que anunció una nueva adición a su familia.

¡Paris y su marido Carter Reum tienen una nueva niña!

Hermano mayor Phoenix

Si miramos las fotos de París de los últimos meses, es bastante claro que el bebé nació a través de un vientre de alquiler, al igual que su otro hijo, Phoenix.

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El nombre del bebé es London. Suponemos que ese es el nombre porque Paris publicó una foto de un atuendo rosa con ese nombre estampado en la prenda.

London y Phoenix son contemporáneos. Él nació hace menos de un año.

Paris ya le está preguntando a su hijo si está preparado para ser hermano mayor. ¡Esperemos que eso no signifique que esté tratando de ponerlo en el reality show!

Paris estuvo también por todas las redes sociales preguntando a sus sobrinos: "¿Están emocionados por su nuevo primo?". Caspian, su sobrino, preguntó: "¿Tienes dos bebés?". Ella respondió afirmativamente.


'Big Brother' Winner Jun Song Son Was Ill w/ Meningitis ... Starts GoFundMe Over Sky-High Bill

Jun Song, the winner of 'Big Brother' Season 4, has been facing every mother's worst nightmare after her son fell seriously ill ... and she's asking the public for help.

The former reality TV star recently revealed that her little boy, Noah, has had a lengthy stay at a hospital lately ... all over a meningitis diagnosis that took its toll and left him in a medical bed for nearly two weeks.

After sharing an image of her 11-year-old hooked up to a hospital ventilator, Song has now sought out financial assistance on GoFundMe ... emotionally reflecting on Noah falling ill with what she thought was the flu -- but which turned out to be mycoplasma pneumoniae that spiraled into the deadly viral infection.

She says the slowest hours of her life were watching him lose consciousness and lay in the children's ICU, where she had no idea if he'd be left with permanent brain damage or whether he'd even wake up.

Song says it took 11 days for Noah to return to everyday tasks, such as going to the bathroom and eating solid food ... and while it sounds like he's been released, their family isn't out of the woods just yet.

As a result of all the work that was done on Noah ... his mom says there's a massive bill she has to deal with -- and her insurance doesn't cover a majority of it. As a single mom, she's now trying to raise money to help with her tab.

Jun explains she always knew life would be hard but didn't expect the avalanches of hardships tossed her way ... and after years of helping others, hopes to be on the receiving end of assistance during this challenging time.

Ganadora de Gran Hermano El racismo en el show debería ser asumido

Déjenlos que se expongan

Taylor Hale, la primera mujer negra en ganar "Gran Hermano", dice que el espectáculo sin duda tiene un problema de racismo, pero cree que hay una manera más fácil de lidiarlo con ello que simplemente cancelándolo.

Hablamos con la ganadora del reality show, que se llevó a casa un premio en efectivo de 800 mil dólares el año pasado en Los Ángeles, sobre lo que ha sido un tema recurrente en Gran Hermano últimamente. Esto es, que los concursantes blancos siguen diciendo cosas problemáticas sobre sus compañeros negros, año tras año.

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Taylor dice que definitivamente es consciente de esa tendencia, pero no cree que sea un problema exclusivo de la famosa serie de CBS. Por el contrario, piensa que simplemente representa un microcosmos de la sociedad estadounidense.

Curiosamente, Taylor Hale tampoco cree que el racismo y/o las microagresiones de las que fue víctima en varias ocasiones sean un pecado capital en sí mismos en el contexto de la serie. De hecho, Taylor dice que es una táctica estratégica que se podría utilizar para ganar.

Es un juego peligroso

Sin embargo, lo que realmente le molesta es cuando son criticados y ellos intentan negar su mal comportamiento. En su opinión, si la gente admitiera su mala conducta, como parte de la competencia, probablemente saldrían relativamente ilesos.

Es una idea fascinante ... Básicamente, Taylor suena bastante realista, señalando que el racismo existe absolutamente, pero también que las personas mostrando sus verdaderos colores en el show no son tanto el problema como Twitter quiere que lo sea.

Cada caso es distinto, por supuesto. A veces los concursantes dicen o hacen cosas que son realmente reprochables y cuando lo hacen, son expulsados lo antes posible. Taylor dice que Gran Hermano maneja todo esto bastante bien.

En términos de cómo ha estado Taylor últimamente, echa un vistazo a esta galería. Se lo está pasando en grande.

'Big Brother' Winner Taylor Hale Racism on Show Should Be Owned ... Don't Deny Bad Behavior!!!


Taylor Hale -- the first Black woman to win "Big Brother" -- says the show certainly has a racism problem, but thinks there's an easier way to deal with it besides outright canceling.

We talked to the reality show winner, who took home an $800k cash prize last year, in L.A. about what she made of a recurring theme on 'BB' lately ... namely, white contestants continuing to say problematic things about fellow Black competitors year in and year out.

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Taylor says she's definitely aware of that trend but doesn't think it's unique to the famous CBS series. On the contrary, she says it's simply a microcosm of American society.

Interestingly enough ... TH also doesn't think the racism and/or microaggressions -- of which she fell victim to on several occasions -- are a cardinal sin in and of themselves in the context of the show. In fact, Taylor says it's a strategic tactic that could be used to win.


What she does take issue with, however, is when people get called out for it ... only to try and deny any wrongdoing. In her eyes, if folks just owned their bad behavior and chalked it up to competition ... they'd probably come out on the other side relatively unscathed.

It's a fascinating take ... basically, Taylor sounds like a realist here -- noting that racism absolutely exists, but also pointing out that people showing their true biased colors in the course of the show isn't as big a deal as Twitter makes it out to be each season.

Case by case, of course ... sometimes contestants say/do things that are actually cancelable -- and when they do, they're booted ASAP. Taylor says 'BB' handles all this well enough.

In terms of how Taylor's doing lately ... check it out. She's living it up and then some!

'The Challenge' Paulie Calafiore I'm Attracted To Men and Women ... Comes Out After MTV Show

Paulie Calafiore, who just got eliminated from MTV's "The Challenge: USA," is coming out as bisexual.

The reality TV star came out to GLAAD, saying he almost feels guilty about waiting so long to share his truth.

Paulie says he decided to come out as bisexual after changing his perspective ... explaining, "There might be other people that are going through this exact same thing …and maybe this is what they needed to hear and what they needed to see in order to do it themselves."


For Paulie, one of the hurdles was his upbringing as an athlete ... he says he felt pressure to be viewed publicly as a strong athlete and competitor, and that sports culture made him feel like he had to repress his sexuality.

Paulie, who is also a "Big Brother" alum, says since coming out as bisexual he's been accepted by his family and his longtime girlfriend and fellow 'Challenge' star Cara Maria Sorbello.

Now that the weight's been lifted, Paulie tells TMZ ... "I really don’t know what to say at this point other than I’m extremely grateful. I am looking forward to what the future holds, the community has been so welcoming and so has everyone from all walks of life."

'Big Brother' Luke Valentine Lack of Sleep, Food Made Me Use N-Word


Former "Big Brother" contestant Luke Valentine says there's a simple explanation for him casually dropping the n-word -- but his quasi-apology isn't doing him a lot of favors.

Luke shared his thoughts Wednesday on social media as he went live from Havana ... claiming it's "pretty clear" he meant no harm when he used the racial slur around 3 houseguests, one of whom is Black.

He says his slip came after a week of not eating and getting pretty crappy sleep -- and he wants folks to know the 'BB' game can take a big toll on people.

Luke does say he regrets saying the n-word, but brushes off the whole thing in the same breath ... adding, "What happened, happened" and laughingly says the whole incident felt like when he was running his mouth in middle school. He understands why they had to boot him from the house, but ultimately thinks production made the wrong decision.


As you'd imagine, 'BB' fans online aren't taking his explanation that well -- one called it a "piss poor apology," while another wrote, "Trying your hardest to look as unbothered as possible and failing miserably."


As we reported, Luke let it slip and then swapped the word for "dude," laughing over it while his fellow contestants shamed him. He stuck around with housemate Jared, who ended up telling Luke, "I don't give a f***" in response to his using the epithet.


Luke was booted off the show pretty quickly after the incident -- and while he says he has no beef with producers for booting him out of the house, he thinks they made a mistake by letting him go.

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