Paula Patton I'm NOT Taking Robin Back ... Yet

Paula Patton is NOT reconciling with Robin Thicke ... at least not yet, and she may never get back with him.

Sources close to Paula tell TMZ ... Robin has not been convincing enough for her to bring him back into her life. We're told Paula is saying the same thing she's said since she threw in the towel late last month -- that he needs to prove he can be a good husband.

Robin has begged for forgiveness in concerts, on TMZ, and privately, but we're told she's spending a lot of time thinking but she has absolutely not decided to give the marriage another try.

On the other hand ... we're told she still has not met with a divorce lawyer and has made no decision to file legal docs.

Short story ... the jury is still out, and Robin needs a real good closing argument.

Robin Thicke I'm Going 'Round and 'Round To Save My Marriage

Robin Thicke may have failed as a husband ... but it seems he wants to show Paula Patton he rocks hard in the daddy department.

Robin went public in ATL Thursday with 3-year-old Julian at the 20 story high SkyView Ferris wheel.

The singer racked up some miles just to give Julian a thrill. He had flown from Detroit to Atlanta just to ride the Ferris wheel, then hopped on a plane for North Carolina for another concert.

Paula's back in Vancouver working on her movie -- but if she sees this ... well, baby steps.

Marlon Wayans Kobe Changed the Game ... for Adulterers

The $4 MILLION apology ring Kobe Bryant gave to Vanessa screwed things up for cheaters everywhere ... so says Marlon Wayans who says Kobe set the price of forgiveness way too damn high.

Marlon dished out the knowledge after we asked if Robin Thicke's apparent flower offensive would help the singer win back his wife after she broke things off.

"Robin's trying to bring it back to simplicity," Marlon said ... "Kobe changed the game."

"How is any man that f**ks up ... and we all f**k up ... how am I gonna compete with that?!"

For the record, Kobe didn't just splurge on a ring ... he also gave Vanessa 3 MANSIONS!

... and they're still together.

Robin Thicke In Case She Doesn't Take Me Back LET'S PARTY!

Robin Thicke is either sending mixed messages to estranged wife Paula Patton or he's thrown in the towel on the marriage, because he was out clubbing late Monday night.

Robin was at DBA in Hollywood ... a Hollywood cabaret dance club and interactive gallery space -- don't ask, because we don't get it either. He was celebrating his 37th birthday party with Leonardo DiCaprio.

Thicke left alone, at around 1 AM, accompanied by a driver and bodyguard.

Now here's the thing ... The club is known for its waitresses who walk around showing about as much boob as is legally allowed.

Dave Chappelle
, NBA star Glen Davis, and Lil Twist were also there.

Here's who wasn't there -- Paula Patton. It's interesting. Over the weekend, Robin was on stage dedicating love songs to her.

We're told Paula's been keeping tabs on her hubby. Who knows ... maybe it's just how they roll.

Robin Thicke Paula's Softening On Reconciliation

Robin Thicke has made significant headway in his campaign to win his wife back, because multiple sources directly connected to the couple tell TMZ ... Paula Patton is open to giving him another chance.

We're told Robin and Paula never stopped communicating. They talk constantly, but she was very clear the day she dumped him ... she wanted a DIVORCE.

Our sources say the tone of the conversations has changed, and the 2 of them are now talking about what Robin needs to do to convince Paula that the marriage can work to her satisfaction.

She has not hired a divorce lawyer, we're told, and has no plans to do so. We're told their phone conversations have been productive. But here's what hasn't been productive ... she's not impressed with Robin's on-stage pronouncements of love.

She is impressed that Robin has been a good dad since the split, seeing their kid when he can and keeping in touch when he's on the road.

As for the tone of the conversations ... we're told "smooth and cordial." We're not exactly sure what smooth means, but you know, they're both very ... smooth.

Robin Thicke Pleads with Paula Patton During Concert ... Again!!

This is starting to become embarrassing ... Robin Thicke is still going on and on about the importance of forgiveness in a relationship -- all in an attempt to make amends with his ex Paula Patton.

Thicke performed to a packed house Friday night in Madison Square Garden ... and started preaching to the crowd about forgiving your family members ... no matter what the cause.

Thicke says, "We gotta learn to forgive each other, learn to love each other ... no matter who it is in your family or relationship ... 'cause you're always gonna need your friends and family."

... and a good divorce lawyer.

Robin Thicke See, I Told You I'm Being Good!!

Robin Thicke is on a mission to prove he's done playing grab-ass with chicks while touring ... so he hit up a local b-ball court before his concert Saturday night to shoot hoops with a bunch of dudes.
Thicke stopped by a gym in Connecticut and messed around on the court with the Norwich Free Academy's boys basketball team ... and according to reports he was a pretty decent shooter.

As we previously reported ... Robin is trying to show Paula Patton he can be a good husband and change. For her part, we know she told him she wants a divorce, but she hasn't hired a divorce lawyer -- yet -- and she hasn't completely closed the door.

Might as well start with his jump shot.

Paula Patton Robin Won't Get Me Back By Crying

Robin Thicke can cry all he wants on stage about his love for Paula Patton ... but it's not going to change her mind about leaving him ... sources tell TMZ. For that ... he has to do something else.

Sources connected with the couple tell us ... Paula is unimpressed with Robin telling both TMZ and thousands of concertgoers he's trying to win her back.

Here's the good news for Robin. Although she TOLD him she wanted a divorce, she hasn't hired a divorce lawyer yet and she's open to reconciliation.

BUT ... before she takes him back, Robin has to prove his loyalty to her ... by his actions. She's keeping tabs on him at his concerts, watching who he hangs with, which parties he attends -- especially the after parties -- and what photos surface.

We're told Paula knows photogs have their cameras trained on Robin, and she views the paparazzi are her private detectives.

You know the drill, Robin.

Robin Thicke Gushes On Stage ... I'm Lost Without Paula

Robin Thicke got back to performing tonight and wasted no time using the stage to beg for Paula Patton's mercy ... opening up to the crowd about the break-up and dedicating a song to her.

Thicke wore his wedding ring through the show in Fairfax, VA and told the crowd -- "For y'all that don't know me and my wife separated, but I'm trying to get my girl back. She's a good woman."

He also told fans he'd written the song "Lost Without U" for Paula ... before launching into the hit -- which we gotta say is kinda the perfect song for a guy trying to get back on a chick's good side.

Then again, Paula's heard this tune a hundred times.

Paula Patton Robin Lays it On Thicke with FLORAL ASSAULT

Robin Thicke is GUILTY of a floral assault ... bombarding his estranged wife with begging-for-forgiveness bouquets ... at least that's the way it seems.

Paula Patton's Hollywood Hills home was inundated with gigantic, expensive floral arrangements Thursday ... hours before Robin got on stage and told the audience he's gunning to get his girl back.

True enough ... it's possible Robin didn't send the flowers, but it would be remarkably coincidental that they came from someone else.

Typically people don't send beautiful bouquets when a woman dumps her hubby.

Robin Thicke 'I'm Just Trying to Get Her Back'

Robin Thicke was shockingly candid as he arrived in Washington D.C. Thursday afternoon ... making it clear he's not throwing in the towel on his marriage, telling our photog, "I'm just trying to get her back."

TMZ broke the story ... Paula Patton called him last Friday and said their marriage was over, and Robin flew to Canada -- where she was filming -- in a desperate but failed attempt to change her mind.

As we reported ... things really fell apart after Robin simulated sex with Miley Cyrus onstage at the VMAs last month. But Robin told our photog, the performance had nothing to do with his marital problems.

Our sources say Paula was livid and felt "utterly disrespected" by Robin's antics with Miley.

Robin is in D.C. for a concert Thursday night. He says his performance will be the same, even though some of his songs are about Paula.

He told our photog he's just trying to figure things out.

Robin/Paula Split Triggered By Antics with Miley

Robin Thicke's marriage fell apart when he dry humped Miley Cyrus on stage before a national audience ... humiliating his wife.

Sources connected to the couple tell TMZ ... Paula Patton felt "utterly disrespected" when Robin virtually simulated sex with Miley the night of the VMAs. We're told after the performance Paula got into a blow-out argument with Robin, telling him he insulted her before a huge national TV audience.

What really pissed Paula off is that the performance was a total surprise. Miley improvised the raunchy part without warning, but Robin played along ... and that enraged Paula.

Sources say Paula went nuclear when she saw pictures surface of her hubby at one of the after-parties grabbing a woman's ass ... virtually digging inside.

We're told things never got better after that. They argued constantly and Paula was furious Robin continued to party at clubs with various women ... pictured at times getting very cozy.

It reached the point of no return last week -- at least for Paula. As we reported ... Robin is pulling out all the stops to change her mind, but we're told she wants out of the marriage.

Paula Patton All Smiles After Split NO WEDDING RING

Paula Patton can still put on a happy face -- just days after announcing her separation from husband Robin Thicke, Paula arrived in L.A. with a big smile ... and no wedding ring.

The couple announced they were splitting this week -- and as we reported, the marriage meltdown stemmed from Robin's scandalous behavior with other women ... Miley Cyrus in particular.

Robin has pulled out all the stops to save his marriage -- canceling several tour dates -- but Paula's not budging.

Robin Thicke I Haven't Given Up on Paula

The fat lady hasn't sung in Robin Thicke's marriage ... at least according to him, because he has had time to think and he's now determined to win Paula Patton back.

TMZ broke the story ... Paula called Robin on Friday to tell him she wanted a divorce ... and Robin jumped on a plane and flew to Canada and tried in vain to convince her to change her mind.

Sources connected with the singer tell TMZ ... Robin desperately wants to save his marriage. We're told he's resuming his tour on Thursday where he's performing in Washington D.C., but he will NOT go out on the town -- something he liked doing in the past.

We're told he wants to convince Paula he can change and be a good husband. The surreptitious ass-grabbing is a thing of the past.

Sources also tell us ... Robin is really concerned about their son. He does not want him raised in 2 separate homes.

The couple released a statement saying they have separated ... but our sources made it clear ... she wants a divorce.

Robin Thicke Sometimes Relationships Slip Through the Cracks

Robin Thicke fought the good fight to save his marriage ... taking a hail Mary flight to meet Paula Patton in Canada -- but it must have been too little too late.

Or she couldn't forget all the "crevicing" he's been spotted doing. Yeah, that's a word now.

Robin Thicke Desperate Flight to Canada To Save Marriage

Robin Thicke threw a Hail Mary last Friday to try to save his marriage ... cancelling his Atlanta concert and flying to Canada to plead with his wife ... TMZ has learned.

Sources connected with the couple tell us ... Paula Patton told Robin Friday she wanted to end the marriage. Robin then abruptly cancelled his show, saying he had throat problems. But the cancellation was solely so he could sit with his wife and try to change her mind.

We're told Paula -- who is shooting a movie in Vancouver -- and Robin had a long, face-to-face talk ... both acknowledging they had not been getting along and frequently arguing.

Our sources say in the end Robin realized Paula was determined to end the marriage and reluctantly agreed, but was very upset. We're told she was also upset.

The next day Robin cancelled his Orlando concert so he could be with their child.

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