Brandi Glanville Says Face Fillers Are Dissolved ... In Touch w/ Terry Dubrow

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Brandi Glanville's willing to take whatever help she can get when it comes to her face ... saying she's got no beef with Dr. Terry Dubrow -- and, she's actually contacted him!

The former 'Real Housewives' star took to X just minutes ago to dispel rumors of tension between her and the plastic surgery expert after he told us an injection gone wrong may be the cause of deflated face.

In the post, Brandi writes that there's no drama with Dr. Dubrow ... and, she's happy to take all the help she can get.


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11:51 AM PT -- Dr. Terry joined us on "TMZ Live" Wednesday morning to further discuss the attempt on Donald Trump's life ... including his theory that DJT's injury might be more superficial than it originally appeared and mentioning the possibility of PTSD for the former prez.


Dr. Terry Dubrow is giving his expert take on Donald Trump's wounded ear -- dishing on what kinda surgery he might need ... which could be uglier than many thought.

We caught up with the "Botched" star Tuesday -- who's a plastic surgeon himself -- and he tells us depending on how much tissue was blown off from the high-velocity bullet impact after the assassination attempt ... Trump might need a "missing parts" surgery.

Dr. Paul Nassif Plastic Surgery Warning for Gypsy Rose Blanchard

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Whatever Makes Her Feel Good

Celebrity plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Nassif has an urgent warning for Gypsy Rose Blanchard following her recent nose job ... don't get carried away.

The "Botched" star tells TMZ ... he hopes GRB doesn't find herself addicted to cosmetic surgery, as the doc claims many people tend to whittle away at their face after getting their first procedure.

Dr. Nassif warns this can leave patients, well, looking botched ... requiring his and Dr. Terry Dubrow's help in the long run. But, Dr. Nassif doesn't seem too worried about Gypsy, who underwent a rhinoplasty and septoplasty in Louisiana last week.

Dr. Terry Dubrow Jillian Knows Fitness ... But Ozempic Take Not Medically Valid

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Jillian Michaels and Dr. Terry Dubrow have been trading shots over Ozempic lately -- and the good doc is the latest to fire back ... telling us she should stay in her lane cause she has no proper medical credentials.

We got the "Botched" star outside Craig's Thursday ... and he doubles down on his initial claims against her ... practically shouting from the rooftops this time that her career as a personal trainer doesn't permit her to dish out medical advice.

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Despite publicly discrediting her PT career yet again, he appears to extend an olive branch ... saying she's actually great at her job -- but it's a back-handed compliment ... 'cause he says she still doesn't have medical validation to influence others against weight loss drugs.

Now, Terry does offer her a solution if she feels an absolute need to continue doing so -- Take her MCAT and go to med school. Savage!

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He also says the article Jillian cited in which he appeared to agree with her anti-Ozempic stance was taken out of context and doesn't hold up her argument -- explaining he was only being interviewed about the dangers of Ozempic ... hence why he was discussing it's side effects.


That's not all ... TD also ain't here for Jillian's claims she's the utmost authority on weight loss ... suggesting if that was the case, then she'd already be aware that diet and exercise alone doesn't cut it when tackling the obesity problem.

He says bottom line, any medication can be dangerous, but drugs like Ozempic are saving lives -- so Jillian needs to mind her own business and leave the advice to those with qualifications.

TMZ Studios

For good measure, the doc's wife, Heather Dubrow, jumps in ... saying she's known him for 30 years and he never changes his mind on anything -- an apparent shot at JM to back down and accept defeat.

Though, Jillian's known for being outspoken ... and it's probably a matter of time before she retaliates ... so looks like Ozempic battle between the two will rage on for a while.

'Botched' Star Terry Dubrow Wife & I Saved Folks From Strokes ... Medical Crisis Was Blessing

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Dr. Terry Dubrow says his medical emergency is one of the best things that ever happened to him ... 'cause he and his wife, Heather, are now saving folks from strokes.

We got the "Botched" and 'RHOC' stars in Century City and they told our photog his medical crisis helped get the word out about recognizing symptoms of strokes ... and they're getting messages from thankful families.

Terry and Heather say they're being flooded with messages from people who say they learned from them the importance of acting quickly when someone exhibits the signs of a stroke ... and it's literally saved lives.

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TMZ broke the story ... Terry started slurring his speech when he was out to dinner with his family, and Heather insisted he go to a hospital ... with Terry reluctantly going after some drama.

Terry's since done a deep dive into strokes and he says people have an hour window to get medical treatment ... and if they act quickly enough, they can reverse the effects of a stroke.

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It's pretty incredible ... Terry says based on the averages, he's estimating he and Heather are going to help save thousands of lives with their experience and messaging.

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Terry's looking and sounding healthy since suffering a transient ischemic attack (TIA) ... which can be a precursor to a full-blown stroke.... highlighting the importance of getting care ASAP.

LA ESTRELLA DE 'BOTCHED' TERRY DUBROW MI MUJER Y YO estamos salvando A GENTE DE DERRAMES CEREBRALES La crisis médica fue una bendición

un mensaje para todos

El Dr. Terry Dubrow dice que su emergencia médica es una de las mejores cosas que le han pasado, porque él y su esposa, Heather, ahora están salvando a la gente de los accidentes cerebrovasculares.

Tenemos la "Botched" y 'RHOC' estrellas en Century City y le dijo a nuestro fotógrafo su crisis médica ayudó a correr la voz sobre el reconocimiento de los síntomas de accidentes cerebrovasculares y que están recibiendo mensajes de las familias agradecidas.

Terry y Heather dicen que están siendo inundados con mensajes de personas que dicen que aprendieron de ellos la importancia de actuar con rapidez cuando alguien muestra los signos de un derrame cerebral y esto, literalmente, salvó vidas.

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tómalo de mí

TMZ publicó la historia, Terry comenzó a arrastrar las palabras un día cuando salió a cenar con su familia. Heather insistió en que fuera a ver a un médico. Finalemente y de mala gana fue al hospital.

Terry ha hecho desde entonces una inmersión profunda en los accidentes cerebrovasculares y dice que la gente tiene una ventana de una hora para recibir tratamiento médico, y si actúan con la suficiente rapidez, pueden revertir los efectos de un derrame cerebral.

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heather al rescate

Es bastante increíble, Terry dice que, basándose en los promedios, calcula que él y Heather van a ayudar a salvar miles de vidas con su experiencia y sus mensajes.

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ve algo, di algo

Terry parece estar sano desde que sufrió un accidente isquémico transitorio (AIT) que puede ser precursor de un derrame cerebral en toda regla, lo que subraya la importancia de recibir atención lo antes posible.

Dr. Paul Nassif Sells Bel-Air Home For $20.4M!!!

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Dr. Paul Nassif just unloaded his elaborate Bel-Air mansion for a pretty penny after years of construction and incredible design work on the pad.

According to property records, the top doc from "Botched" sold his 3-story Bel-Air home Wednesday, closing at auction for $20.4M. After auction fees, we're told Paul was left with $18.4M.

The 3-story pad was originally listed for $32M back in 2021, but since has gone through a ton of price cuts and real estate agents. Paul never lived in the home ... it was strictly a real estate and design project.

As for the home, it's 7-bedroom, 14-bath, and spans over 1.3 acres.

The owner will be hit with incredible features from the second they step on the property. There's a private motor court, stone cladding and water features to set the scene.

In addition to elaborate bedrooms -- the home comes with dual gourmet kitchens, a spacious pantry, an indoor-outdoor gym with a steam room and sauna, lounge and bar, 12-seat theater and a temperature-controlled wine room.

There's also an infinity-edged pool with a Baja shelf and Jacuzzi that cascades to a separate pool on the level below. All three stories have outdoor entertaining space ... and there's garage space to fit up to 5 cars. Don't forget the spectacular city-to-ocean views.

Josh Altman of Douglas Elliman and Jade Mills of Coldwell Banker Realty held the listing.

Dr. Paul Nassif to Artie Lange Call Me After 1-Year Sober I Gotta Fix Your Saddle Nose, Stat!!!

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Artie Lange is in serious danger of having breathing problems if he doesn't get his deformed nose fixed sooner rather than later ... but Dr. Paul Nassif first needs Artie to reach a major milestone in his sobriety.

We talked to the star M.D. from "Botched" and he tells TMZ ... Artie's saddle nose -- due to drug use and a bookie's fist -- could possibly trigger a lot of sinus infections because of the severe nasal obstruction.

Artie Lange is in serious danger of having breathing problems if he doesn't get his deformed nose fixed sooner rather than later ... but Dr. Paul Nassif first needs Artie to reach a major milestone in his sobriety.

The dangers are serious ... for instance, the doc says Artie could develop bronchitis from being forced to breath through his mouth, which would cause an irritation to his upper lungs. Plain and simple ... Artie's gotta get his nose in tip-top shape, but first and foremost comes his sobriety.

Dr. Paul Nassif To Artie Lange Clean Yourself Up ... I'll Fix Your Nose on 'Botched'


Dr. Paul Nassif wants to hook Artie Lange up with a nose job on his reality TV show ... if the comedian can kick his drug habit.

We talked to the "Botched" star about Artie's seriously deformed honker ... and the Bev Hills plastic surgeon tells us he's happy to offer his services to Artie -- but he's gotta stay clean.

Artie was arrested this past week in New Jersey for violating his drug probation, and his sad mug shot shows just how much damage's been done to his nose. The former Howard Stern sidekick recently tested positive for cocaine and morphine.

Nassif tells us Artie's got saddle nose, a deformity caused by trauma to the septum. The doc says the condition is common with drug abusers, and cocaine is the main culprit.

While he wants to get Artie on "Botched" so he can go under the knife ... Nassif says Artie's gotta stop putting drugs up his nose for good, because if he doesn't ... his nose will collapse again and it will look even worse.

Check out the clip ... Nassif makes his pitch to get Artie some help.