Adam Levine I'm Coming Back To 'The Voice'!!!


Adam Levine is making a reality TV comeback ... returning to "The Voice" after several seasons away from the singing competition show.

The Maroon 5 frontman just announced his upcoming return as a coach on the NBC show ... he'll be back for Season 27, premiering next spring -- and in a video announcement he says he's well rested and ready to roll.

Remember ... Adam was one of the original coaches on "The Voice" when the show first premiered back in April 2011 ... when he was coaching alongside Blake Shelton, CeeLo Green and Christina Aguilera.

Pete Davidson Parting Gifts to 'Bupkis' Staff ... Cold, Hard Cash!!!

Pete Davidson's making sure his friends on "Bupkis" have good memories of him -- as he makes his exit, Pete's dishin' out thousands to some of the show's staff ... TMZ has learned.

Sources tell us, Pete's handing out cash prizes -- totaling hundreds of thousands -- to some creators who worked on season 1 of "Bupkis" to thank them for all their hard work on the show, pre-cancelation.

We're told Davidson gave the money to just a handful of people ... all of whom were involved with season 1, but who weren't necessarily working on the now-dead second season.

Pete Davidson Reparte regalos al equipo de "Bupkis" Puro efectivo!!!

Pete Davidson se está asegurando de que sus amigos en "Bupkis" tengan buenos recuerdos de él mientras cierra ese capítulo, ya que el actor está repartiendo miles de dólares a algunos miembros del personal, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Las fuentes nos dicen que Pete está entregando premios en efectivo, por un total de cientos de miles, a algunos de los creadores que trabajaron en la primera temporada de "Bupkis". Todo, para darles las gracias por su duro trabajo, antes de su cancelación.

Nos dicen que Davidson le dio dinero a solo un puñado de personas, todos quienes estaban involucrados en la temporada 1, pero que no estaban necesariamente trabajando en la segunda temporada, ahora cancelada.

Pete Davidson Se aleja de "Bupkis" Concentrado en grandes películas

Pete Davidson se está despidiendo de "Bupkis" y su esperada 2ª temporada, pues el actor y comediante ha decidido dirigir su atención hacia la gran pantalla.

El ex alumno de "SNL" le dijo a THR el jueves que estaba feliz de haber tenido la oportunidad de contar su propia historia a través de "Bupkis", teniendo en cuenta lo documentados que están sus movimientos y su vida privada en los medios.

Y añadió: "También siento que esta parte de mi vida ha terminado. Estoy muy emocionado por este próximo capítulo y porque ustedes vean el trabajo. Gracias a todos los que me apoyan porque estoy eternamente agradecido".

La publicación informó que el agente de Pete le mandó un correo a Peacock a principios de esta semana para avisarles que se alejaba de la serie, pero al parecer no se lo dijo a la productora de la serie de Lorne Michaels, Broadway Video, hasta más tarde. Una vez que se enteraron de la situación, siguieron adelante con la cancelación.

THR también informa que el final de la serie no tiene nada que ver con los grandes recortes presupuestarios que está viviendo la industria de Hollywood en este momento. La única razón es que Pete quería avanzar hacia otras cosas.

Ahora sabemos cómo se ve este nuevo horizonte para Pete. Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que pronto saldrá una nueva película en la que ha estado trabajando, con nada menos que la leyenda de la comedia Eddie Murphy, así como la nominada al Emmy Keke Palmer, quien fue fichada como co protagonista.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que, en general, Pete se ha centrado en el stand-up y el cine y que quiere mantener su atención allí. Por lo tanto, no habrá más televisión por ahora.

Eso concuerda con lo que el propio actor y comediante ha estado haciendo estos últimos años. Es cierto que estuvo trabajando en "Bupkis", pero también ha estado construyendo su currículum cinematográfico en silencio en películas como "Dumb Money", "Bodies Bodies Bodies", "El Escuadrón Suicida", "Fast X" y otras.

Por supuesto, echaremos de menos "Bupkis", que hizo vibrar a todo el mundo el año pasado con sus 8 episodios de media hora protagonizados por Edie Falco y Joe Pesci como la madre y el abuelo de Pete. Era muy al estilo de Dave.

Peacock la renovó para una segunda temporada en junio, solo dos meses después de su estreno, ya que tuvo una gran acogida por parte de los espectadores y la crítica. Con todo ese impulso, parecía que el cielo era el límite para la serie. Pero ahora, Pete está despidiéndose de ella y dando vuelta la página.

Por cosas más grandes y mejores, de las cuales parece que habrá muchas en el futuro.

PETE DAVIDSON Walks Away from 'Bupkis' Focused On Big Movies Coming Soon!!!

Pete Davidson's bowing out of "Bupkis" -- bidding adieu to the planned 2nd season of his own show ... and it's all because he's turning his attention to the big screen.

The 'SNL' alum told THR Thursday that he was happy to have the opportunity to tell his story in his own words through "Bupkis," after having his every move and private life documented in the media.

He adds, "I do also feel that this part of my life is finished. I'm very excited for this next chapter and for you guys to see the work. Thank you to all who support me for I am forever grateful."

The publication went on to report that Pete's agent emailed Peacock earlier this week, breaking the news about him walking away from the show ... but apparently didn't tell the show's production company, Lorne Michaels' Broadway Video, until later. Once they caught wind of the situation, they rolled on with the cancelation.

Another point ... THR reports the end of the show has nothing to do with industry-wide budget cuts plaguing Hollywood right now ... it's all about Pete wanting to move onto greener pastures.

We now know what that new horizon looks like for Pete -- sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ he's got a huge new movie coming out, with none other than comedy legend Eddie Murphy, as well as Emmy nominee Keke Palmer, signed on to costar ... something he's been working on lately.

Our sources tell us that, generally, Pete has been focused on his stand-up and movie career -- and that he wants to keep his attention there. So on its face, no more TV for now.

That tracks with what Pete's been doing these past few years -- yes, he was working on "Bupkis" ... but he's been quietly building out his film resume behind the scenes with flicks like "Dumb Money," "Bodies Bodies Bodies," "The Suicide Squad," "Fast X" and others.

Of course, "Bupkis" will be missed -- as it had everyone buzzing last year with its 8-episode half-hour series which starred Edie Falco and Joe Pesci as Pete's mother and grandfather. It was very 'Dave'-esque.

It got picked up for a second season by Peacock in June, just 2 months after its debut with a strong reception from viewers and critics alike. With all that momentum, it seemed like the sky was the limit for the show. But now, Pete's pulling the plug and moving on.

Here's to bigger and better things ... of which it sounds like there'll be lots for him.

Lindsay Lohan Vuelve al ruedo con su nueva película... Fans vueltos locos como en los viejos tiempos

Me encanta ser madre!!!

¡El renacimiento de Lindsay Lohan está en pleno apogeo! Basta echar un vistazo al frenesí que ha provocado su paso por Nueva York esta semana durante la promoción de su nueva película, tanto que pareciera que es 2004 de nuevo.

La actriz se entregó plenamente a su regreso a los focos el jueves mientras llegaba a los estudios de NBC para promocionar su próxima película de Netflix "Irish Wish", que está previsto que salga el 15 de marzo, y si esto no grita lista A, no sabemos qué lo haría.

Echa un vistazo, LiLo se adueñó del momento mientras firmaba autógrafos y dejaba que los paparazzi le dispararan para sacarle fotos. Incluso tuvo la amabilidad de hablar con nuestro fotógrafo para responder a algunas preguntas.

Le preguntamos cómo la maternidad la estaba tratando desde que dio la bienvenida a su bebé, Luai, que comparte con su marido Bader Shammas y realmente nos permitió hacernos una idea, diciéndole a nuestra chica en cámara que le encanta ser madre.

Lindsay ha tenido a su familia a su lado mientras trabaja en Estados Unidos. Recuerden que ella vive en el extranjero y con todos los proyectos que tiene por estos días, está claro que está lista para abrazar el estrellato que alguna vez tuvo durante su juventud.

Es bastante impresionante de ver, para ser sinceros, es como una especie de momento redondo para ella y parece más que lista para reclamar lo que es suyo.

Recuerden Lindsay hizo un breve cameo/aparición en el reciente remake de "Mean Girls" y también se confirmó su participación para una secuela de "Freaky Friday", por lo que está bien ocupada.

Por supuesto, ella saltó a la fama como una estrella infantil en "The Parent Trap" y se convirtió en un icono en películas para jóvenes y adolescentes, pero con el tiempo, después de algunas turbulencias, se alejó del centro de los focos y se fue al extranjero.

Es genial que Lindsay esté reclamando su lugar en Hollywood. Parece que sus fans están aquí para darle la bienvenida con los brazos abiertos. ¡Nos encanta verlo!



Lindsay Lohan's renaissance is in full swing -- just take a look at the frenzy surrounding her in NYC this week while promoting her new movie ... it feels like 2004 all over again!

The actress was fully embracing her return to the spotlight Thursday while arriving at NBC Studios for an interview to plug her upcoming Netflix film "Irish Wish" -- which is set to start streaming on March 15 -- and if this doesn't scream A-list ... we don't know what does.

Check it out ... LiLo owned the moment as she signed autographs -- and let paps fire away for photos. She was even kind enough to speak with our photog to answer some questions.

We asked her how motherhood was treating her ever since welcoming her baby boy, Luai -- whom she shares with her hubby Bader Shammas -- and she actually gave us some insight into that ... telling our camera girl that she loves being a mom.

Lindsay's had her family with her while working here in the States lately -- even though she lives abroad. And with all these projects she's on these days ... it's clear she's ready to embrace the major stardom she once had in her youth.

It's pretty awesome to see, TBH ... sort of a full circle moment for her, and she seems more than ready to take it all on again.

Remember ... LL made a brief cameo/appearance in the recent "Mean Girls" remake and has also been confirmed for a "Freaky Friday" sequel ... so she's booked and busy.

Of course, she skyrocketed to fame as a child star in "The Parent Trap" and became an icon in teen/young adult movies thereafter -- but eventually, after some turbulence, she stepped away from the limelight and went overseas.

It's great that Lindsay's reclaiming her place in Hollywood all these years ... looks like her fans are here to welcome her back with open arms, too. We love to see it!

Brandi Glanville Threatens to Sue Bravo ... Andy Cohen Responds to Facetime Claim


Andy Cohen just responded to Brandi's claim about the video she says he sent her -- and he now says she's blowing it out of proportion.

He writes, "The video shows Kate Chastain and I very clearly joking to Brandi. It was absolutely meant in jest, and Brandi’s response clearly communicated she was in on the joke.  That said, it was totally inappropriate and I apologize."

Brandi Glanville is putting Bravo's parent company and others on notice that she's prepared to take them to court over this whole 'Girls Trip' drama she's been roped into ... and lays out her grievances in no uncertain terms in a letter that her attorneys just fired off.

The 'Real Housewives' star has lawyered up with the likes of Mark Geragos and Bryan Freedman -- big shot lawyers in Hollywood -- and they sent NBCUniversal a demand letter Thursday that threatens a lawsuit on behalf of their client ... and they're telling the network to preserve all potential evidence as Brandi prepares for what could be a messy legal battle.

The letter, obtained by TMZ, spells out exactly why Brandi is considering suing here -- and according to her legal team ... she feels like she's been chewed up and spit out by Bravo and all other parties involved in producing and airing a show that makes them millions.

They're strong, writing ... "Over the past year, Ms. Glanville has been subjected to a vicious media campaign based on false allegations of sexual misconduct. The false narrative, which NBC and Shed Media have apparently decided to foment, arises from Ms. Glanville’s experience on 'Ultimate Girls Trip: Morocco.'"

Her attorneys add ... "While the experience has been a nightmare for Ms. Glanville, it is far from the first time Ms. Glanville has been used and abused by NBC, Bravo, Warner Bros., and Shed Media. Indeed, Ms. Glanville has long been taken advantage of by the institutions with which she is indelibly tied personally, professionally, financially, and in the public mind."

Brandi's lawyers claim that while she's been loyal to NBCU over the years ... she's only received mistreatment in return -- including this latest saga with fellow 'Housewife' Caroline Manzo, who recently sued Bravo claiming she was the victim of sexual misconduct from Brandi during the filming of 'Girls Trip: Morocco,' but BG defends herself here.

Long story short ... Brandi's attorneys say that Caroline's narrative of being forcibly kissed and groped by Brandi during the filming of that show was actually consensual -- with Brandi's team claiming Caroline was inviting that sort of behavior, which she also alleges was facilitated and even encouraged by producers during the filming.


There's another salacious allegation that Brandi's attorneys float in this letter they sent -- evidence for which is not attached in their correspondence -- that invokes the name of Andy Cohen.

Brandi's team claims that in 2022, Andy subjected Brandi to sexual harassment by sending her a video -- one in which she claims he boasted of his intent to sleep with another Bravo star that night ... and allegedly inviting her to watch it all via Facetime.

Her attorneys characterize her role in all this one of a "sacrificial lamb," and they say Brandi isn't going to take it anymore ... so she's telling Bravo and co. to get ready to go to battle.

TMZ Studios

She hasn't sued just yet ... but it sounds like she's ready to go to war if they can't resolve things outside of court. We've reached out to NBCU for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 4:17 PM PT

Tina Fey Podría hacerse cargo fácilmente de 'SNL' ... Dice Lorne Michaels

Tina Fey podría hacer su gran regreso a "Saturday Night Light" muy pronto como jefa, bueno, eso si Lorne Michaels tiene algo que ver con ello.

El productor ejecutivo del programa desde hace mucho tiempo dijo que Tina podría fácilmente tomar las riendas del show cuando él inevitablemente se retire, aunque hablando en la alfombra roja de los Emmys el domingo, dijo que nada está escrito en piedra porque otras personas también estaban en la carrera.

Lorne claramente tiene una debilidad por Tina. La ha alabado de brillante y grande en todo lo que hace, añadiendo que ella es una persona muy importante en su vida.

El ejecutivo de 79 años co-creó el icónico programa de sketches de comedia en 1975 y planea aferrarse a su legado por un año más, es decir, quedarse por lo menos hasta el aniversario 50 de la serie, que es el próximo año.

Tina comenzó su carrera en 'SNL' en 1997 como guionista. Dos años después fue ascendida a guionista jefe en 1999 y luego se convirtió en miembro del elenco en 2000. Dejó el programa seis años más tarde para escribir y protagonizar "30 Rock".

Mientras tanto, los fans de Tina pudieron verla de vuelta a sus raíces de 'SNL' junto a Amy Poehler. La pareja revivió el icónico segmento del programa "Weekend Update" para los Emmys, un gran momento resultante de la unión de dos cadenas competidoras.

Nos enteramos de la historia antes. Fuentes nos dijeron que los productores de los Emmys en Fox se acercaron a NBC y el equipo de 'SNL' para hacer el memorable recuerdo.

Tras la reacción al segmento, ¡solo podemos esperar que sirva de señal para que los jefes de NBC traigan de vuelta a Tina para la reunión especial del próximo año!


Tina Fey may soon make her grand return to "Saturday Night Light" as head honcho ... well, that's if Lorne Michaels has anything to do with it.

The show's longtime executive producer said Tina could easily take over the reins when he inevitably retires -- though speaking at the Emmys red carpet Sunday, he said nothing's set in stone cause other people were also in the running.

Lorne clearly has a soft spot for Tina ... praising her as brilliant and great at everything she does ... adding she's a very important person in his life.

The 79-year-old co-created the iconic comedy sketch show in 1975 ... and he plans to hold onto his legacy for another year -- staying on until at least the show's 50th anniversary next year.

Tina kicked off her 'SNL' career in 1997 as a writer ... later promoted to head writer in 1999 and then became a cast member in 2000 ... leaving six years later to write and star in "30 Rock."

Meanwhile, Tina fans did get to see her back in her 'SNL' roots alongside Amy Poehler ... the pair reviving the show's iconic "Weekend Update" segment for the Emmys -- a great moment resulting from two competing networks coming together.

We broke the story ... sources told us that Emmys producers over at Fox approached NBC's 'SNL' peeps to make the throwback moment happen.

Following the reaction to the segment ... we can only hope it signals NBC bosses to bring Tina back for the reunion special next year, too!


Tina Fey and Amy Poehler 's revived 'SNL' "Weekend Update" was one of the big treats at the Emmy Awards ... and proof positive competing networks can work together with great results.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ the Emmys producers over at Fox approached the "Saturday Night Live" peeps at NBC to discuss a legacy revival segment -- and both parties decided having Tina and Amy reunite in their old 'Weekend Update' roles would be awesome.


If ya missed it, they pulled it off while presenting the Emmy award for Live Variety Special. We're told both networks wanted Amy and Tina to do it -- not only because of their 'SNL' chops -- but, also because they've teamed up for so many live entertainment gigs over the years.

As for the possibility they have an official reunion on an episode of 'SNL' -- one source says there's no immediate plans.

However, we're told anything could happen in 2025, which happens to be the 50th anniversary of 'SNL' ... so chances are much higher for those sorts of reunions to go down.

Matt Lauer y Savannah Guthrie se abrazan y besan en la boda de la productora del programa "Today"

¡Bueno, el infierno se ha congelado, porque Savannah Guthrie se ha abrazado con Matt Lauer!

Matt y Savannah asistieron a la boda en Nueva York de Jennifer Long, productora del programa "Today" durante muchos años. Nos dicen que justo antes de que la novia saliera, Savannah se acercó a Matt, le dio un abrazo y un beso y charlaron durante un par de minutos.

La razón por la que esto es tan impresionante es que Guthrie había dicho anteriormente que no estaría en la misma habitación con Matt después de ser despedido de "Today" tras las denuncias de acoso sexual.

Matt apareció con su novia, Shamin Abas, y Savannah con su marido, Mike Feldman.

Pero espera, hay más. Amy Robach y T.J. Holmes estaban allí también y no solo bajaron a la pista de baile, también se besaron mientras bailaban para que todos los vieran.

Como ya sabéis, sus ex cónyuges, Andrew Shue y Marilee Fiebig, ya son pareja.

En cuanto a Matt, ha mantenido un perfil bajo desde que dejó "Today" hace seis años y no ha tenido ningún contacto con Savannah desde su salida.

Todos estaban sonrientes en la boda y las cosas parecían relajadas, así que aparentemente todos lo pasaron bien.

Matt Lauer, Savannah Guthrie Big Hugs, Big Kisses During 'Today' Show Producer's Wedding

Well, hell hath frozen over, because Savannah Guthrie has hugged it out with Matt Lauer!

Matt and Savannah were at the NYC wedding of Jennifer Long, a longtime "Today" show producer. We're told just before the bride came out, Savannah walked up to Matt, gave him a hug and a kiss, and the 2 chatted for a couple minutes.

The reason this reunion is somewhat stunning ... Matt, of course, was fired from "Today" after sexual harassment complaints -- a high-profile and controversial saga at the time.

Anyway, Matt showed up with his girlfriend, Shamin Abas, and Savannah with her husband, Mike Feldman.

But wait ... there's more. Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes were there as well and not only got down on the dance floor ... they were making out as they danced for all to see.

As you know, their ex-spouses, Andrew Shue and Marilee Fiebig, are now a thing!

As for Matt, he's kept a low profile since leaving "Today" six years ago, and he's had no contact with Savannah since his exit.

They were all smiles at the wedding and things seemed chill, so apparently a good time was had by all.

ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS DE MACY'S Caos con protesta pro palestina... Manifestantes interrumpen desfile

Un famoso desfile de Acción de Gracias en Nueva York se convirtió en una manifestación pro-Palestina luego de que varias personas interrumpieran la ruta y provocaran el caos antes de ser expulsados.

Grupos de manifestantes pegaron sus manos a la 6ª Avenida mientras el desfile de Thanksgiving de Macy's estaba pasando, lo que obligó a la policía de Nueva York a redirigir las carrozas y los globos.

Enviando un mensaje

Los manifestantes estaban vestidos con mamelucos blancos empapados de sangre falsa, coreaban "Palestina libre" y protestaban contra el "capitalismo" y el "genocidio" en el Medio Oriente.

Las multitudes trataron de ahogar las manifestaciones con abucheos y los policías terminaron retirando a los manifestantes de la ruta del desfile, pero no sin retrasos.

Otros manifestantes sacaron una enorme pancarta que decía "Genocidio entonces. Genocidio ahora", al mismo tiempo que protestaban frente a una carroza de McDonald's.

La Policía de Nueva York nos dice que varios manifestantes fueron detenidos.

Como ustedes saben, las tensiones en la Gran Manzana son altas a raíz de la guerra entre Israel y Hamás. Esta semana, Susan Sarandon asistió a una protesta pro-Palestina y luego fue desechada por su agencia de talentos de Hollywood por dar un polémico discurso.

Sarandon dijo que los judíos de Estados Unidos que viven atemorizados por el antisemitismo desde los ataques terroristas de Hamás están descubriendo lo que se siente ser musulmán en el país.

En última instancia, las manifestaciones no detuvieron el desfile de Acción de Gracias ... Pero no sin un poco de drama antes.

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Pro-Palestine Protest Chaos ... Demonstrators Disrupt It

A famous Thanksgiving parade in New York City turned into a pro-Palestine demonstration ... with protestors disrupting the route and causing chaos before getting booted.

Groups of demonstrators glued their hands to 6th Avenue as the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was coming through ... forcing NYPD to redirect floats and balloons.


The protestors, dressing in white jumpsuits drenched in fake blood, protested against "capitalism" and "genocide" in the Middle East ... chanting "Free Palestine."

Crowds tried drowning out the demonstrations with boos ... and cops ended up removing protestors from the parade route ... but not without delays.

Other demonstrators busted out a huge banner reading "Genocide Then. Genocide Now" as they protested in front of a McDonald's float.

NYPD tells TMZ ... several protestors were taken into custody.

As you know, tensions are high in the Big Apple in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war ... with Susan Sarandon attending a pro-Palestine protest and getting dropped from her Hollywood talent agency for her controversial speech.

Sarandon said Jewish people in America living in fear of antisemitism since the Hamas terror attacks last month are finding out what it feels like to be Muslim in America.

Ultimately, the demonstrations didn't stop the Thanksgiving parade from chugging along ... but not without some drama.


Tucker Carlson is open to playing GOP candidate wrangler for a debate, but the Republicans would have to be down with the parameters he'd demand ... TMZ has learned.

In case you missed this week's debate, Vivek Ramaswamy gave a full-throated endorsement for Tucker to moderate a future Republican debate, predicting it would spark a major ratings boost.

Well, sources with direct knowledge tell us ... Vivek has personally verbalized this wish to Tucker himself, and while the former Fox News firebrand likes the idea of doing it -- he's not keen about doing it on a traditional TV network.

We're told Tucker actually spoke to GOP officials about the role back in the summer, after Fox News let him go ... but he didn't want to fall back in with corporate media, which he thinks is all buddy-buddy with the RNC.

So, the only way Vivek's dream will come true is if the party approves the debate airing exclusively on X. Obviously, Elon Musk would love that, but our source adds the real benefit for the RNC could be finally landing Donald Trump ... who's been absent from previous debates.

The feeling is Tucker's involvement might prompt Trump to participate.

NBC News

Tucker's potential involvement came about after GOP candidate Vivek took aim at NBC's Lester Holt, Hugh Hewitt, and Kristen Welker during Wednesday night's third battle of Republican candidates.

As it turns out, the journalists got off easy ... relative to Ramaswamy's attack on Nikki Haley, who he called "Dick Cheney in 3-inch heels."

In other words, exactly the kind of discourse Tucker Carlson would love to join!

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