Les Moonves Had Employee 'On Call' for Oral Sex ... CBS Investigators Say

Les Moonves received oral sex from multiple CBS employees, and even had one at his beck and call for years ... according to a network investigation that could end up costing him $120 million.

CBS hired attorneys who just completed an investigation into more than a dozen sexual misconduct allegations against the former network honcho, and the report says Moonves "received oral sex from at least 4 CBS employees under circumstances that sound transactional and improper." The clear insinuation being he gave the women acting roles or other network jobs in exchange for sex.

According to the report ... first reported by the New York Times ... Moonves destroyed evidence and misled investigators who spoke 4 times. The investigators say they found him "evasive and untruthful at times and to have deliberately lied about and minimized the extent of his sexual misconduct."

As for the "on call" employee -- the report says multiple CBS employees said they were of the woman and believed she was "protected from discipline or termination."

Moonves admitted getting oral sex in his office from the woman -- a subordinate -- but described it as consensual ... according to the report.

The sexual misconduct includes incidents before and after he joined CBS in 1995. The report calls his 2004 marriage to Julie Chen a "bright line" ... after which the misconduct appears to have stopped.

What's at stake here is his $120 million severance package. If the CBS Board of Directors reviews the report and believes Moonves violated his employment agreement ... it can pull the plug on that payment. The investigators say CBS has justification to do just that.

His attorney told the NYT, "Moonves denies having any nonconsensual sexual relation" and cooperated with the investigation.

Les Moonves New Accuser Claims He Forced Oral Sex in '95 Meeting

A new woman is accusing Les Moonves of forcing her to perform oral sex, and she claims he tried to buy her silence by lining up acting roles for her.

Actress Bobbie Phillips tells the New York Times she met the ex-CBS honcho in 1995 during a meeting at Warner Bros. studio in Burbank. She alleges Moonves told her, "Look how hard you make me" before he unzipped his pants and exposed his erect penis.

Phillips claims Moonves told her, "Be my girlfriend and I'll put you on any show" before grabbing her by the neck and forcing his penis into her mouth. Phillips says the assault ended when Moonves' intercom rang.

The actress told the NYT there was a bat nearby she thought about using "to knock his head off." She said the experience led her to turn down an offer from producers, and she never spoke or worked with Moonves again.

According to the NYT report, Mooves attempted to smooth things over by trying to get Phillips a job -- and conspired with Phillips' former manager, Marv Dauer, earlier this year to keep her quiet. Dauer reportedly said Moonves told him, "If Bobbie talks, I'm finished."

Moonves denied the allegations ... telling the NYT, "I strongly believe that the sexual encounter with Ms. Phillips more than 20 years ago was consensual."

You'll remember ... it was back in September when Moonves resigned from his position as CEO at the network. His wife, Julie Chen, left her job on "The Talk" shortly after the resignation.

'Young Sheldon' 15-Year-Old Star ... Making $18k Per Episode!!!

"Young Sheldon" is one of the biggest shows on TV ... so it's no surprise its child stars are raking in the same kinda bucks as Hollywood veterans.

The 'Big Bang Theory' spin-off is currently in its second season. Montana Jordan -- a 15-year-old -- who plays Georgie on the show is pulling in $18,200 for every episode of the new season.

According to Jordan's contract -- obtained by TMZ -- he made $17,500 per episode last year and will make around $19,000 per episode if he's in season 3.

Worth noting ... this is Jordan's first acting gig, he's appeared in every episode of the series so far ... that's a lot of cash.

Les Moonves I'm Not Looking for a New Gig ... Julie Chen Plays it Coy


Les Moonves could be boasting about all the money CBS just made under his leadership, but instead he's insisting he's done with the TV biz ... for good.

We got the ex-CBS honcho and his wife, Julie Chen, Thursday night after their meal at Madeo in Bev Hills ... and it was clear they're gonna play things close to the vest. We asked Les about the great financial news his old network had just announced -- revenues up about 3% in the 3rd quarter ... essentially his final months before getting pushed out over sexual misconduct allegations.

Les was a man of few words, telling us, "I'm retired," and it didn't sound like he's anxious to change that status. As for the ex-'Talk' cohost -- we suggested she get back in the saddle, but watch the video.

The look on Julie's face either says, "not interested"... or "I know something you don't."

Coy ... it's the Moonves family game plan.

'Y&R' Star Max Ehrich First Time Spotted Since Confrontation With Gunman

"The Young and the Restless" star Max Ehrich is doing everything he can to protect himself after allegedly getting a gun pulled on him by an obsessed realtor ... 'cause he's exploring legal options and beefing up his security.

Max was spotted Friday afternoon leaving a Los Angeles law office with a massive body guard in tow ... the first time Ehrich has been seen in public since going into hiding.

We broke the story ... Max is scared to death because a prominent real estate agent allegedly became obsessed with the actor and pulled a gun on him in a fit of rage.

Police are now involved in the case ... and it looks like Max isn't taking any chances.

'Y&R' Star Max Ehrich In Hiding ... After Obsessed Realtor Allegedly Pulls Gun

"The Young and the Restless" star Max Ehrich is scared to death and in hiding, after a prominent real estate agent who allegedly became obsessed with him pulled a gun on him in a fit of rage.

Sources connected to Ehrich tell TMZ, he looked at property in the L.A. area with the realtor and the guy became infatuated with the actor. We're told the realtor at one point allegedly became sexually aggressive but got rebuffed, and that got him mad.

Our sources say the realtor at some point pulled a gun on Ehrich, although we're told it may have been a pellet gun.

We're told the actor, who appeared on 'Y&R' from 2012 to 2015 and played Fenmore Baldwin, is so freaked out he has gone into hiding and hired full-time security. Max posted a pic showing a security guard on what appears to be a hotel bed. Max posted that he's okay, but is clearly fearing for his life.

Police are now involved in the case.

Trump Painting on '60 Minutes' Slim Trump Means Fat Sales!!!

President Trump's painting featuring him with Grand Old Party presidents set the internet ablaze during his "60 Minutes" interview -- but it also lined the painter's wallet with cash.

During 45's interview Sunday night, a lot of people noticed Trump had hung up a fantasy painting on a wall somewhere in the White House. It shows Trump drinking what appears to be a non-alcoholic beverage with guys like Abraham Lincoln, Richard Nixon, the Bushes, Ronald Reagan, Teddy Roosevelt and other Republican presidents ... who all got booze nearby.

Many art aficionados mocked 45's vanity and called the painting "tacky" and "trashy" -- and also ridiculously and slimmingly flattering. There are, however, fans ... 'cause Missouri-based artist Andy Thomas tells us business has been booming in the 24 hours since his artwork aired on TV.

Andy says he and his wife woke up Monday morning with 25 new orders for prints of his "Republican Club" painting. They typically get only 3 orders a day. He tells us 60 additional orders came rolling in an hour later.

It isn't just the GOP boys getting love -- Andy says prints of another painting he did depicting Obama and famous Democratic presidents have been flying off his digital shelves from his website.

BTW ... the Trump painting and others range from $59 to $1,700.

Hillary Clinton Bill Wasn't Abusing His POTUS Power During Lewinsky Affair

Hillary Clinton is still firmly in Bill Clinton's corner more than two decades after his sex scandal with Monica Lewinsky ... with HC now saying he didn't abuse his power over her.

The former Secretary of State and two-time presidential hopeful went to bat for her husband Sunday during an interview with CBS, in which a reporter asked if then-President Clinton should have resigned after being impeached for lying about his affair with Lewinsky.

Her answer was telling ... "Absolutely not." The reporter follows up by asking if his relationship with Lewinsky might've been an abuse of power. She simply says, "No, no."

HC was presented with one last premise that she quickly and brutally deflected at Lewinsky's expense, with the reporter suggesting that a sitting president cannot have a consensual relationship with an intern because the power imbalance is too great.

She quickly interjected with, "... who was an adult" and pivoted to asking why there hasn't been such an expansive probe into the allegations of sexual misconduct against Trump.

Hmmmmm .... *hard side eye*

Julie Chen on 'Big Brother' I'm 'Moonves' Forever And the Audience Loves It

Julie Chen's sign-off last week on 'Big Brother' wasn't a one-time stunt -- 'cause she did it again for Wednesday night's episode, and got major love.

Sources at Tuesday night's taping tell TMZ ... Julie opened the show by saying ... "Good evening, I'm Julie Chen Moonves. Welcome to 'Big Brother.'" Her words were met with a thunderous show of support from the audience.


Julie signed off with the Moonves surname during last week's episode -- and now it seems she is taking her husband's name full-time, on the heels of his hasty exit from CBS amid sexual misconduct allegations.

TMZ broke the story ... Julie wants to stay on as the host of 'Big Brother,' and CBS won't ask her to go. Assuming they renew the hit show for another season, she's likely to stay put.


"The Talk" is a different story. Julie announced her exit from that show Tuesday. We're told she left on her own accord ... and wasn't asked to leave.

Julie Chen Staying On as 'Big Brother' Host

Julie Chen will remain the host of 'Big Brother' because CBS won't ask her to go and she wants to stay ... TMZ has learned.

CBS insiders tell TMZ the network does not want to punish Julie for her husband Les Moonves' alleged misdeeds, so she will finish the current season and the plan is for her to return, with one big IF. The IF is bringing the show back for another season. The ratings are still good and the all-important demos are strong, so renewal is all but certain.

As for whether Julie wants back ... the answer is YES. Sources connected to Julie tell TMZ, she will absolutely finish the season and wants to return for future seasons.


Julie announced Tuesday she was leaving "The Talk." Our sources say it was all her decision -- CBS put NO pressure on her to leave.

It makes sense Julie opted for 'BB' over "The Talk" for 2 reasons. First, the 'BB' shooting schedule is less demanding than "The Talk" so it gives her more time to spend with her husband and son -- something she says is a priority.

Perhaps more significant ... "The Talk" is a topical show, and sexual harassment is a staple, which would make for uncomfortable conversation. "Big Brother" is more scripted and doesn't get as personal.

Short story ... she's coming back to "Big Bro."

Julie Chen Officially Announces Exit from 'The Talk'


Julie Chen just formally announced she's leaving "The Talk" and her departing message thanked both her fans and costars.

The longtime talk show host and CBS anchor appeared in a pre-recorded video Tuesday at the bottom of the show, where she said, in part, that she was leaving "The Talk" to spend more time with her husband, Les Moonves, and their young son.

Julie, who eventually became teary-eyed during her remarks, thanked all the hosts of "The Talk," singling out each one and quickly reminiscing on their friendship. She ended with "I love you all, and I know this show and the sisterhood it stands for will live on for many, many, many more years to come. You ladies got this, and I cannot be more proud to call you my friends. I love you."

The camera eventually cut back to the main set where all the ladies were in tears. Sara Gilbert quickly thanked Julie for her contributions to "The Talk" and the program ended from there without further discussion.

As we reported ... Julie was slated to make the announcement that she would be off of "The Talk" effective immediately. No word on whether she's leaving her "Big Brother" hosting gig just yet, but it appears she'll be sticking it out for the short term. She's hosting again this week.


Julie returned to "Big Brother" last week without mentioning the sexual assault allegations against her husband, Les Moonves. She also didn't talk about his forced resignation from CBS in the wake of several women coming forward to accuse him of past sexual misconduct.

She did, however, sign off on Thursday's episode as Julie Chen Moonves ... clearly showing her support for her husband.

No word yet on a potential replacement for Julie on "The Talk" ... but some people have already shown interest in the gig. However, 'DWTS' judge Carrie Ann Inaba did fill in for Julie as a guest host Tuesday .... and Julie indicated she looked great in that seat.

Claudia Jordan Soooo, Now That Julie Chen's Gone ... Holla At Your Girl, CBS!!!


Claudia Jordan is trying her best to talk her way into "The Talk" ... with no apologies to Julie Chen ... who Claudia thinks shouldn't be stepping down anyway.

We got Claudia in L.A. leaving Avenue nightclub Monday night, and she was not shy about angling to replace Julie as a co-host on the CBS daytime talk show. As we reported, Julie announced Monday she's leaving "The Talk" ... effective immediately.

The move, of course, comes on the heels of her husband Les Moonves' ousting as CBS' top honcho following myriad allegations of sexual misconduct. Speaking of those allegations ... Claudia says it's BS Les' misdeeds turned Julie into collateral damage.

Julie Chen I'm Leaving 'The Talk'

Julie Chen will be leaving her daytime gig at "The Talk" ... TMZ has confirmed.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, Tuesday's show will include a videotape of Julie saying she's leaving the show immediately.

It seemed inevitable Julie would take a final bow from the show, where discussions frequently involve issues like sexual misdeeds. Although her husband, Les Moonves, has denied any improper conduct, the fact that 12 women have come forward and that he was forced out ... it would put Julie in a tough spot.

Julie did appear on "Big Brother" last week and it seems she'll stick that one out ... at least in the short term. She made it clear she's standing by her husband at the end of last week's show, when she signed off as "Julie Chen Moonves."

No word on who will replace Julie.

Les Moonves Not Invited to Emmys

Les Moonves was at the helm of 18 TV programs that have been nominated for Emmys, but he's not going to the big shindig Monday night ... because CBS didn't invite him.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, CBS made a decision not to extend the invitation in the wake of the sexual misconduct scandal. Each network gets a certain number of tickets it can distribute as it wishes, and Les will not be a beneficiary.

A network source calls it a "non-issue" because Moonves has not attended the Emmys in several years.

One source says it's complicated because Moonves was not technically fired, although he was clearly forced to step down after a dozen women accused him of sexual misdeeds. Nevertheless, it's the network's decision who gets tickets ... so, case closed.

As for some of the shows nominated under Moonves' watch ...

-- "The Amazing Race"

-- "The Big Bang Theory"

-- "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert"

-- "The Late Late Show with James Corden"

-- "Bruno Mars: Live 24K Magic at the Apollo"

It will be interesting to hear CBS acceptance speeches ... who gets mentioned and who doesn't.

Larry King Julie Chen Should Stand By Her Man!!!


Larry King thinks Julie Chen Moonves was not only right to stand by her man ... he sang her praises for doing so -- literally.

We got Larry and wife Shawn Friday night in Bev Hills leaving Madeo, and Larry said he's known Les for many many years, and what the former CBS honcho did 2 decades ago was horrible. Nevertheless, he thinks Julie's loyalty is appropriate.

Larry then put Shawn on the spot and asked what she would do. Shawn uncomfortably did some math, and ultimately came out on Julie's side.

To button it up ... Larry gave us a rousing rendition -- well, more like a rendition -- of a famous country song.

Julie Chen Makes Big 'Big Brother' Statement ... 'I'm Julie Chen Moonves'


Julie Chen did something Thursday night she has never done in her 19-year run at CBS ... she ID'd herself as "Julie Chen Moonves" ... and make no mistake about it -- it's a big statement.

Julie came back to CBS to host "Big Brother" ... 4 days after her husband and former boss Les Moonves was removed as the network's head honcho.

Julie never referenced the scandal or Les by name, but closed the show with a bang. Mind you ... Julie has been an anchor on "CBS This Morning," "The Talk," "Big Brother" and other CBS shows and she has NEVER used her husband's surname ... until now.

Before the show, Julie teased her return with a photo holding "Big Brother" cue cards, but she made it clear for everyone... her wedding ring and her marriage are intact.

Julie has not returned to "The Talk," and it's unclear when that will happen, but Sharon Osbourne said on Monday she'd be back after taking a few days off.

Short story ... all the people who thought Julie would follow her husband out the door may be wrong.

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