TLC's Chilli NYE Comeback In Times Square Holds Special Meaning


TLC's Chilli is ready to kick off 2025 in style at Times Square ... giving us the latest on prepping for "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest" and why the moment will be extra bittersweet.

Chilli joined us on "TMZ Live" and shared how this Big Apple performance holds a lot of meaning for her and T-Boz -- especially since their last trip to Times Square in 2002 was to honor their late bandmate, Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes, shortly after her tragic death.

But, Chilli says it's not all tears and sadness ... there’s plenty of fun to be had as she gears up to bring the party to Times Square.

Josh Duggar U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Appeal


Josh Duggar's attempt to overturn his child pornography conviction in the U.S. Supreme Court has been rejected ... the justices declined to even hear his appeal.

The U.S. Supreme Court denied Josh's attempt at an appeal on Monday, which comes after he also lost, back in October, in the U.S. Court of Appeals.

The Supreme Court did not explain the reasoning behind its decision ... though that's not necessarily uncommon.

'Doubling Down With the Derricos' Karen and Deon Derrico Divorce ... Joint Legal, Physical Custody of 13 Minor Kids

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Deon and Karen Derrico -- stars of TLC's "Doubling Down With The Derricos" -- are officially divorced after a judge signed off on the split ... and yes, that means it's already official.

The couple filed for divorce on June 4 and received the judgment two days later on June 6 ... splitting legal and physical custody of their 13 minor children equally between the two parents.

According to the court documents, obtained by TMZ, Deon will pay $1,166 a month in child support while Karen won't pay any child support because she will bear the responsibility of the kids' medical insurance.

Halyna Hutchins' Family's Attorney Blasts Alec Baldwin Show Announcement ... 'Cynical' PR Move!!!


Halyna Hutchins' family's attorney is pissed about Alec Baldwin's new reality show ... side-eyeing the timing of the announcement and referring to it as a public relations stunt.

Gloria Allred -- who's repping members of the late cinematographer's family -- tells TMZ ... she's not buying any sort of coincidence in the announcement's release coming just a month before his involuntary manslaughter criminal trial begins.


She says, "This appears to me, to be a calculated and cynical public relations move to try to influence the jury pool in New Mexico to think of him as a sympathetic family man rather than as the killer of Halyna Hutchins, who was the beloved daughter of our clients Olga Solovey, Halyna’s mother, Anatolii Androsovych, Halyna’s father, and Svetlana Zemko, Halyna’s sister."

'90 Day Fiancé' Liz Slams 'Weakling' Big Ed For Calling Off Wedding!!!

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Big Ed Brown and Liz Woods have called it quits again ... and it seems to be for real this time.

During Sunday's episode of "90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?" Big Ed explains his decision to pull the plug on his forthcoming nuptials to his on-again, off-again love.

As he puts it, he and Liz had an argument over taco pasta ... leaving Ed seriously pissed off.

CONJOINED TWINS ABBY & BRITTANY Showing Off Ring ... 1st Time Seen Since Marriage News

Out And About

Conjoined twins Abby and Brittany Hensel hit the town for the first time since news broke about one of them getting hitched -- and they're rocking the wedding ring here too.

The sisters left a Mexican restaurant in St. Paul, MN Saturday -- and as they were strolling away, Abby was chatting on the phone ... placing it between their ears while also flashing her diamond engagement ring and wedding band from her 2021 nuptials to Josh Bowling.

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As you can see, the ring is actually on Abby's side of their body (the right side) as opposed to Brittany's (the left side). Their left ring finger is bare ... which we suppose makes sense.

Siamesas Abby y Brittany Son vistas por primera vez desde la noticia de su matrimonio

De paseo

Las siamesas Abby y Brittany Hensel fueron vistas por primera vez desde que se conoció la noticia de que una de ellas se había casado, y aquí también aparecen luciendo el anillo.

Las hermanas fueron a un restaurante mexicano en St. Paul, Minnesota, el sábado y mientras se iban del lugar, Abby iba hablando por teléfono, mientras lucía su anillo de compromiso de diamantes y el de bodas por sus nupcias de 2021 con Josh Bowling.

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El primer baile

Como se puede ver, el anillo está en realidad en el lado de Abby del cuerpo (el lado derecho). El dedo anular izquierdo de Brittany está desnudo, lo que suponemos tiene sentido.

'Sister Wives' Fans Honoring Garrison with Donations ... Thousands to Cat Shelters


Garrison Brown's legacy as a cat dad will never be forgotten, as "Sister Wives" fans give buckets of money to the cause near and dear to the late TLC personality ... TMZ has learned.

Liz Olson of High Country Humane tells TMZ ... people from all over the world have donated to the animal shelter in the week since Garrison died by suicide. The cat org received donations totaling more than $13K ... and counting!

She confirms she's the one who alerted Garrison's mother, Janelle Brown, to the outpouring of support ... and then, Janelle shared her emotional reaction this week to that uplifting news.

Garrison and High Country Humane knew each other well -- Liz tells us he adopted 3 of his cats -- including new addition Ms. Buttons -- from the shelter in the last 2 years.

In response to the generosity displayed by Garrison's followers, HCH has launched an initiative in his name that will help cats get adopted throughout the month of March.

Specifically, the money will cover adoption fees for any of the cats rescued during this effort.

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The tributes don't stop there ... Liz tells us the org also plans to rename its cat adoption room in his honor. There will be a plaque unveiling and everything at their 5-year anniversary celebration this month.

Ark Cat Sanctuary is also getting monetary support after Garrison's passing. Cat Roberts, yes that's really her name, tells TMZ ... the org's  received more than $500 in donations from people all over the globe, including some in Australia and Scotland.

Cat believes the support from Garrison's fans will help them stay open this year ... after receiving $30K less in grant money for 2024. She says the biggest help has been people purchasing items like wet food and kitten milk replacement from the sanctuary's Amazon wish list.

It's a small silver lining on an otherwise tragic story.

BTW, if you're wondering what's happening with Garrison's cats -- we're told his siblings are taking custody of them..

Janelle Brown, de "Sister Wives" Su hijo Garrison muere a los 25... Después de un aparente suicidio

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2:34 PM PT -- Janelle Brown acaba de abordar la muerte de su hijo Garrison en redes sociales, donde publicó una foto de su hijo con el mensaje: "Kody y yo estamos profundamente tristes de anunciar la pérdida de nuestro hermoso niño Robert Garrison Brown. Él era una luz en la vida de todos los que lo conocían".

Y añade: "Su pérdida dejará un hueco tan grande en nuestras vidas que nos deja sin aliento. Les pedimos que por favor respeten nuestra privacidad y se unan a nosotros para honrar su memoria".

El hijo de Janelle Brown, Garrison, ha muerto y parece que su muerte se debe a un aparente suicidio, según ha averiguado TMZ.

La estrella de "Sister Wives", que ha aparecido junto a su madre y su padre, Kody Brown, en la exitosa serie de TLC en los últimos años, falleció el martes en Flagstaff, Arizona, donde tenía su propia casa después de haberse alejado de su familia.

La policía de Flagstaff nos dice que los oficiales llegaron a la casa de Garrison el martes por la mañana debido a una muerte y cuando llegaron lo descubrieron sin vida en la escena. Nos dicen que Garrison parece haber sufrido una herida de bala autoinfligida.

Nos dicen que no se sospecha de crimen violento y por ahora la policía está investigando el suceso como un aparente suicidio. La policía de la ciudad dice que el hermano de Garrison, Gabriel, llegó a la casa y lo encontró allí. No se sabe si dejó una nota, una investigación está en marcha.

Garrison ha aparecido en "Sister Wives" desde que se emitió por primera vez en 2010, cuando era solo un niño. La serie narra el estilo de vida polígamo de su padre Kody, quien tiene múltiples esposas. Janelle fue una de ellas hasta que se divorciaron el año pasado.

En cuanto a Garrison, él es uno de los muchos hijos de Kody, y tiene varios hermanos y medios hermanos, muchos de los cuales también aparecen en el programa. En total, es el cuarto hijo de Kody y Janelle. Tiene 5 hermanos directos y otros dos hermanastros de diferentes matrimonios.

Al principio, él y su familia vivieron en Utah, pero con el tiempo se trasladaron a Las Vegas, y cuando llegó a la mayoría de edad mostró interés en alistarse en las fuerzas armadas. Aunque quería alistarse en el Ejército, acabó haciéndolo en la Guardia Nacional.

Garrison se fue de la casa de sus padres hace unos años, durante la pandemia, en medio de una gran disputa familiar sobre el COVID y las estrictas normas que Kody imponía.

Al final, Garrison terminó comprando su propia casa en Arizona y ha vivido allí desde 2021. El tipo era bastante activo en las redes sociales, documentando su vida y sus mascotas.

Su última publicación en Instagram lo mostraba con un nuevo gato al que había dado la bienvenida en su casa, un felino que llamó Sra. Buttons. La describió de esta manera: "La nueva incorporación de mi hogar, la Sra. Buttons. Tiene 9 años y estaba en la fila de la eutanasia, pero mi complejo de salvador no pudo ser suficiente".

Es una tragedia absoluta para sus seres queridos, especialmente para Janelle, que acaba de anunciar que recientemente experimentó un susto de cáncer y tuvo que someterse a la extirpación de dos manchas precancerosas.

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A Garrison le sobreviven muchos familiares y seres queridos. Solo tenía 25 años.

Que en paz descanse.

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Publicado originalmente -- 1:34 PM PT

'Sister Wives' Star Janelle Brown Son Garrison Dead at 25 ... After Apparent Suicide

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2:34 PM PT -- Janelle Brown just addressed Garrison's death, taking to social media to post a photo of her boy and writing ... "Kody and I are deeply saddened to announce the loss of our beautiful boy Robert Garrison Brown. He was a bright spot in the lives of all who knew him."

She adds, "His loss will leave such a big hole in our lives that it takes our breath away. We ask that you please respect our privacy and join us in honoring his memory."

Janelle Brown's son, Garrison, has died ... and it appears his death is a suicide, TMZ has learned.

The "Sister Wives" star -- who's appeared alongside his mother and father, Kody Brown, on the hit TLC series over the years -- passed away Tuesday in Flagstaff, AZ ... where he had his own home after having moved away from his family.

Flagstaff PD tells us ... officers responded to Garrison's home Tuesday morning on a report of a death, and when they arrived -- they discovered him dead at the scene. We're told Garrison appears to have suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

We're told no foul play is suspected, and for now ... police are looking into this as an apparent suicide. FPD says Garrison's brother Gabriel arrived at the house and found him there. No word on whether a note was left behind ... we're told an investigation is underway.

Garrison has appeared on "Sister Wives" since it first aired on the network way back in 2010 -- when he was just a kid. The series chronicles his dad's polygamous lifestyle in Utah, where Kody has multiple wives ... Janelle was one of them until they got divorced last year.

As for Garrison ... he's one of Kody's many children, and has several siblings and half-siblings -- many of whom are also featured on the show. All in all, he's Kody and Janelle's fourth child. He has 5 direct siblings, and two other half-siblings from different marriages.

While he and his family lived in Utah at first, they eventually moved to Vegas -- and as he came of age, Garrison showed an interest in enlisting in the armed services. While he wanted to join the Army ... Garrison ended up signing up for the National Guard.

Garrison moved out of his parents' house a few years ago during the pandemic -- this amid a massive feud within the family over COVID and the strict rules Kody was enforcing.

In the end, Garrison ended up buying his own home in Arizona and has lived there since 2021. The guy was pretty active on social media as well ... documenting his life and pets.

His last post on Instagram features him with a new cat he said he'd welcomed into the household ... a feline he called Ms. Buttons. He described the cat this way, "Newest edition to my home, Ms Buttons. She’s 9 years old and was on the line for euthanasia but my savior complex couldn’t suffice."

It's an absolute tragedy for his loved ones -- especially for Janelle, who just announced she recently experienced a cancer scare and had to have two pre-cancerous spots removed.

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Garrison is survived by many family members and loved ones. He was only 25.


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

Originally Published -- 1:34 PM PT

Stacy London On 'What Not To Wear' 'Memba Her?!


TV personality and stylist Stacy London was in her mid 30's when she first appeared as the fashion consultant on TLC's "What Not To Wear" -- a makeover reality show highlighting contestants' (who were nominated by friends, family and coworkers) style transformations -- back in 2003.

London shared the makeover duties with Clinton Kelly as the lifestyle consultant (who you may also recognize from the talk show "The Chew) and famous hairstylists Nick Arrojo and Ted Gibson who've worked with big celebs like Anne Hathaway, Zoe Saldana and Ashley Greene.

Guess what she looks like now at 54 years old!

'My 600-lb. Life' Star Larry Myers Jr. Dead at 48 Suffered Heart Attack

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Larry Myers Jr. -- who appeared on Season 10 of "My 600-Lb. Life" -- has died in Texas.

Family spokesperson Sonya Hines-Hall tells TMZ ... Larry -- nicknamed "Mr. Buttermilk Biscuits" on the TLC show -- died from a heart attack at his Houston home last week while mourning the death of a friend.

Larry's relatives announced his passing on social media ... and set up a GoFundMe page to pay for his funeral costs. They also remembered Larry as a talented gospel singer who didn't let his struggle with weight dim "his drive to show love and kindness to all he met."

When Larry appeared on the TLC show in an episode that aired in January 2022, he was bedbound and tipped the scale at a whopping 940 pounds.

Larry underwent weight-loss surgery back in the day, but he gained 400 pounds after the procedure ... leading to his appearance on 'My 600-lb Life."

He was 48.


Matthew Lawrence Chilli's Best Person I've Ever Met!!!

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Matthew Lawrence is praising his new girlfriend ... telling us TLC's Chilli is "one of the most spectacular people" he's ever known.

We got the "Boy Meets World" star Thursday at Nesmon Cafe and Boutique in Sherman Oaks, CA, and our photog asked him if going Instagram official with the singer has changed their relationship dynamic.

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Matthew says he and Chilli have agreed to keep their romance private, but that doesn't mean he can't talk about how great a partner she is ... saying he's never met anyone quite like her.

TMZ broke the story ... Matthew and Chilli started officially dating right before Thanksgiving, spending the holidays together in Atlanta, where ML met her family.

Chilli's since met Matthew's relatives, including his famous brothers, and they had nothing but praise for her as well ... telling us she makes Matthew really happy, and that's all that matters.

Remember, Chilli is Matthew's first serious relationship in the wake of his divorce from "Dancing with the Stars" pro, Cheryl Burke. They started hanging out in the summer, going on vacation together in Hawaii and hit it off.

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Matthew and his bros, Joey and Andrew, are doing a new podcast together called "Brotherly Love Podcast" ... and it's debuting today, and they say Chilli will be one of many topics.

TLC's Chilli I'm Off The Market! Dating Matthew Lawrence

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Sounds like TLC's Chilli will have a partner when she goes chasin' waterfalls  ... because we're told she's officially dating "Boy Meets World" star Matthew Lawrence!

A rep for Chilli tells TMZ ... she and Matthew are in an exclusive relationship, moving past the friend phase just before Thanksgiving.

We're told the 2 spent turkey day and Christmas together in ATL, where Matthew met Chilli's fam.

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ICYMI, the couple went Instagram official a couple of days ago ... dancin' to "Take On Me" while wearing matching pajamas -- total relationship goals!

As we reported, the 2 were spotted on a Waikiki beach in August ... getting in the water together and sharing some intense convos, according to beachgoers.


Despite signs pointing to a love connection, we were told at the time they weren't dating -- TLC had a show on the island, and Matthew and his pals simply came to watch ... linking up later.

Chilli clearly don't want no scrubs -- because she's got Matthew!!!

'My Big Fat Fabulous Life' Barbara 'Babs' Thore Dead At 76

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Barbara "Babs" Thore, known to many as Whitney's mom on "My Big Fat Fabulous Life," has died.

Whitney broke the news to fans Thursday ... saying her mom died Wednesday "just as the credits rolled on her favorite movie." She says the time she passed -- 10:32 PM -- was also the exact time Whitney was born back in 1984.

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Whitney says her mom suffered from cerebral amyloid angiopathy ... an unfortunately untreatable condition that can cause brain bleeding, strokes and dementia. She says Babs had been having strokes since 2017.

She goes on to share her love for her mom, and her pain about the tragic loss -- she ends the post directed at the fans, "We are unbelievably thankful that we've been able to share her with you and it is our hope that her memory will continue to be a source of comfort and happiness for the rest of your lives ... I love you, mommy."

Fans of the show remember Babs in all 10 seasons of the TLC show ... as the series progressed, a portion of the show began focusing on her health struggles with her condition.

The 10th season saw Babs' road to recovery, and release from the hospital after suffering one of her strokes. TLC has yet to announce whether the hit series will return for the 11th season.

Babs is survived by Whitney, as well as her son, Hunter, and her husband, Glenn.

She was 76.


'90 DAY FIANCE' ANDREW KENTON Unloads Ex's Engagement Ring ... But I Only Got $2,000!!!


"90 Day Fiancé" star Andrew Kenton finally closed the chapter with his ex-fiancée and sold her engagement ring ... but it seems like he may have fumbled the bag in the process.

Andrew tells TMZ he had the ring on the market for 10 days before he found a buyer on eBay ... who forked over $2,250 for the diamond ring set in gold. He wishes the new owner nothing but happy moments with the bling, and he's happy to finally close that chapter of his life.

However, it seems like Andrew took a huge loss, because he apparently got the ring appraised for $7,300 back in 2019.

He ended up getting 24 bids for the ring, but it's unclear if any of them are fans of the hit show that led to him getting the piece in the first place.

As we've reported, Andrew listed the engagement ring he gave his (now) ex-fiancée Amira Lollysa, on the TLC show, telling us it was a sad reminder of their past.

As for the ring... the Neil Lane design is a princess-cut emerald, sitting atop a crown of diamonds and set in 14k white gold.

Andrew appeared on season 8 of the series after meeting Amira, who's from France, online. They wound up getting engaged in 2018 but called the whole thing off on the season finale.

When they broke up, he claims he asked for the ring back, and Amira demanded nearly $300 in Kim Kardashian makeup to give it up.

Now it's off both their hands.