Ibotta Free Thanksgiving Dinners For All ... Just Shop at Walmart!!!

Lots of folks are about to be giving thanks to Ibotta ... the shopping rewards app is hooking up free Thanksgiving dinners, and they're pretty easy to snag.

Here's the deal ... Ibotta's teamed up with a bunch of brands to offer cash-back rebates for Thanksgiving meal staples like turkey breast, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, green beans, crispy fried onions and cream of mushroom soup ... as long as they shop at Walmart.

Hungry folks can wash it all down with a free Coke, just like the Pilgrims did.

All ya gotta do is select from a fixed menu of 9 products from Butterball, Campbell's, Coca-Cola, French's, Great Value, Idahoan and McCormick at your local Walmart or online ... and then head over to Ibotta to get the refund for the meal.

To get the dough, ya gotta scan your Walmart receipt with the Ibotta app and boom ... turkey dinner, winner winner!!!

There is a limited selection, but with so many hurting economically during the pandemic ... this is pretty clutch.

Free Thanksgiving dinner beats the hell outta super spread meals. Every time.

Originally Published -- 11/18 12:31 PM PT

Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Move Over Baby Jesus ... Baby Owl's Melting Hearts!!!

This is a real hoot -- a baby owl found nestled in the freshly cut Rockefeller Center Christmas tree should be soaring free in no time.

According to the Ravensbeard Wildlife Center in New York ... one of the workers who helped transport the giant tree from Oneonta to NYC last week discovered the bird and took it in.

His wife contacted the nonprofit org to ask if they could rehabilitate the owl and they said yes, so the husband put it in a box and made the delivery.

It seems the owl's a bit of a Christmas miracle too, because Ravensbeard says it's a saw-whet owl -- the smallest species in the northeast -- and babies are typically born in the spring, not November.

The baby bird was badly malnourished, so the wildlife center gave it some fluids and has been feeding it all the mice it can handle ... and it's now in good shape.

Ravensbeard says once the owl gets a clean bill of health from a vet, it will be released back into the wild to continue on its journey. And fittingly, it's been named "Rockefeller."

Speaking of which, it seems Rockefeller the owl made out better than its former home -- the tree lost a lot of greenery on its way to placement in Rockefeller Center for the holiday season.

Take a look ... 2020 strikes again.

Christian McCaffrey Plays Santa For Olivia Culpo's Nephew ... Adorable Video!!!


Not even a busted-up shoulder can take away the Christmas spirit from Christian McCaffrey ... the injured NFL star played Santa for Olivia Culpo's nephew -- and the vid is super sweet!

The Panthers running back -- who's currently out with a shoulder ailment -- jumped on FaceTime to pretend to be Kris Kringle for his GF's toddler nephew on Tuesday, and he CRUSHED the role.

Check out the footage Olivia posted of the cute moment ... McCaffrey made a white beard out of a blanket and had the little boy truly believing he was talking with Santa!

"Hey, Remi!," McCaffrey said on the phone. "Have you been a good boy this year?! I know you have! You've been a great boy!"

The two spoke for a while ... and McCaffrey ultimately promised him a truck and a bike for Christmas Day presents!

"My elves are going to work on it and we're going to fix it right up and put it under that great tree!"


McCaffrey -- who's been dating Culpo for over a year now -- has played Santa for Olivia's nephew before ... and he appears to be killing it every step of the way as the swimsuit model's new man.

Now if CMC could just get the real-life Santa to fix his injuries!

University of Alabama Cancels Huge 600-Person Bash ... Mayor Responds


8:02 AM PT -- 11/18 Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox tells TMZ ... he had ZERO involvement in the city council approving the liquor license after informing city council members his daughter is a member of the sorority that was seeking the booze license. He also said the sorority party itself was reviewed and approved by the University of Alabama ... adding the city itself has no legal authority to approve parties.


Maddox added, "The Council approved the license 4-2 begrudgingly. Frankly, I understand their frustrations -- I felt it too. In large part, the approval was granted because their was no legal reason to deny the application. [By the way], I believe it was unfair the council was placed in this position, especially since the City has been active in fighting COVID-19."


5:44 AM PT -- 11/18 The Kappa Delta sorority canceled the soiree at the 11th hour. The sorority's president reportedly said they nixed the event out of concerns over "the health and safety of our campus community, guests and our members."


The cancelation comes a week after the city council approved a liquor license for the event. It's interesting ... Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox's daughter is a member of the sorority.

Forget your side of mashed potatoes ... this Thanksgiving holiday may come with a side of COVID-19 after a University of Alabama sorority got the OK to throw a massive, booze-fueled bash before breaking for the holidays.

The Kappa Delta sorority in Tuscaloosa is getting ready to throw the rager Tuesday night at the 14-acre Black Warrior Farms largely thanks to the city council giving the event a 4-2 stamp of approval last week.

The party coordinator rationalized it this way -- the 600 guests will NOT arrive all at once and instead be bussed in in 3 shifts ... each shift including 200 guests. Everyone will have their temperatures taken before hopping on the chartered buses and all attendees are expected -- not mandated -- to wear masks at the outdoor party. Yeah, good luck with that.

The school has also reportedly required the sorority to include a 30-minute break between each group's arrival/departure and to sanitize tables and chairs at the venue. They must also cap the bus ride capacity to 50 percent. So, multiple busses will be needed.

But, even though the event's doing its part to implement safety protocols ... the party -- and the city council's approval -- is coming under fire from locals, medical workers and university employees after 76 new overnight cases.

According to local reports .... there's been a recent spike in Tuscaloosa County, where there's 11,886 confirmed cases and nearly 150 deaths. Worse ... these students are expected to travel home for the holidays and could potentially spread the virus across the country.

Originally published -- 11/17 4:00 PM PT

Holidays 2020 How to Celebrate, Travel Safely ... According to Harvard Doc

With the holidays fast approaching, many are wondering how to celebrate safely amid a pandemic -- and, luckily, we have some answers ... courtesy of a top doc in the field.


Dr. Abraar Karan joined us on 'TMZ Live' to ask him how to tackle Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's ... all while 'rona is still lurking. He gave us some great tips on flying, testing beforehand and gatherings in general.

Dr. Karan -- who works at the Harvard & Brigham Women's Hospital -- dropped much-needed knowledge about boarding commercial jets. He says improved air circulation has made air travel much safer, but there are still a few factors to keep in mind.

The most important one is ... how many other passengers are on board -- but he says the duration of the flight is also critical to reducing your COVID-19 risk. BTW, he also strongly suggests going windows down during Uber or taxi rides.

As for sitting around a dinner table ... Dr. Karan noted a few misconceptions about getting tested beforehand and thinking you're home-free for home gatherings. It's not quite that simple, and he explained why you could still unknowingly pass the virus ... along with the stuffing.

Great tips here for traveling, IF you're planning to do so -- but the good doc is hardly recommending it. His biggest piece of advice ... if you and your peeps can avoid shindigs this year, you should. It's in everyone's best interest.

L.A. Dodgers Drive-Thru Celly to Honor World Series ... It's A Holiday Miracle!!!

It's the most wonderful time of the year for Dodger fans -- the team has officially announced a drive-thru holiday extravaganza to help celebrate L.A.'s World Series title!!

The team can't currently celebrate with a normal parade through the City of Angels in honor of their 7th championship (thanks, COVID) ... so they came up with a safe way to honor the victory while spreading some holiday cheer at the same time.

Dubbed the "Holiday Festival," the Dodgers say the event will include "a light show, LED video displays, fake snow and interactive displays honoring the Dodgers World Championship and celebrating the holidays!"

The party will take place at the Dodger Stadium parking lot ... but don't get it twisted -- attendees will still be required to wear face masks when their car windows are down (we're looking at you, Justin Turner) ... as well as maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles.

The event starts the day after Thanksgiving (Nov. 27) and runs through Christmas Eve (Dec. 24) ... and tickets go on sale Tuesday.

Even Dr. Fauci's gotta approve of this gathering!!

Santa Claus in Malls Ho Ho Hold On, Kids ... Check Your Temp and Mask Up Please!!!

Santa Claus will still be at malls across America this year, but children will have to tell them what they want from 6-feet away and behind a pane of plexiglass. Great. Bah humbug.

As is tradition, Saint Nick is being brought back to malls as a holiday attraction, but he'll be a little less jolly ... courtesy of the coronavirus pandemic. Mall Santas this year come with a slew of COVID precautions for his sake and for the families visiting him.

Kids may be required to get a temperature check before approaching Kris Kingle's chair ... and there won't be any sitting on his lap in 2020. So much for that precious shot of little Tommy crying!

Instead, kids will have to deliver their Christmas lists from a socially distanced location -- like behind a transparent barrier like at this Bass Pro Shop in Bridgeport, CT -- and maybe while wearing a mask too.

As for getting a photo with Santa ... it will still be allowed from a safe distance, and everyone may still be required to put masks on, even though it covers up those cheerful smiles.

Of course, all of the rules will vary from state to state and city to city. Fact is, some malls might be shut down altogether due to surging COVID cases.

But, with a reported 10 million U.S. households going to see the jolly fat man in malls last year, it's clear he's good for business and malls don't want to lose that ... so check your local Santa listings.

Sylvester Stallone Thanksgiving's Weird This Year ... So Let's Do Pizza and Hot Dogs!!!


Sylvester Stallone has an odd recommendation on how to make this already strange Thanksgiving even more bizarre ... ditch the turkey altogether!!!

We got Rocky in Bev Hills and asked about the many challenges families will be facing during their upcoming holiday get-togethers ... and it seems his visit to Mulberry Street Pizzeria was still very much on his mind.

Rambo tells us he thinks everyone needs to switch it up -- just for 2020 -- and dish out Chicago style hot dogs and pizza this year. He even says he's going to do this himself ... though we get the feeling he's fibbing.

Sly sounds sincere about one thing though -- he feels families should be left to decide what's best for them in regards to handling Turkey Day with the COVID-19 pandemic.

He says the government has to trust people to do the right thing ... and he has faith they will.

Rockefeller Center O Christmas Tree ... Making Its Way to NYC!!!

In a year where so many good things have gone virtual, here's one tradition carrying on just like normal ... the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree!!!

The 75-foot-tall Norway Spruce was chopped down Thursday and loaded onto a huge flatbed trailer in Oneonta, NY ... about 170 miles north of its Midtown Manhattan destination.

The massive tree will be erected Saturday, though the popular lighting ceremony isn't until December 1.

Rockefeller Center organizers, along with Mayor Bill de Blasio, have yet to reveal exactly how they'll deal with holiday crowds wanting to gather for the event or see the tree up close, as the city's facing another crisis with rising COVID-19 cases.

The Mayor simply says they will take extra precautions to make sure it's safe for people to visit the spectacle in person ... which he says still evokes a "childlike wonder" for him.

So, unlike the Macy's Day Parade and the NYE Ball Drop -- which are going the virtual route thanks to 2020 -- it sounds like folks can still experience the real deal when it comes to America's most famous Christmas tree.

Melania Trump Decorating Duty for Christmas ... One Last 'F***ing Time???'

Talk about awkward situations ... Melania Trump's preparing to spread Christmas cheer at the White House while a ticked off President Trump appears to be in full Grinch mode. Good luck!

A rep for the First Lady tells TMZ ... Melania is, indeed, planning on decorating 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. again this year for Christmas, as is tradition. Might seem like a no-brainer -- First Ladies have been doing it for decades -- but the difference now is ... we know it's not one of MT's favorite things.

You'll recall, Melania was recorded in 2018 -- by her then-adviser, Stephanie Wolkoff -- trashing the White House decorating tradition. She said, "Who gives a f*** about Christmas stuff and decoration? But I need to do it, right?"


At the time, the First Lady was frustrated because the media was focusing on child separations at the border, and she apparently felt like no one would give a Fievel's ass about the decorations.

Well, cut to 2020 and there's a new hot button distraction -- her husband seems convinced they're staying put for another 4 years, despite losing the election to Joe Biden.

That begs the question ... does Melania think this will be her final Christmas bow in the White House? It'll be interesting to see her 2020 theme, as it could give some insight into how she's dealing with all this drama.

In light of all that's happened this year, maybe pass on repeating last year's white Christmas. Just a thought.

If she asks the President, we're guessing he'd suggest coal.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Where's the Love for Vets??? Pissed About Veterans Cemetery Turnout


Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn't like how folks who cram into a Trump rally call themselves patriots, yet don't show up in the same numbers to pay their respects to REAL heroes on Veterans Day.

Arnold poured out his emotions Wednesday after he'd paid a visit to the Los Angeles National Cemetery to honor the brave men and women whom he says he owes much of his success to, as an immigrant.

He said despite there being tens of thousands of gravesites for fallen soldiers, he only saw about 20 people around. Arnold explains ... he can't fathom how so few show out for them, but will swarm to a political event by the thousands on a promise to "make America great."

It's a not-so-subtle shot at Trump, who the Governator has made clear he despises. But, his point is well taken here ... 'cause he says it's those vets who've really made America great.

Arnold ends with a challenge to anyone watching -- saying he hopes to see them out there in droves next year, and that the country really needs to have a convo about what patriotism really means. Where's the lie?

BTW, AS is fresh off another heart surgery -- and he STILL made it out to pay tribute to vets who aren't even his native countrymen. Says a lot.

Kevin Bacon Soldiers Cutting Loose, 'Footloose' ... Happy Veterans Day!!!

mr.smash_ohana / TikTok

Kevin Bacon's proud of American soldiers for serving their country, and he's shouting out a group of heroes for nailing his famous dance ... in their combat boots!!!

The "Footloose" star just shared this awesome video of 3 soldiers cutting loose to the famous song and dance routine from his classic 80s movie ... and Kevin is reminding America that our heroes also have moves.

Check out their choreography compared to Ren's in "Footloose" -- Kevin's right, they totally have it down!!!

Seems KB's really got the Armed Forces on his mind this Veterans Day ... he did some serious digging to find this funny video, which is from April, but hey, 'tis the season right.

Kevin's also honoring our vets for their service, saying all Americans owe them a debt of gratitude for fighting for our freedoms ... and he seems pretty humbled these soldiers decided to recreate his old school dance moves.

"Everybody cut, everybody cut ..."

CA Governor Gavin Newsom Slammed by Weatherman Over COVID ... He's Acting Like a King

This bizarre weather report is pretty shocking ... as the meteorologist goes after California Governor Gavin Newsom, referring to him as a king who is ruining Thanksgiving, and that's just for starters.

Waiting for your permission to load the Facebook Video.

Mark Mathis, the weather dude from KUSI in San Diego, has some major beef over turkey, accusing the Governor of acting like a king for daring to impose guidelines on how to stay safe during a COVID Thanksgiving.

Mathis, among other things, says Newsom is urging everyone to regularly sanitize bathrooms, but says the Guv's "throne" is only for him.

He went as far as suggesting Newsom worships Lucifer and not God.

It's ridiculous, but also telling that there's so much contempt for COVID precautions as America breaks some awful records ... on Friday alone there were 25,000 new cases.

Biden's clearly got his work cut out for him.

Lori Loughlin I'll Be Home for Christmas!!!

Lori Loughlin's starred in her share of Hallmark movies, and now her real life might mimic one ... because she's set to get out of prison and return to her family on Christmas Day.

The Bureau of Prisons has given the actress an official release date -- Sunday, December 27 -- but here's the deal ... an inmate whose release date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday can be released on the last preceding weekday.

Bingo! Make some room in that sleigh, Santa ... Lori's got a great shot at freedom on Friday, December 25 -- or maybe even Christmas Eve, since Friday's a national holiday.

If you recall, this is what happened to Felicity Huffman -- she only had to serve 11 days of her 2-week sentence because she got sprung early on a Friday.

Of course, there's still the chance Lori could get out well before Christmas too ... but it would have to be related to COVID issues -- if there's an outbreak at California's FCI Dublin, it's likely a judge would grant her an early compassionate release.

And, as we've reported ... once Loughlin is released, she's still got 2 years of supervised release as part of her sentence in the college admissions scandal.

Worst Costume Ever Man in KKK Sheets Wins Contest ... He and Bar Apologize

A guy in Montana thought it'd be a great idea to war a Ku Klux Klan outfit for Halloween -- and, apparently, so did the people at the bar who voted him as having the best costume.

This happened in Glasgow, MT Saturday night, where witnesses say this guy was bar hopping around town and stopped at a joint called Sam & Jeff's. Patrons there loved his homage to hatred and awarded him the grand prize for the bar's costume contest.

Lots of people took photos of him, naturally and it's stirred outrage in the community. Many people are calling out Sam & Jeff's, and another bar, Dink's, which allowed him to wear the KKK getup.

The backlash had an impact. The man under the hood has identified himself as Luke Morehouse, and he apologized on Facebook ... as did the owner of Sam & Jeff's.

The bar owner, Sam Knodel, says he's deeply sorry for the "distasteful and offensive actions" that went down at his place of business. He adds that although Halloween's full of offensive costumes, this one crossed the line ... and should not have infiltrated the bar on their watch.

As for the contest, Knodel explains that the bar flies were the ones who deemed him the winner ... and that in no way reflects the views of himself or his partners.

Morehouse also apologized -- albeit somewhat in an ass-backward way. He admits his costume was offensive and disgusting, and didn't think of the repercussions. While saying sorry to those he offended, he also says in the same breath, "What started as an innocent costume escalated and there are no excuses for it and I can not take that back."

Not so sure about the "innocent" part, but there ya have it.

Kendall Jenner I'm Turning 25 and It's Halloween ... So Let's Celebrate!!!

@kyliejenner, @tiffanysorya, @livincool / Instagram

Kendall Jenner had a party on top of a party Saturday night ... celebrating Halloween and her birthday.

Kendall hosted the bash at Harriet's Rooftop in WeHo, where 100 guests wished her a happy 25. Among those who showed ... Justin and Hailey Bieber, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Travis Scott, Scott Disick, Jaden Smith, Paris Hilton, The Weeknd, Justine Skye, Quavo, Doja Cat, Winnie Harlow and Saweetie.

Kendall transformed herself into Pam Anderson in "Barb Wire," with the help of a blonde wig and a skin-tight, black one-piece. She blew out the candles on her birthday cake, which had a screen-printed pic of her from back in the day.

It's interesting ... the flyer for the party read ... "take all the photos you want, but please do not post on social media of any kind."

Happy Bday Kendall!!!

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