'Little Women: Atlanta' Star Monie Quits Show After Losing Custody Battle


One of the stars of "Little Women: Atlanta" is cutting her time on the show short ... Monie's leaving the franchise after losing a custody battle over her son.

We've obtained this clip from the season 5 premiere ... and you see Monie getting super emotional after coming up short in her legal battle to move her teenage son from Houston to Atlanta. It's her last episode ever, we've learned Monie's quitting the show to move home to Texas and live closer to her 13-year-old.

Monie's starred on the show since it began ... but our sources tell us she feels like her son, Derrick Beckton Jr., needs his mom's influence and care at a critical point in his life -- so she's dropping everything to move to Houston.

As fans of the show know ... Monie's been trying to gain custody of her son for over a year, battling her ex-husband in the Texas courts. She was traveling between Atlanta and Houston for 3 years to see her son, and wanted to permanently move her kid to Atlanta to live with her and her new hubby ... but a judge slammed those doors shut.

Sounds like quitting the show was an easy decision ... we're told Monie will always put her son before her career.

Rob Kardashian & Blac Chyna Settle Child Support War ... Rob Catches Huge Break

Rob Kardashian will no longer have to fork over heaps of cash to Blac Chyna every month ... in fact, he won't have to pay her at all.

Sources close to the former couple tell TMZ the two have hammered out a final custody agreement for their 2-year-old daughter, Dream. We're told Rob and Chyna will split custody 50/50 ... though Rob will likely have his daughter more of the time.

What's really incredible ... Rob was paying Chyna $20k per month in support and now he'll pay nothing. Our sources tell us the agreement states each parent will only pay for Dream's needs when she's with them ... and things like medical expenses and school will be split down the middle.

Sources familiar with the negotiations tell us on the day the final agreement was reached -- Chyna arrived several hours late and dressed to the nines -- in a look that was complete with pointy translucent fake green nails.

After the meeting wrapped, Chyna allegedly suggested to Rob the two should go out and grab margaritas ... an offer he immediately declined.

It was back in February when it appeared the former couple's relationship was at least cordial. Rob tweeted, "Angela and I are both actively co-parenting and there are no pending or active custody cases." Chyna replied with, "Robert and I only concern is what's in the best interest of our daughter that we both equally love. Additionally, Robert is a wonderful father to our Dreamy!"

Rob and Chyna have a tumultuous history ... with accusations of abuse, public shaming and lawsuits.

It appears all that is in the rear-view now, and Dream is their main priority.

Rob and Chyna Custody Settlement ... Nothin' But Love!!!

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna have settled their custody war over Dream, because they are gushing over each other ... and there's no other explanation!

Chyna just tweeted, "Robert and I only concern is what's in the best interest of our daughter that we both equally love. Additionally, Robert is a wonderful father to our Dreamy!"

For his part, Rob said, "Angela and I are both actively co-parenting and there are no pending or active custody cases."

TMZ broke the story ... Rob agreed to pay Chyna $20,000 a month in support, but the plan all along was to go back into court to get it reduced because she makes more than him.

We know Rob was always willing to pay something, but less than the $20k.

We're told they agreed to joint custody. Rob has had 2-year-old Dream around 70% of the time and, although we don't know the specific structure of the custody arrangement, we were previously told the division would not radically change.

Our sources say there's a non-disparagement clause in the settlement agreement, which means they can't trash each other.

Tisha Campbell & Duane Martin Reach Temporary Custody Deal ... Starbucks for Child Handoffs

Tisha Campbell-Martin and Duane Martin have finally come to terms -- at least temporarily -- on how they'll handle exchanges of their kids ... a promising sign in their nasty divorce.

The exes filed new docs, obtained by TMZ, saying they've agreed to joint custody of their kids and detailing how they're gonna handle drop-offs. They're ditching the neutral police station meetup they'd previously used, and doing it at Starbucks now.

Per their agreement, Tisha and Duane say exchanges of their two children will now take place by either dropping them off at school, or at a specific Starbucks in L.A.'s San Fernando Valley. There won't be any face time between the parents though.

For a Starbucks drop-off, Tisha and Duane say that one parent will be inside while the other remains in the car as the kids come in or out. They'll only text to assure the safe transfer of the children -- and when they do, they'll only communicate through a third-party app.

Their agreement requires each of them to respond to a text within 24 hours. If one parent is going to be absent during their custodial time, they have to give the other a heads-up.

While custody seems to finally be settled, the rest of their divorce continues.

Tisha Campbell's Hubby Denies DV Allegations ... Timing of This Stinks

Tisha Campbell-Martin's estranged husband is vehemently denying allegations of abuse leveled by his ex -- and furthermore, he's pointing out what he calls fishy timing.

Duane Martin filed new legal docs responding to Tisha's temporary restraining order which she got last month. Duane calls all of Tisha's claims of physical abuse "fabricated" and "false."

You'll recall ... Tisha claims Duane once punched her in the chest with a closed fist, adding that he's allegedly abused her since the start of their marriage in '96.

Besides issuing a blanket denial, he points out her abuse claims never surfaced even after Tisha filed for divorce in February 2018. He says she's only coming out with these claims now to give her leverage in their pending custody case.

As you might know ... Tisha and Duane are in the middle of a bitter divorce, and claims of bad parenting have been fired off by both sides.

In the docs, Duane says Tisha has filed two police reports over the past year to claim past alleged abuse -- but that she wasn't able to provide any real evidence, and that's why the L.A. City's Attorney's Office declined to file charges.

Duane wants the restraining order vacated, because he says she's just made up a bogus story. Duane's attorney, Michael Goldstein, tells TMZ ... "Duane has attempted to remain silent on this issue out of respect for his family and, most importantly, his children’s well-being."

Tisha Campbell Duane Shouldn't Get Joint Custody ... He's an Unfit Dad!!!

Tisha Campbell-Martin is firing back at her estranged husband, who claims she's an unfit mother -- insisting he doesn't deserve joint custody because he doesn't do any heavy lifting when it comes to childcare.

Tisha filed new docs Thursday, saying she is the primary caregiver to their 2 kids and tends to their basic needs on a day-to-day basis. She also says when the boys are with their dad, Duane Martin, he has either his brother or mother carry out duties like school drop-offs, custody exchanges and medical appointments.

As we reported, Duane claims Tisha's lack of a college education is hurting their boys' schooling ... and says the neutral drop-off location at a police station should be changed.

In Tisha's docs, obtained by TMZ, she says when they were together, Duane mostly laid around watching TV, and didn't spend quality time with their children. She implies ain't a damn thing changed since their split.

Moreover, Tisha points out Duane hasn't denied her domestic abuse allegations. She insists the police station is necessary 'cause Duane makes her uneasy. She's already obtained a temporary restraining order against him.

On Duane's accusations that the kids' schooling isn't a priority for her ... Tisha says the divorce has put a financial strain on her and she hasn't been able to hire a new tutor.

Tisha Campbell's Ex Slams Her Parenting and Education ... Ignores Abuse Claims

Duane Martin didn't come anywhere close to addressing Tisha Campbell-Martin's abuse allegations in his latest legal filing ... but he does take a shot at her parenting skills.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Duane doesn't specifically make any mention of Tisha's allegations levied against him ... that he physically, mentally and emotionally started abusing her near the start of their marriage back in 1996.

In docs, Duane goes after the "Martin" star's skills as a parent -- or lack thereof. He says, for example, their kids don't do their homework when they're with her. He adds it's a different story when they're with him because "I am a graduate of New York University. Schooling was very important to me." He says Tisha didn't graduate from any university and has no educational background.

What's more ... it appears Tisha and Duane had previously agreed to hand off custody of their kids at a police station, but Duane now wants that to change because he says it's not in the best interest of their kids. Duane also wants the courtroom cleared for the next hearing.

As we reported ... Tisha alleged Duane once punched her in the chest with a closed fist and as recently as December Duane allegedly "grabbed me by my arm to try to get me in the bedroom." She claimed to have filed a police report in January about multiple alleged physical altercations.

Darius McCrary Divorce Deal, Finally!!! Ex-Wife Gets Daughter

Darius McCrary's real-life "Family Matters" are finally settled -- after a nearly 2-year long divorce battle he and his ex-wife have reached an agreement ... TMZ has learned.

Tammy Brawner, a former Harlem Globetrotter, and Darius filed final divorce docs Monday in L.A. -- and in their most contentious issue ... custody of 3-year-old Zoey ... Tammy's come out on top. According to docs, obtained by TMZ, she gets legal and physical custody of Zoey, and Darius will have weekly visits with her.

There are several strings attached for Darius. For starters, his first 20 visits with Zoey will be monitored. According to docs, he must also attend alcohol/drug abuse and batterers intervention classes over the next year -- and complete 6 parenting classes.

If he completes the classes, he can then have unmonitored visits. He'll still have to enroll in co-parenting classes. Both parents are banned from speaking in a "negative, disrespectful or derogatory manner" around their child.

Financially, Darius will pay Tammy $1,366 per month in child support ... but no spousal support.

The court seems to be taking Tammy's allegations about Darius' substance abuse very seriously. The agreement requires him to submit to 2 random drug tests over the next 60 days.

Neither parent can be under the influence of drugs or any other substances when they have Zoey.

JWoww's Hubby Roger Responds to Abuse Claims They're Lies & We're Going to Court


JWoww's estranged husband, Roger Mathews, is firing back after his ex made explosive abuse allegations against him and posted some damning video ... and he's generally denying them, and promising to take JWoww to court.

Roger just threw up an Instagram post, which included a video of himself addressing JWoww's claims ... and he kept it pretty brief, denying what she's alleged ... and vowing to solve this in court. He also says he's not going to stop fighting for custody of his kids.

Roger also posted a letter that his legal team fired off to a judge -- which we've confirmed has been filed in court -- which says JWoww's post violated a restraining order that Roger claims he's obtained against her ... namely, by harassing him. His lawyers call it a "campaign of cyber bullying, harassment, intimidation, and embarrassment."

Roger's lawyers are demanding an immediate conference between the parties to stop what they call "economic damages" that Roger is suffering, not to mention potential danger. The lawyers claim Roger believes JWoww is trying to mobilize her millions of social media followers to cause him harm.

Additionally, Roger's legal team is asking for a mental evaluation of JWoww because they feel her behavior resembles that of someone with a "personality disorder with narcissistic tendencies." Roger's lawyers also want to know whether JWoww's own lawyers knew she'd post these allegations, and allude to a potential lawsuit.

Interestingly enough, in additional court docs, Roger's lawyers say JWoww tried getting them kicked off the case with false allegations about how they've been conducting themselves.

Roger's legal team tells TMZ ... the reason JWoww made her post Wednesday is because Roger declined a settlement proposal she recently offered up and responded with one of his own that he deemed fair. Clearly, she wasn't down with his terms.

Roger's lawyers also tell us that Roger is a great father, and that she has acknowledged as much many times before. Regarding JWoww's allegation of domestic abuse ... his lawyers say they want to review the unedited video she posted before commenting.

As we reported ... JWoww made bombshell claims Wednesday in a very lengthy online post, which detailed what she alleges was persistent abuse from Roger over the course of their 3-year marriage. She says he'd spat on her, pushed her and prevented her from closing doors.


JWoww also posted a clip of surveillance footage from inside their home that appears to show Roger pushing her to the ground, with their kids screaming in the background.

JWoww and Roger are in the middle of a messy divorce. Looks like it's about to get even worse.

Originally Published -- 6:24 PM PST

JWoww Posts Video of Roger Throwing Her to The Ground

JWoww is accusing her estranged husband, Roger, of violent outbursts, putting their kids in danger, conspiring with her exes ... and she's sharing a disturbing video, apparently of him throwing her to the ground.


The 'Jersey Shore' star posted a lengthy statement on her website Wednesday, alleging Roger Mathews was abusive to her on multiple occasions over the course of their 3-year marriage. She included several videos ... one of which appears to be surveillance footage of a violent incident.

In the clip, you can see Roger grab her and throw her to the ground. It sounds like he says, "You wanna get violent?" JWoww gets up and throws something at him, saying, "F**k you." You hear kids screaming in the background.

JWoww also claims Roger was partly responsible for her ex-BF, Thomas Lippolis, being arrested last month for allegedly trying to extort her. JWoww says Roger got in touch with Thomas to "team up" against her and ruin her life.

She also says Roger has contacted other exes of hers to "take [her] down."

Jenni goes on to say that Roger's painted a misleading picture of himself as a great dad on social media with their 2 kids, but behind the scenes ... she says he's often neglectful of their needs and medical conditions. She also describes an alleged threat from Roger involving a USB she says he promised to use against her.

JWoww says the USB footage shows her breaking down hysterically as Roger records her and holds their baby boy, Greyson. She says the video is out of context and she's not afraid of it being released. She's posted at least part of that video on her website.


She says that despite all this, she's tried keeping things civil enough for the sake of their kids, but claims he's been a nightmare to deal with on every front.

It's been a bumpy ride since she filed for divorce. JWoww got a temporary restraining order against Roger in December and got him booted from the house.

We've reached out to Roger for comment ... but so far, no word back.

Tyrese to Ex-Wife You Left the U.S. ... & Left Shayla w/ a Pal Instead of Me!!!

Tyrese is furious that his ex-wife left their daughter with a friend while Mom was out of town -- and now she's gotta explain herself or a judge is going to punish her.

In a new court filing, obtained by TMZ, Tyrese claims his ex, Norma Gibson, left the country for a few days in early January while their daughter, Shayla, was supposed to be in her custody. Tyrese says Norma pawned the kid off to a classmate for a one-night sleepover, while she jetted off to Trinidad.

Presumably, that means Norma left Shayla with a friend on her final day of custody ... because Tyrese says Shayla was back under his care the following day.

He says he learned about the sleepover after the fact -- without a heads-up from Norma -- and claims that by doing what she did, Norma violated a court order from 2014 that gives him the right of first refusal in this type of situation.

Translation ... if you're leaving town without our kid, you have to let me know first. A judge already said so.

Tyrese is also pissed about alleged old social media posts that he unearthed from 2017 that feature Shayla, which he says is another violation of their previous court order.

A judge granted Tyrese's request -- and now, Norma must appear in court to justify her actions. If she doesn't, she risks being held in contempt of the court ... and having to pay Tyrese's legal and attorney fees.

Your move, Norma.

Blac Chyna My Nannies Were There for Dream ... Rob's Just Jealous!!!

Blac Chyna thinks Rob Kardashian was making a big stink over her trip to Hawaii because he's upset she was with a new man ... although, that relationship has clearly gone down the toilet.

Rob was super pissed Sunday after he couldn't get a hold of anyone to drop off Dream ... because Chyna unexpectedly booked it to Hawaii. Sources close to Chyna say Rob's anger is rooted in good old-fashioned jealousy over Kid Buu.

TMZ broke the story ... cops rushed to a Honolulu hotel Monday after Chyna and Kid Buu got into a violent argument where she allegedly scratched him, and he allegedly threw her against a wall and choked her. It seems that their relationship is now over and out.

We're told Chyna insists at least one of her nannies was at her L.A. home, and Rob did NOT try reaching out like he claims he did. If Rob would've just texted or gone there and knocked on the door ... he could've left the baby with Chyna's employee -- something she says he's done before.

Our Chyna sources say she's been absent during her time with Dream in the past, and notes there's nothing in their current custody agreement that requires her to be there all the time when it's her turn to care for Dream.

Speaking of that custody agreement ... sources familiar with the negotiations tell TMZ there's a new deal on the horizon, which will see Rob paying significantly less than his staggering $20k/month in child support. We're told it could be cut in half if things go according to plan.

As for Chyna's explanation for why she jetted off to Hawaii without telling Rob ... we're guessing he won't be happy to hear it. And, a judge might not be either.

Blac Chyna Goes MIA ... When She's Supposed to Have Dream

Rob Kardashian got some unexpected QT with Dream when he learned Blac Chyna had jetted off for an island getaway without telling him ... TMZ has learned.

Sources tell us Rob was preparing to drop Dream off Saturday for her scheduled time with Mom but quickly realized Chyna was off the radar ... as he couldn't get a hold of her or her nanny. Remember, nannies handle their baby exchanges these days because Rob and Chyna don't get along.

We're told Rob reached out to the nanny, Chyna's team and even Chyna herself through a texting app they only use for emergencies. Bupkis.


It soon became clear where the hell Chyna was ... on vacation with her new boyfriend, Kid Buu -- in Hawaii, no less. The dude was posting social media videos of the two of them "hanging out."

Our sources tell us Rob was not given any type of warning Chyna would be unavailable to care for Dream, and he was pissed ... not because he had to care for their kid longer, but because she was missing crucial Mommy time.

There have been questions about Chyna's parenting abilities lately, especially after cops paid a visit to her L.A. home when an anonymous caller claimed she was drunk and neglectful.

Nas Kelis is Moving Our Kid to Colombia ... I'm Not Having It!!!

Kelis wants to become a Colombian farmer, and she wants to take her son with her ... according to Nas, who says she's violating their custody agreement.

Nas is pissed off about a bunch of child custody issues -- the biggest being Kelis' plans to hightail to Cartagena. According to docs, obtained by TMZ, Kelis already took 9-year-old Knight to Colombia last month. Nas says he was supposed to get their son on New Year's Eve ... but Kelis texted him to say the plan had changed. He says she didn't come back to the states until Jan. 14.

Further, he says Kelis has told him she and her new husband have a farm in Colombia and she intends to stay there. Nas says she's already withdrawn Knight from his private school in L.A. ... and he says Kelis is currently homeschooling the kid in Colombia.

Nas says the whole South America plan is a huge violation of their custody agreement, because she didn't provide the required notice about the travel.

Even when she's in the states, Kelis has been a nightmare when it comes to co-parenting, according to Nas. For instance, he says he didn't get Knight on Father's Day last year, and ditto for Halloween and Thanksgiving ... which Knight is supposed to spend with Dad on even-numbered years.

Nas wants the judge to find Kelis in contempt for her multiple violations of their agreement.

Russell Wilson Seems to Respond to Future's Diss ... Here's 'All That Matters'

Russell Wilson appears to be responding to Future calling him a whipped man by taking the high road ... or issuing a low blow, depending on how you look at it.

The Seahawks quarterback posted a photo Saturday that might very well be in direct response to an interview Future did on Friday, where he said Russ was "not being a man" by allowing Ciara to trash talk her ex-hubby on social media and in public.

There's a couple different ways to interpret Russ's post -- but regardless, it'd be pretty hard not to call it a clap back. The pic shows Future Jr. --who's Future's biological son -- nuzzling noses with his half-sister, Sienna -- who's Ciara and Russell's biological daughter.

Russ captioned the post, "All that matters. #Love."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

While you could argue this is an integrity move on RW's part, you could also say he's strategically using Future's own flesh and blood against his pops in a petty feud ... which is eyebrow-raising at best. Both arguments would be valid on the face of this.

As you know ... Ciara and Future are in the middle of an ongoing custody battle, for which Ciara now wants a mediator to intervene so a travel schedule can get hashed out for Future Jr. She's claimed in court docs that Future has allegedly broken scheduled visits and hands off the kid to family members instead of spending personal time with him.

For the record, Ciara hasn't said any of this over social media ... she did it in public docs.

Tyrese Judge Allows Daughter to Play Soccer ... After Parents Squabble

Tyrese's daughter is now allowed to bend it like Beckham, after a judge ordered that she can.

Tyrese and ex-wife Norma Gibson were in a fight over whether 11-year-old Shayla can enroll in her school's soccer program.

Tyrese had refused, saying her grades weren't up to snuff and she should focus on academics. Norma countered Shayla is "emotionally devastated" she's not allowed to play, adding her grades are good enough. Norma says it got to the point where Shayla "cries, feels humiliated and does not want to go to school."

The judge ruled Norma can enroll Shayla in the soccer program. When Shayla is in Tyrese's custody, however, the judge says he does not have to let her play.

The judge wants to hear more on the subject next month.

This isn't the first argument of its kind. Back in October, Norma wanted Shayla to play basketball but Tyrese refused. He eventually relented. Norma claims Tyrese also refused to let Shayla participate in a school play, saying it costs too much money. He agreed to let her do it when Norma agreed to pay half.

Tyrese says he never objected to Shayla participating in the school play, especially because it was within school hours. The sports programs, however, are after school and he wanted Shayla to spend that time with tutors.

And, there's more. According to Norma's docs, there was a school field trip to a downtown eatery and Shayla was on the bus when Tyrese had her taken off the bus.

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