Ben Affleck Angrily Chews Out Paparazzi Photogs ... Upon Leaving J Lo House


Ben Affleck lost his cool on the paparazzi this weekend -- but for good reason ... they were flashing the crap out of him with their cameras, which he rightly noted was dangerous.

The actor was spotted leaving his and Jennifer Lopez's marital home in Bev Hills Sunday night -- where a group of photographers were waiting at the bottom of a hill for him as he was exiting solo ... and once they saw his car coming down the path, they snapped away.

You can see a bunch of white flashes as Ben attempts to safely get back onto the main road, but he comes to an abrupt stop ... and then gets out of the vehicle to speak his mind.

Ben Affleck Gives Paparazzi a Hand ... But the Wrong One!!!

Ben Affleck toyed with the paps Wednesday, by hiding the one body part that has mesmerized the public!

Ben was out and about L.A., picking up his son Samuel from school, with a bunch of paps in tow. As the photogs train their cameras on his left hand, Ben cleverly hides the appendage in his sweater.


Of course, what the photogs were looking for was his ring finger. Ben has flipped back and forth over the last few weeks, sometimes wearing his wedding ring and sometimes not.

Kanye lleva a los paparazzi al estudio Para una improvisada sesión de fotos


Kanye West es como un pastor guiando un rebaño de ovejas estos días cuando se trata de paparazzi, y esta vez los llevó derecho a Bianca Censori, que estaba lista para ser fotografiada.

Échale un vistazo a estas imágenes de Ye llevando a una multitud de fotógrafos que lo han estado acosando a él y a Bianca desde hace días, ya que se han estado moviendo por todo Los Ángeles. La razón por la que trae a todo el mundo es para un solo propósito... fotografiar a su esposa.

El rapero estaba listo para hacer una sesión fotos improvisada y practicamente obligó a los tipos a sacar las fotografías.

Es bastante gracioso... Ye es muy específico con el tipo de ángulos que quiere, e incluso cede cuando le preguntan si Bianca (la modelo en este caso) puede mostrar algo de cara.

tmz investiga
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Recuerda mucho a la manera en la que Ye se enfrentó a los paparazzi el otro día. En este caso, fue un poco más práctico en darles instrucciones.

De hecho, ella tiene una especie de abrigo de piel de cuerpo entero con un sombrero de piel gigante para que coincida. No está claro si es real o no... pero eso no viene al caso.

Muchos de los trajes de Bianca últimamente han sido reveladores, mientras que ella normalmente muestra mucho, parece que fue en la dirección opuesta en esta ocasión... todo cubierto.

Kanye West Brings Paps Into Studio ... Photograph My Furry Woman!!!


Kanye West is like a shepherd leading a flock of sheep these days when it comes to paparazzi -- and here, he led 'em right to Bianca Censori ... who was ready to be snapped.

Check out this wild footage of Ye leading a crush of photogs -- who've been hounding him and Bianca for days now as they move all over L.A. -- into a private studio that he seems to have been using. The reason he brings everyone in is for one purpose ... shoot his wife.

Of course, we mean photograph ... as in, he was down to do an impromptu camera sesh right there and then on the spot with the dudes on hand ... and they happily obliged.

It's pretty funny ... Ye is very specific with what sorta angles he wants from them -- and he even gives in when they ask if Bianca (the model in this instance) can show some face.

Very reminiscent of how KW dealt with paps the other day. In this case, he was a little more hands-on in giving them instructions. Ditto for Bianca ... who, BTW, was in quite the outfit.

TMZ Studios

Indeed ... she's got some kind of full-body fur coat on -- with a giant fur hat to match. Unclear if it's real or not ... but that's sorta besides the point with this one. It's ... wacky.

A lot of Bianca's outfits lately have been eye-opening -- whereas she normally shows off a lot, it looks like she went in the opposite direction this time around ... all covered up.

The fashion saga between these two continues ...

Selena Gomez Todo el poder femenino cenando con Taylor En medio de críticas por Benny Blanco

Selena Gómez está recibiendo una ola de críticas por su relación con Benny Blanco, y parece que está tratando de apoyarse en una de sus mejores amigas... Taylor Swift.

La cantante y actriz salió el viernes por la noche en Nueva York para lo que resultó ser una cena de chicas, no solo con Taylor, sino que también con Cara Delevingne, Zoe Kravitz y más tarde con Anya Taylor Joy. Sophie Turner estaba un poco ocupada, al parecer.

De todos modos, todas estaban vestidas de punta en blanco para su paseo, incluyendo Selena, que estaba en una especie de traje de piel de serpiente que le quedaba muy bien. Claramente, estaba lista para las fotos.

Se dice que el grupo de chicas fue a un espectáculo de comedia en Brooklyn y luego fue a un club italiano cerca de allí. La tripulación estuvo súper unida mientras iban y venían, con T-Swift al centro, por supuesto.

Segunda ronda

Sabemos que Selena y Taylor son muy unidas, y han tenido cenas como estas antes, por lo que desde su perspectiva, es solo una reunión de amigas un viernes por la noche.

Ahora, con el contexto de esta nueva "controversia" de Selena por su novio Benny Blanco, con quien confirmó que está saliendo esta semana, la junta tiene algo de intriga, ya que pasó hace muy poco para ser una mera coincidencia.

El hecho es que sus fans (y sus haters) sospechan que esta salida podría haber sido coordinada por la propia Selena como una forma de enviar un mensaje a todos los que están en pie de guerra sobre Benny.


Parte del motivo por el que está recibiendo críticas, además de que muchos piensan que Benny es un "retroceso" para ella, es por un supuesto comentario de Instagram que al parecer ella hizo en las últimas 24 horas y apunta a sus recientes observaciones sobre Palestina.

Alguien criticó a Selena por sentir la necesidad de ser muy vocal sobre su relación con Benny Blanco, pero al mismo tiempo rehuir el tema de Palestina-Israel y tomando una pausa de las redes sociales sobre algo objetivamente más importante, a lo que ella respondió "tienes razón".

Sí, de todas maneras suena como que es una crítica injusta...

En cualquier caso, Selena está aquí con sus mejores amigas, las que parecen apoyarla independientemente de su último frenesí en las redes sociales.

Siempre hay uno sucediendo, lamentablemente.

Selena Gomez All-Female Power Dinner w/ Taylor Amid Benny Blanco Flak

Selena Gomez is catching heat over her relationship with Benny Blanco -- and it seems she's dealing with it by leaning on one of her best gal pals ... Taylor Swift.

The singer/actress stepped out Friday night in NYC for what turned out to be an all-female power dinner with not just Taylor -- but Cara Delevingne and Zoe Kravitz as well ... and later in the evening, Anya Taylor-Joy too. Sophie Turner was a tad bit busy, it seems.

Anyway, everybody was dressed to the nines for their pap walk ... including Selena, who was in some sort of snakeskin outfit that looked great on her. She was clearly ready for pics.

The group of ladies are said to have hit up a venue for Brooklyn for a comedy show, and then went to an Italian joint nearby shortly thereafter. As they came and went, the crew was putting on a pretty united front -- with T-Swift, of course, being the main centerpiece.

united front

We know Selena and Taylor are tight, and they've gone out for high-profile dinners like this before ... so on its face, it's just a group of friends getting together to paint the town red.

Now, with the added context of this new "controversy," Selena finds herself in as it pertains to Benny -- whom she confirmed she was dating this week -- it lops on an extra layer of intrigue and speculation, as the timing appears to be too close to be a mere coincidence.

Fact is, fans (and haters) of hers suspect this outing might've likely been coordinated by Selena herself as a way to send a message to everyone who's up in arms about Benny.


Part of the reason she's catching flak over Benny -- aside from the fact people think she's "dating down" by being with him -- is because of this alleged IG comment she apparently responded to over the past 24 hours ... which points to her recent remarks on Palestine.

Someone slammed Selena for feeling the need to be very vocal over her relationship with BB, but shying away from the Palestine-Israel issue and taking a social media break over something objectively more important ... to which she replied "you're right."

If it sounds like an unfair critique ... well, you might have an argument that it totally is.

In any case, Selena's out here with her GFs -- who seem to have her back regardless of the latest social media frenzy she finds herself in. There's always one happening, unfortunately.

Britney Spears Seen Out in Public for First Time ... Since Her 'TWIM' Memoir

Britney Spears has been laying low since releasing her bombshell memoir last month -- but now, she's stepping out in public again ... and gotta say, she looks pretty damn happy.

The pop star (and now author) was snapped out and about Saturday afternoon in West Hollywood, where she hit dinner at the Chateau Marmont with her manager, Cade Hudson. She also had a furry friend tagging along ... and even got in the driver's seat as they left.

Like we said ... Brit's radiating here, flashing a huge grin as paps fired away -- and walking along with a lot of confidence, this while rocking a bright orange outfit, boots and shades.

From the looks of it, you could say she might be quite pleased over the fallout of "The Woman in Me," which came out about a month ago now ... with tons of juicy nuggets.

We're not gonna rehash all of it here again, but let's just say ... she gained a lot of extra sympathy and support as people processed her stories and claims -- which is interesting, 'cause you could argue she'd, perhaps, been losing a little steam post-conservatorship.

Now, however ... Brit has the public back in her corner -- and she seems to know that. Of course, there's also the fact she's getting a nice cut of the net sales of the book -- and so far, it's been a hot-ticket item ... with over 1.1 million copies sold in the first week!

So yeah, she's cleaned up nice and then some in the aftermath of all this.

As far as the driving, well -- here's hoping she slows her roll and can stay between the lines on the road. She's already gotten hit with a couple traffic tickets over the past year or so.

Aside from that though, cool to see her out and owning the moment. It's Britney, bitch.

Justin Bieber Breakfast Turns Into Package Deal ... Holds On for Dear Life!!!

Justin Bieber either needs a belt, or maybe he needs to go to the bathroom ... 'cause the dude couldn't stop grabbing his junk this weekend after a little morning breakfast.

The singer grabbed a meal Saturday in WeHo with the missus, Hailey, and on their way out ... Justin got a little handsy -- but, like, totally solo. Check it out -- the guy was straight up grabbing onto his crotch for several steps as they were cruising by some cars in the lot.

Like we said, this wasn't just a momentary adjustment or scratch -- which we all go through. On the contrary, JB was holding on tight for a little while it seems ... but no word on why.

His pants here do look baggy, so it's possible he was just trying to hold them up -- albeit, grabbing them in this specific area seems a little inefficient ... assuming that's what this is.

Of course, he could also be doing that thing guys sometimes do when they gotta take a leak ... and bad. Might sound gross -- but when nature calls ... pulling a move like this certainly isn't out of the ordinary. Considering how long Justin was holding this pose, it's possible.

Whatever was causing him to touch cling to his manhood ... here's hoping the Biebs got it figured out in the end. As for Hailey -- well, keep on holding him down, we suppose.

And if you miss a beat -- Justin can handle himself, it seems.

Kanye West Yells at Paparazzi Following Him ... As He, 'Wife' & Son Go to 🙏🏽

leave us alone!!!

Kanye West and his family wanted to touch base with the man upstairs this weekend -- but it appears they were interrupted by the paparazzi ... which set Papa Bear off.

The rapper-producer was heading to church Sunday in L.A. with his "wife," Bianca Censori, and at least one of his kids -- 4-year-old Psalm. They were being hounded by photographers the whole time ... and at one point, Ye had to stop his car and deal with them himself.

It's unclear if this happened while he was going to church or leaving -- but, in any case, it got ugly on the side of the road ... where KW berated some of the paps tailing him.

In video, obtained by TMZ, you can see and hear Ye losing it -- yelling at the paps and demanding that they stop following him. He even used an expletive to get his point across.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem they left him alone ... because photos later popped up that show Ye and co. at what seemed to be their final destination. In the lot of whatever facility they were at for church, Ye could be seen playing with Psalm ... who brought his bike.

Bianca, meanwhile, was standing right next to them ... and she had an interesting outfit on, as did Kanye. It seems like whatever service they were going to might've been themed, because others who were heading inside also appeared to be thematically dressed.

It's great to see Kanye doing the dad thing as he and Kim continue to coparent/blend families -- but it's a bummer that they can't do it without a lens in their face 24/7. Catch-22.

We covered it all in the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Ye Sued For 'Angry' Attack on Photog ... Grabbed, Tossed Her Phone

Kanye West is getting sued over a heated encounter he had with a photographer -- the one where he pulled over to snatch her phone and throw it into the street.

TMZ broke the story back in January ... as he was driving away from one of North West's basketball games with his wife, Bianca Censori, Ye stopped because he noticed several paparazzi on his tail.


According to one of the photogs, Nichol Lechmanik, Ye was angrily confronting a different paparazzo, going through the man's pockets ... and she claims she feared the rapper might have had a weapon on him.

In the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, Lechmanik says she was terrified he would come after her next ... and he did. Video shows Ye approaching her as she sat in the driver's seat of her car, recording him with her phone and yelling, "You all ain't gonna run up on me like that!"

Ye told her, "If I say stop, stop with your cameras." Then he ripped her phone out of her hands and tossed it -- she says it landed in oncoming traffic.

All of this was captured on video by Lechmanik's business partner who was recording from her passenger seat ... and she says Ye walked over to that side of the car and flashed a "death stare" at them. That same day she went to the Sheriff's Department to file a report about the incident.

As we first reported, law enforcement named Ye a suspect in their battery investigation, but ultimately he was not charged.

That being said, Lechmanik says she was traumatized and humiliated ... and lost earnings because she wasn't able to go back to her J-O-B ... snapping photos of celebs.

In the weeks after their encounter, Ye started going straight to law enforcement -- as he did on Valentine's Day -- whenever photogs approached him.

Lechmanik is suing Ye for assault, battery and negligence.

Interestingly, she also wants an injunction blocking Ye from touching, annoying or threatening not just herself, but ANY photographer. Good luck with that part!

Harry and Meghan Demand Photo Agency Give Them Footage of 'Chase' Agency Fires Back: You Can't Play By King's Rules!!!

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are trying to put the squeeze on a photo agency that claimed their freelance paparazzi who followed the couple Tuesday night were not, as M&H claimed, "highly aggressive" and didn't cause a near-collision.

Harry and Meghan's legal team fired off a letter to the Backgrid photo agency, claiming in part they need the agency's footage of the "chase" to shore up their own security, adding ... "We hereby demand that Backgrid immediately provide us with copies of all photos, videos, and/or films taken last night by the freelance photographers after the couple left their event and over the next several hours."


Backgrid's lawyer has rejected the Sussex's demand, saying in a letter ... "In America, as I'm sure you know, property belongs to the owner of it: Third parties cannot just demand it be given to them, as perhaps Kings can do. Perhaps you should sit down with your client and advise them that his English rules of royal prerogative to demand that the citizenry hand over their property to the Crown were rejected by this country long ago. We stand by our founding fathers."

Backgrid says they had 4 photogs, 3 in cars and one on a bike, adding they "had no intention of causing any distress or harm, as their only tool was their cameras."

There's no legal basis for Backgrid to turn over its footage -- no lawsuit has been filed that would require the agency to turn over documents. Nevertheless, the demand was made.


As we reported, Harry and Meghan's team called their encounter with paps "near catastrophic," but NYPD sources say that's way overblown.

We covered it all in the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Slams Paps After Harry & Meghan Car Chase Reckless & Irresponsible!!!


NYC Mayor Eric Adams is calling out the paparazzi for tailing Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in a "near catastrophic" high-speed chase ... saying the whole thing is irresponsible and dangerous.

Mayor Adams weighed in on the incident Wednesday morning during a public safety announcement about retail theft ... calling the whole thing especially reckless in NYC because of the dense population and traffic. Adams was especially pissed that two NYPD officers could have been injured -- not to mention Harry, Meghan, and innocent bystanders.


The mayor added, "It's clear that the press, paparazzi, they want to get the right shot, they want to get the right story, but public safety must always be at the forefront."

As we reported, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were involved in a dangerous high-speed chase Tuesday night. The chase lasted about two hours and, according to H&M's reps, resulted in multiple near collisions involving other drivers on the road, pedestrians, and officers. Markle's mom was also in the SUV with them before they all jumped into a taxi to get away.

Adams emphasized, "I don't think there's many of us who don't recall how his mom died" -- obviously referring to Harry's mom Princess Diana, who was killed in a '97 crash after paps chased her car in Paris.

The mayor noted that it's hard to believe paps were chasing them around at full speed for the full two hours, but regardless he says even 10 minutes is too long.

We covered it all in the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms

Harry and Meghan Chased by Paparazzi for 2 Hours ... 'Near-Fatal,' Cars and Pedestrians at Risk


9:54 AM PT -- A source tells TMZ the chase started around 10 PM, after the award ceremony, and the pursuit was at its most intense on the FDR Drive ... a highway on the east side of Manhattan. We're told Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's SUV got up to about 80 mph as they tried to shake the paparazzi.


We're also told it ended around midnight ... so, that 2-hour time span Harry and Meghan's spokesperson mentioned is accurate.

Prince Harry must have had a bone-chilling case of deja vu Tuesday night after he and Meghan Markle were followed by paparazzi in what his people are calling a "near catastrophic" car chase.

As we reported, Meghan received an award at a ceremony earlier in the evening that Harry and Meghan's mom attended, after which they left and got into an SUV followed by police. Apparently, that's when the chase was on.


A spokesperson for Harry and Meghan said, "This relentless pursuit, lasting over 2 hours, resulted in multiple near collisions involving other drivers on the road, pedestrians and 2 NYPD officers."

At some point during the chase, the SUV pulled over and the trio jumped in a New York taxi and beat a hasty retreat. It looks like the cops tried to outwit the paps by driving in a different direction than the cab.

Sources say the paparazzi were in a half-dozen blacked-out vehicles, claiming the traffic violations included driving on the sidewalk, running red lights and driving the wrong way on a one-way street.

This obviously brings back tragic memories of Harry's mom, Princess Diana, who was killed in a 1997 crash where paparazzi chased her car in Paris.

One of the searing images from the tragedy ... 12-year-old Harry and his brother, 15-year-old Prince William silently walking behind her casket.

Originally Published -- 7:37 AM PT

Sydney Sweeney Shoulder-to-Shoulder w/ Fiancé See? We're Good, Sheesh!

Sydney Sweeney seems to want to put out the fire over the Glen Powell speculation-- so, after a lot of time apart from her fiancé ... they're finally in the same frame again.

The actress stepped out with Jonathan Davino in NYC Friday night, strolling down the street side by side after she attended an Armani Beauty event earlier that day ... giving each other knowing looks here and there, but mostly remaining stoic as paps fired away.

The photos mark the first time we've seen Sydney and Jonathan together in public for a minute -- over the past several days, we've either seen one or the other ... but not the two of them in one picture. Now, they appear to be trying to send a clear message.

Here's the thing ... while they, perhaps, think this should shut down any further rumors that there's trouble in paradise -- they didn't really do a good job at looking like a happy couple.

No PDA here from what we can see ... and, more importantly, still no engagement ring on Sydney's finger -- which is a look she's been sporting a lot lately -- aka, a bare digit. However, considering Jon's still walking her longtime pet on the regular ... it's hard to make sense of what the hell is going on. Like we told you, sources say they're still engaged.

Sydney and Jonathan being together doesn't translate for Glen's sitch ... whose girlfriend dumped him last week on the heels of a lot of flirtatious behavior between the two costars.

Not only were SS and GP looking hot and compatible on set for their "hard-R" rom-com, as Glen put it, but they sure seemed simpatico off-set as well ... whether it was him dipping Syd on the couch and catching her, or on the red carpet -- where they couldn't stop smiling.

At first, it honestly felt like nothing but conjecture from fans and media alike -- but after the Glen split ... some suggested there may, in fact, be flames under all this smoke.

If Sydney wants to extinguish all this full-stop ... she may have to pucker up and plant one on Johnny there. 'Cause a non-touchy-feely date in New York probably won't cut it.

We'll keep our eyes peeled. 👀 speculation -- so, after a lot of time apart from her fiancé ... they're finally in the same frame again.

Nick Lachey Ordered to Anger Management, AA ... Over Pap Incident in L.A.

Nick Lachey has been ordered to attend anger management and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings after going off on a paparazzo in Los Angeles ... TMZ has confirmed.

MARCH 2022

Nick flew off the handle last year after spotting a woman who was filming his wife and himself after a night out a Mastro's in Bev Hills. Nick was enraged and caught on camera reaching for the woman's phone.

MARCH 2022

The L.A. County D.A. tells TMZ ... Lachey was never charged with a crime ... instead, the D.A. has a diversion program where someone can avoid prosecution ... in Nick's case, he won't be charged with assault and battery if he attends AA and anger management.

The woman, Jody Santos, spoke to Daily Mail about the incident, saying, "He's had plenty of time to apologize, but instead he just figured I would go away. What he did was wrong. Attempting to bust his fist through my car window when all I was doing was taking photographs of him. He should have been thanking me for the free publicity. I mean, really. Talk about an oversized ego."

Nick publicly apologized for his reaction shortly after the confrontation, saying he should've known better.

Ye My New Approach to Unwanted Photogs ... I Go Straight to Cops!!!

Kanye West is choosing a different, and more peaceful, way to deal with photographers ... instead of grabbing and throwing their cameras, he's taking his beef straight to law enforcement.

TMZ obtained these photos of Ye strolling into the L.A. County Sheriff's West Hollywood Station Tuesday afternoon ... and our law enforcement sources tell us he was there informing deputies he'd gotten into an argument with paparazzi.

We're told his story is ... he'd asked paps to stop recording him and his family at some point on Tuesday ... and the interaction almost turned physical, but he says it did not escalate to violence.

Ye left the station after filing the report, and we're told the Sheriff's Dept. is now looking into the matter to see if there's anything more to the alleged argument.


It's a new, calmer approach, for sure -- as we first told you, Ye is the named suspect in a battery investigation over a heated exchange with a photog last month. That one did get physical as he reached into the woman's car, grabbed her phone and tossed it away.

Old news is old news!
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