Daniel Radcliffe Reacciona al último golpe de J.K. "Me pone muy triste"

Daniel Radcliffe no se une a la actual cruzada de J.K. Rowling sobre cuestiones transgénero, sino que se mantiene firme con la comunidad LGBTQ+.

Le preguntaron a la estrella de "Harry Potter" acerca de los dichos de la célebre autora en una nueva entrevista con The Atlantic, y dice que todo el asunto le parece realmente triste.

Y añade: "Miro a la persona que conocí, los tiempos en que nos conocimos, los libros que escribió, el mundo que creó y todo eso es para mí tan profundamente empático". Daniel continúa diciendo que cuando se enfrentó a J.K. hace unos años, sintió que era necesario.

Daniel Radcliffe Reacts to J.K.'s Latest Swipe ... 'Makes Me Really Sad'

Daniel Radcliffe isn't folding to J.K. Rowling's ongoing crusade on speaking out about transgender issues -- instead, he's standing pat with the LGBTQ+ community.

The 'Harry Potter' star was asked about the saga in a new interview with The Atlantic -- and he says the whole thing with J.K., who created 'Potter,' makes him really sad.

He adds, "I do look at the person that I met, the times that we met, and the books that she wrote, and the world that she created, and all of that is to me so deeply empathic." DR goes on to say that when he pushed back against J.K. a few years ago, he felt he needed to.

‘Harry Potter’ Actor Warwick Davis Mourns Loss Of Wife Samantha

Warwick Davis -- famous from the 'Harry Potter' movies -- just announced the death of his wife ... and he's heartbroken over it.

The actor broke the sad news this week, saying his spouse Samantha had recently passed away -- although, he didn't get specific on the cause, or under what circumstances.

He says, "My wife and soulmate, best friend. Devoted mother, My favorite human. My most trusted confidant and an ardent supporter of everything I did in my career, has passed. The most open, warm person I have ever known. Her passing has left a huge hole in our lives as a family. I miss her hugs."

J.K. Rowling No perdona a Daniel Radcliffe y Emma Watson... Por su apoyo a las personas trans

J.K. Rowling no tiene pensado reconciliarse con las ex estrellas de "Harry Potter", Daniel Radcliffe y Emma Watson... al menos así lo declaró esta semana en sus redes sociales.

La controvertida autora, que se ha enfrentado a una enorme cantidad de críticas por sus opiniones contra las personas trans en los últimos años, utilizó X para compartir una nueva reseña médica que arremete contra los tratamientos de cuidado de género para los jóvenes.

Mientras J.K. Rowling compartía esta reseña con sus seguidores, un fan le dijo que estaban esperando a que Daniel y Emma se disculparan con ella. Recordemos que Daniel y Emma se distanciaron públicamente de la autora al manifestar su apoyo a las personas trans mientras su ex colaboradora era cancelada.

J.K. Rowling No Forgiveness for Daniel Radcliffe & Emma Watson ... After Backing Trans People

J.K. Rowling has no plans to make up with former 'Harry Potter' stars Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson ... stating as much on social media this week.

The controversial author -- who has faced an immense amount of backlash for her anti-transgender views over the years -- took to X to share a newly released medical review lambasting gender care treatments for young people.

As JKR shared this review with her followers, one fan said they were waiting for Daniel and Emma to apologize to her. Remember, DR and EW publicly distanced themselves from the author by vocalizing their support for trans folks as their ex-collaborator was being canceled.

The TMZ Podcast: Kimmel and Trump Trade Jabs Over Oscars Gig ... & Kate Middleton's Mother's Day Photo Disaster 😬

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

The 96th Academy Awards went down on Sunday night and there were many memorable moments! One of those moments was when host Jimmy Kimmel traded insults with former President Donald Trump, reading one of his Truth Social posts to the audience!


Sadly, Greta Gerwig's "Barbie" lost out on all their possible awards except for one -- Billie Eilish and Finneas' "What Was I Made For?" took home Best Original Song!

Barbie's own Ryan Gosling brought the house down when he belted out and fully committed to performing "I'm Just Ken" with the help of Slash, who came out for a surprise appearance.


John Cena surprised everyone when he went nude during the presentation of Best Costume Design ... but we eventually learned he was actually covered up the whole time.

Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, admitted to editing a Mother's Day photo of her with her kids after the internet quickly spotted some confusing mistakes. Some people were accusing the photo of being AI-generated, but we think it looks more like a Photoshop fail.

Ariana Grande is urging fans to back off from attacking her ex-husband Dalton Gomez following her new cryptic song lyrics for "Eternal Sunshine."

Plus, 'Harry Potter' star Miriam Margoyles thinks adult fans of the franchise need to "grow up".

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Roger Corral

J.K. Rowling Es reportada a la policía Por faltarle el respeto a una presentadora trans

J.K. Rowling fue denunciada a la policía por la presentadora británica India Willoughby, quien afirma que JKR la ha insultado repetidamente en medio de una disputa en redes.

India, la ex concursante de "Celebrity Big Brother" que es una mujer transgénero, habló con Byline TV sobre el tema, afirmando que logró involucrar a la policía de Northumbria, luego de que J.K. se refiriera constantemente a ella como un hombre a pesar de que su estatus legal es el de una mujer.

Según ella, el hecho de que J.K. se refiera a ella como un hombre constituye un delito en el Reino Unido y podría violar la Ley de Igualdad y la Ley de Reconocimiento de Género. India también insinúa que esto podría calificarse como un delito de odio, pero como mínimo, piensa que es un caso de comunicaciones maliciosas.

Variety informa que la policía de Northumbria está a la espera y lista para tener una conversación con la autora sobre todo este calvario, pero no se sabe si J.K. va a hacerlo.

Mientras tanto, J.K. ya ha respondido, diciendo que ya consultó con un abogado que no solo considera que tiene un caso sólido contra India por difamación, sino que el hecho de que India la señale constantemente en Internet podría calificarse de acoso, por lo que está pensando en emprender acciones legales por su cuenta.

J.K. añade: "Consciente como soy de que es un delito mentirle a las fuerzas de la ley, simplemente tendré que explicarle a la policía que, en mi opinión, India es un ejemplo clásico de un narcisista masculino que vive en un estado de rabia perpetua por no poder obligar a las mujeres a aceptarle en su propia valoración".

Por supuesto, Rowling se ha enfrentado a un montón de reacciones negativas por sus polémicos comentarios sobre las personas transgénero. Muchos la han calificado de "TERF" (feminista radical transexcluyente) y la han tachado de intolerante e incluso algunos miembros del reparto de "Harry Potter" se han distanciado de ella.

J.K. ha dicho abiertamente que no le quita el sueño el cómo la recuerden en el futuro. ¿La razón? Simple y claro: "Estaré muerta".

J.K. ROWLING Reported to U.K. Cops Allegedly Misgendered Broadcaster

J.K. Rowling has been reported to the police by British broadcaster India Willoughby ... who claims JKR has repeatedly misgendered her online as part of an ongoing online beef.

India -- the ex-"Celebrity Big Brother" contestant who's a transgender woman -- spoke to Byline TV regarding the issue ... claiming she's gotten Northumbria Police involved, as she says J.K. has consistently referred to her as a man despite her legal status as a woman.

She says J.K.'s alleged repeated misgendering constitutes a crime in the U.K. -- suggesting it violates the Equalities Act and Gender Recognition Act. India also hints this could possibly qualify as a hate crime ... but at the very least, thinks it's a malicious communications case.

Variety reports that Northumbria Police are on standby, ready to have a chat with the author about this whole ordeal ... but no word on whether J.K.'s gonna play ball.

Meanwhile, J.K.'s already fired back ... saying she's already consulted a lawyer who not only reckons she has a solid case against IW for defamation, but says India constantly targeting J.K. online might qualify as harassment -- so she's mulling legal action of her own.

J.K. adds, "Aware as I am that it's an offense to lie to law enforcement, I'll simply have to explain to the police that, in my view, India is a classic example of the male narcissist who lives in a state of perpetual rage that he can't compel women to take him at his own valuation."

Of course, Rowling's faced a ton of backlash for her controversial remarks about transgender folks. She's been called out as a "TERF" (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) and labeled a bigot by many -- some of the 'HP' cast have even distanced themselves from her.

J.K. has straight-up said she's not losing any sleep over how the world will remember her once she's gone. Her reason? Simple and to the point ... "I'll be dead."

Gypsy Rose Blanchard 'Harry Potter' Date Night on Broadway ... Years After Learning to Read From Books


Gypsy Rose Blanchard decided to take in some high culture Saturday night, going to a Broadway show ... one with a special personal meaning.

The controversial ex-con hit the Big Apple with her husband Ryan Scott Anderson, and the two hustled to make curtain for "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child."

If you recall ... her mother, Dee Dee, yanked her out of school when she was very young, and she repeatedly read the 'Harry Potter' series to learn to read.

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Gypsy took to TikTok minutes before the curtain went up to share her 'Harry Potter' love, and snaps of her seats, with her exploding social media audience.

The couple's fun night out sits in stark opposition to the harrowing details emerging in her new Lifetime docuseries.

Gypsy recently revealed she'd been violent toward her mother before she and her then-boyfriend Nicholas Godejohn plotted her murder.

The 32-year-old says, after her mother caught her trying to run away when she was 19, Dee Dee chained her to the bed and beat her severely.

She said Dee Dee also bought a gun and one day, while arguing, Gypsy grabbed it off the table and fired multiple shots at her mother.

It turned out to only be a BB gun, but Gypsy said she was shocked to find she'd pulled the trigger at all, having made the snap decision without thinking.

Dee Dee's medical records show she was treated for a pellet gun injury ... but she said a man robbed and shot her in a Walmart parking lot.

Of course, a few years later, Gypsy did plan and successfully stab her mother to death ... a crime for which she served seven years.

ABC News

Since getting out of prison late last month, Gypsy has lived a pretty exciting life, doing interviews with "Good Morning America" and "The View" while also enjoying everyday errands ... like shoe shopping and grabbing fast food.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard disfruta de su cita en Broadway con Harry Potter

una tarde mágica

Gypsy Rose Blanchard decidió empaparse de alta cultura el sábado por la noche y asistió a un espectáculo de Broadway... uno con un significado personal especial.

La controvertida ex convicta llegó a la Gran Manzana con su marido Ryan Scott Anderson y los dos se apresuraron a hacer fila para "Harry Potter y el Niño Maldito".

Recordemos que su madre, Dee Dee, la sacó de la escuela cuando era muy pequeña y leyó repetidamente la serie de "Harry Potter" para aprender a leer.

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Minutos antes de que se abriera el telón, Gypsy usó TikTok para compartir su amor por Harry Potter y las instantáneas de sus asientos con su creciente audiencia en las redes sociales.

La divertida noche de la pareja contrasta con los angustiosos detalles que aparecen en su nueva docuserie de Lifetime.

Gypsy reveló recientemente que había sido violenta con su madre antes de que ella y su entonces novio Nicholas Godejohn planearan su asesinato.

La joven de 32 años dice que, después de que su madre la sorprendiera tratando de huir cuando tenía 19 años, Dee Dee la encadenó a la cama y la golpeó severamente.

Dijo que Dee Dee también compró una pistola y un día, mientras discutían, Gypsy la cogió de la mesa y le disparó varias veces a su madre.

Resultó ser solo una pistola de aire comprimido, pero Gypsy dijo que se sorprendió al descubrir que había apretado el gatillo, después de haber tomado la decisión sin pensar.

Los registros médicos de Dee Dee muestran que fue tratada por una herida de escopeta de perdigones, pero ella dijo que un hombre le robó y le disparó en un estacionamiento de Walmart.

Por supuesto, unos años más tarde, Gypsy hizo un plan que resultó con su madre apuñalada hasta morir... un crimen por el que cumplió siete años.

gypsy lo dice todo
ABC News

Desde que salió de la cárcel a finales del mes pasado, Gypsy ha vivido una vida muy emocionante, haciendo entrevistas con "Good Morning America" y "The View", mientras que también disfruta de diligencias cotidianas, como ir a comprar zapatos y disfrutar de comida rápida.

Gary Oldman Craps on 'Harry Potter' Role ... I'd Probs Do It Differently

Josh Horowitz

Gary Oldman is considered one of the greatest living actors alive today -- but if you take his own review of his work, it's all pretty trash ... especially as it pertains to 'Harry Potter.'

The Academy Award-winning thespian -- who's range knows no limits -- recently got candid on the 'Happy Sad Confused' podcast over how he feels about some the roles he's taken over the years, including Sirius Black in the 'HP' film series.

He played Black for a total of 4 films ... but as he looks back now, GO says he thinks his acting was actually "mediocre" -- and when the host scoffed, Gary freaking doubled down!

The reasoning behind this apparently lies in the fact that he didn't know his character was going to be killed off. As Gare explains here, he didn't read ahead in the books -- the way the late Alan Rickman did -- and says he would've played Black differently if he'd known.

Still, he goes on to say that he often criticizes his past roles -- and while a lot of people try and give him praise ... Gary apparently doesn't get all the hype. Indeed, very harsh.

FWIW, you're a great actor, Mr. Oldman ... whether you like it or not!!!

Warner Bros. Sued Over 'Harry Potter' Wand ... It Impaled My Kid's Eye!!!

Warner Bros. is being sued by an angry mom who claims a 'Harry Potter' replica wand seriously injured her toddler's eye ... and she wants a huge check to cover the damages.

According to the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, Jessica Perry says she bought a 'Potter' replica wand with a light-up pen function from a store and gave it to her kids ... only for it to end up impaling her 3-year-old's eye.

Jessica claims her older son was waving the wand around -- like wizards do in the movies and books -- when the metal writing portion of the pen ejected from the wand, flew across the room and pierced her younger son's eye.

In the docs, she says the pen ruptured his eyeball, nearly leaving him blind and forcing him to undergo a pair of eye surgeries.

She alleges the wand was defective, and Warner Bros. should have known about the risks ... because she says there's at least one online review describing a similar incident.

In the suit, Jessica claims her son had to use painful eyedrops which made him scream in agony ... and she says the eyepatch he had to wear frightened him so much, he could only sleep with his bedroom lights on.

She also says her little boy now has to guard against injuring his retina again ... which means for the rest of his life he can't play sports, roughhouse or have a normal life.

She's suing WB for several million dollars -- $8 mil in compensatory damages for her son's injuries and emotional distress, plus punitive damages.

We reached out to Warner Bros. ... so far no word back.


Warner Bros. ha sido demandada por una madre furiosa que afirma que una réplica de la varita de "Harry Potter" hirió gravemente el ojo de su hijo y quiere un cheque enorme para cubrir los daños.

Según una nueva demanda, obtenida por TMZ, Jessica Perry dice que compró una réplica de la varita de "Harry Potter" con una función de bolígrafo luminoso en una tienda y se la dio a sus hijos, solo para que empalara el ojo de su hijo de 3 años.

La madre afirma que el hermano mayor del niño estaba agitando la varita alrededor —como los magos hacen en las películas y los libros— cuando la parte de metal de la pluma salió expulsada de la varita, voló a través de la habitación y perforó el ojo de su hijo.

En los documentos, la madre dice que la pluma rompió el globo ocular del niño, casi dejándolo ciego y obligándolo a someterse a un par de cirugías oculares.

La madre dice que la varita era defectuosa y Warner Bros. Debería haber sabido acerca de los riesgos, ya que existe más de una queja en redes sociales.

En la demanda, la madre afirma que tuvo que hacer uso de gotas para tratar los adoloridos ojos de su pequeño, quien lloraba de agonía. Ella dice que el parche en el ojo que tenía que usar lo asustó hasta el punto de que solo podía dormir con su habitación totalmente iluminada.

La madre dice que su hijo previamente sano ahora tiene que protegerse contra lesiones en la retina. Lo que significa que para el resto de su vida no podrá practicar deportes o tener una vida normal.

Ella va tras Warner por toneladas de dinero, buscando $8 millones en daños compensatorios por las lesiones de su hijo y la angustia emocional, y además quiere daños punitivos para castigar a la empresa.

Nos pusimos en contacto con Warner Bros. hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

'Harry Potter' Actor Michael Gambon Dead at 82 ... After Bout With Pneumonia

Actor Michael Gambon -- best known for his role as Albus Dumbledore in the 'Harry Potter' films -- has died from pneumonia.

In a statement released Thursday, Gambon's publicist said he passed away peacefully in a hospital surrounded by his wife Anne and son Fergus.

The rep also said Gambon's family is "devastated" and requested privacy "at this painful time."

The esteemed Hollywood actor was cast in his most memorable role as Dumbledore in 6 out of the 8 'Harry Potter' films after the death of his predecessor, Richard Harris, in 2002.

Gambon also starred in dozens of other movies, including "Gosford Park," "The King's Speech" and the animated family flick "Paddington." His work spanned TV, theater and radio, as well.

Gambon was 82.



El actor Michael Gambon, más conocido por su papel de Albus Dumbledore en las películas de Harry Potter, ha fallecido a causa de una neumonía.

En un comunicado emitido el jueves, el publicista de Gambon dijo que falleció en paz en un hospital acompañado de su esposa Anne y su hijo Fergus.

El representante también dijo que la familia de Gambon está "devastada" y pidió privacidad "en este momento doloroso."

El estimado actor de Hollywood fue elegido en su papel más memorable como Dumbledore en 6 de las 8 películas de "Harry Potter" después de la muerte de su predecesor, Richard Harris, en 2002.

Gambon también protagonizó docenas de otras películas, entre ellas "Gosford Park", "El discurso del Rey" y la película familiar de animación "Paddington". También trabajó en televisión, teatro y radio.

Gambon tenía 82 años.


Carrie Fisher Princess Leia Dress Hits Auction ... May Force and $1 Million Be with You!!!

Carrie Fisher fans now have a shot at an iconic piece of "Star Wars" history ... Princess Leia's dress is up for grabs, but it's gonna take way more than Obi-Wan's help to snag it!

The one-of-a-kind costume has hit the auction block at Propstore Auction. It was worn by the late actress in the OG 1977 film, "Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope" ... and the auction house estimates it will fetch between $1 mil to $2 mil.

The 3-day auction also features several other non 'Star Wars'-related pieces of Hollywood memorabilia. For instance, Batman's Batpod -- used by Christian Bale in "The Dark Knight" and "The Dark Knight Rises" -- is also up for grabs, and will likely draw a similar price as Leia's gown.

Other items on the block include the evil clown doll from Steven Spielberg's classic 1982 film "Poltergeist", which is expected to go for $200K to $400K.

And film fans can also bid on props from modern hits, like Chris Pratt's light-up "Star-Lord" helmet from the 2014 flick, "Guardians of the Galaxy".

Harry Potter's distressed costume, worn by Daniel Radcliffe in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" is up for grabs, and figures to go for at least $75K. Steep price, for sure, but it does come with the glasses.

The auction starts June 28 and ends June 30 ... good luck!!

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