Holly Madison Not Sweating Crystal Hefner's 'Legal Bullying'

Won't Back Down
Girls Next Level

Holly Madison is accusing Crystal Hefner of "legal bullying" after Hugh Hefner's widow threatened to sue her over comments on her podcast ... TMZ has learned.

In an exclusive clip from the "Girls Next Level" Patreon, Holly and co-host Bridget Marquardt confirm they -- as well as Marston Hefner -- received written warnings from Crystal's lawyer ... which they deem a gross overreaction.

As TMZ previously reported ... Crystal's lawyer accused the podcast hosts and Marston of suggesting CH kept Hugh "doped up" in order to take advantage of him financially -- warning the trio to avoid making further comments in the future or they would be facing legal action.

Horrific Video Bully Puts Boy In Headlock ... Body Goes Limp


Everyone knows kids can be cruel, but nowhere was that more evident recently than in a video making the rounds on social media showing a boy getting choked out by an adolescent bully.

Check out the horrific footage posted to X by MMA Fighter Dillon Danis ... the vid opens with the bully coming up behind the boy as someone else films them.

The bully then orders the boy to tilt his head back before putting him in a headlock. The helpless youngster asks for the bully to stop if he says to.

Lizzo I Quit!!! ... Blames Lies & Bullying

Lizzo may be taking a big step back from the limelight ... as she announced she was quitting being famous in a disheartening post Friday on social media.

The Grammy winner shared on Instagram she was over the online chatter about her appearance ... and slammed people who were spreading lies about her for clout. According to Lizzo, she has been feeling disrespected after being the butt of jokes and having her character ripped apart by strangers.

She added ... "All I want is to make music and make people happy and help the world be a little better than how I found it. But I'm starting to feel like the world doesn't want me in it."

Lizzo Renuncio!!! ... Culpa a las mentiras y el bullying

Lizzo puede estar dando un gran paso al costado, pues el viernes anunció que iba a dejar de ser famosa en un post muy desalentador en las redes sociales.

La ganadora del Grammy compartió en Instagram que estaba harta de los comentarios en línea sobre su apariencia y criticó a las personas que difunden mentiras sobre ella para obtener influencia. De acuerdo con Lizzo, ella se ha sentido pasada a llevar después de ser el blanco de bromas y ver cómo extraños destrozan su carácter.

Añadió: "Todo lo que quiero es hacer música y hacer feliz a la gente y ayudar al mundo a ser un poco mejor a cómo lo encontré. Pero estoy empezando a sentir que el mundo no me quiere en él".

Megan Thee Stallion 'Fire Crotch' Line Out of 'Mean Girls' Scrubbed in Digital Release

Megan Thee Stallion said the infamous "fire crotch" line in the new "Mean Girls" on the big screen -- but you won't find it in the digital release ... and Lindsay Lohan's probably happy.

The rebooted flick -- which is now a musical -- finally hit VOD this week ... so it's available to rent on all your major players, Amazon and the like. The only difference this time around ... Meg's quote that pissed off LiLo in theaters is completely gone.

Indeed ... eagle-eyed fans noticed it right away as they started to stream the flick from home -- the part where MTS is supposed to say "Y2K fire crotch is back" has been edited out.

Instead, Meg here just ends her little piece of dialogue with "We are going back to red," and it then cuts to her laughing ... totally glossing over the line that was featured and seen in theaters, and which drew the ire of Lindsay and team -- who publicly denounced it.

Remember, Lindsay's rep came out and said LiLo was hurt by the fact the phrase had been included ... and not just that, but apparently, nobody had told her it would be in there.

The crazy part about that was ... Lindsay herself is ALSO in the movie, making a cameo.

It was all very bizarre ... and what made it even stranger was the fact that Tina Fey -- who EP'd and wrote "Mean Girls," and who's presumably pals with Lindsay -- didn't come out and address any of this last month when Lindsay made a big fuss about it ... just crickets.

However, now ... we can clearly see she heard LiLo loud and clear -- and made a change.

MAY 2006
infamous 'fire crotch' video

As you probably know by now ... the "fire crotch" insult first started with oil heir Brandon Davis -- who used to party with Paris Hilton back in the 2000s, and who used to run his mouth a lot to paps after nights on the town with his famous friend.

He was happy to trash Lindsay at the time, and even though it was years ago ... it clearly still bothers her to this day -- making it all the more surprising TF put it in the film at all.

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All's well that ends well though ... fire crotch is gone and post-production magic is in!

Richard Simmons Posts New Message About Bullies But Still Not a 'Comeback'

Richard Simmons seems to be showing signs of a potential comeback, 'cause he's getting back to putting out positive messages ... and his latest offering is about tuning out the bullies.

The reclusive fitness guru posted an uplifting message on his Facebook page Tuesday, saying ... "For as long as I can remember, people have made fun of me. And people still to this day make fun of me. But you know what? I am glad to be me! And you should be glad that you are you."

Richard says music helps boost his confidence and ignore the naysayers ... and he's recommending three songs from back in the day. Seems Richard is a big Gloria Gaynor fan ... because he says two songs he often listens to are her classic hits "I Will Survive" and "I Am What I Am."

Another tune Richard recommends comes from the soundtrack for "The Greatest Showman" ... with the full cast singing, "This Is Me."

Richard's always been about helping people, and it got to the point back in the day where he basically could not turn anyone down. That seems to be what he's alluding to in these recent posts of his.

RS ultimately disappeared from the spotlight and has been laying low for years, but his recent FB activity seems to be a sign he's getting closer to being back in the public eye.

Richard's been way more active on FB recently, which lines up with Pauly Shore portraying him in a new short film, "The Court Jester," and developing an upcoming biopic ... which Richard may finally be coming around on.

Before Pauly's projects, Richard only had one FB post in all of 2023 ... and he didn't post a lot in 2022 either until our TMZ documentary on his life and his disappearance.

Richard's still got a lot of fans out there ... and while it might feel like we might be hearing (or even seeing) more from him going forward -- we've learned that's not the case. A source directly connected to Richard tells TMZ ... "after all the Pauly news, Richard wanted his fans to know he's doing well and that he appreciates their support."

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In other words ... this isn't the start of a public reemergence by any stretch, he's just letting people know he's still around and willing to put good vibes out into the universe.

Meek Mill Asks How Africans Stream Music ... X Unites Against Him

Meek Mill must be feeling a lot like one of his songs right now ... because his day is "Going Bad" -- after he asked what seemed an innocent question on X.

The Philly-born rapper took to the social media network formerly known as Twitter Saturday morning where he asked his followers if he's big on other continents ... specifically Africa.

MM asked, "Do a lot of people play my music in South Africa I remember having on big show [there a] few years back … how do yall listen to our music in South Africa???? On what platform or in Nigeria?"

A seemingly innocuous question ... Meek's probably not super well-versed on how other countries and cultures consume music -- but the internet gave him no mercy and instead relentlessly roasted the man.

Check out the Meek Mill trend on Twitter to see what we're talking about ... the guy's getting mercilessly mocked over this tweet -- with many seemingly calling Meek out for insinuating Africa isn't technologically advanced.

Mill ain't letting the haters bother him though ... instead following up that tweet with another saying he's trying to figure out where his fans in Africa are located so he can put on a show for them.

Not For Clout

The 36-year-old's not about to let doubters get to him now -- he released a new album with Rick Ross just a few months ago and recently got teary-eyed during a probation reform bill signing last month in Philly ... he's living an authentic life, no cap.

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Maybe internet trolls need to go back to elementary school ... there's no such thing as a stupid question.

Travis Kelce's Ex Swifties Sending Me Death Threats ... After Speaking Out

The Swifties are crossing the line when it comes to being a passionate fanbase ... so says Travis Kelce's ex-girlfriend, who claims she's been getting death threats from Taylor Swift supporters after speaking out about her past relationship with the Chiefs superstar.

Maya Benberry -- who won the "Catching Kelce" reality show back in 2016 -- has been sharing her dating experience with the All-Pro tight end following Swift's appearance at the Chiefs game on Sunday ... accusing TK of infidelity during their time together.

Benberry's comments apparently set the Swifties off ... 'cause she alleges she has been the target of serious hate, according to Inside Edition.

"Swifties are aggressive," Benberry said. "Very negative, very hypocritical. It's really crazy to me that someone that I think is positive and really nice has such a negative and angry fanbase."

As for Swift, Benberry -- who referred to Kelce as a "narcissist" -- says she has no issue with the "Anti-Hero" singer ... insisting she doesn't care one bit if she ends up dating her ex -- but pointing out, "I had him first."

Benberry also addressed those close to Kelce claiming she's looking for her "15 minutes of fame" ... adamantly denying she's clout chasing.

"It's nothing about Taylor. It's more about, you led me to believe that we had a future. And now, five years later, you're laughing and I feel like you're mocking me."

"I'm not jealous or bitter about Taylor. She's beautiful, she's successful. We're in two different lanes. My issue is more with Travis in the sense of, now you're trying to turn me into, I don't know -- a bitter person, a liar, like I'm delusional, and I'm the furthest thing from that."

The drama doesn't seem to bother Tayvis -- as we previously reported, Swift is hoping to attend Kelce's game against the Jets this weekend.

Ex de Travis Kelce Swifties me han enviado amenazas de muerte ... Después de hablar

Los Swifties se están pasando de la raya cuando se trata de ser una base de fans apasionados. Así lo dice la exnovia de Travis Kelce, quien afirma que ha estado recibiendo amenazas de muerte de los partidarios de Taylor Swift después de comentar sobre su antigua relación con la superestrella de los Chiefs.

Maya Benberry, quien ganó el reality show "Catching Kelce" en 2016, ha estado compartiendo su experiencia con el ala cerrada All-Pro después de la aparición de Swift en el partido de los Chiefs el domingo, y ha acusado a Travis de infidelidad durante su noviazgo.

Los comentarios de Benberry aparentemente encendieron a los Swifties, ya que Maya Benberry alega que ha sido objeto de un odio grave, según Inside Edition.

"Los Swifties son agresivos", dijo Benberry. "Muy negativos, muy hipócritas. Es realmente una locura para mí pensar que alguien que considero positiva y realmente agradable tenga una base de fans tan negativa y enojada".

En cuanto a Swift, Benberry, que se refirió a Kelce como un "narcisista", dice que no tiene ningún problema con la cantante de "Anti-Hero", insistiendo en que no le importa ni un poco si termina saliendo con su ex. Pero señaló que ella "lo tuvo primero."

Benberry también se refirió a los cercanos de Kelce que han dicho que ella está buscando sus "5 minutos de fama", negando rotundamente que esté persiguiendo influencia.

"No se trata de Taylor. Se trata más bien de que me hiciste creer que teníamos un futuro. Y ahora, cinco años después, te estás riendo y siento que te estás burlando de mí".

"No estoy celosa ni amargada por Taylor. Es guapa, tiene éxito. Estamos en dos carriles diferentes. Mi problema es más con Travis en el sentido de que ahora está tratando de convertirme en, no sé... una persona amargada, mentirosa, como si estuviera delirando y yo soy lo más alejado de eso."

El drama no parece molestar a Travis. Como informamos anteriormente, Swift espera asistir al partido de Kelce contra los Jets este fin de semana.

UFC's Natan Levy Learn From Troll Beatdown, Bullies 'Words Have Consequences!!!'


UFC fighter Natan Levy is hoping bullies everywhere take serious note of his recent beatdown of an internet troll ... saying on Tuesday he wants anyone who's even thinking of spewing hate speech going forward to know "words have consequences."

Levy absolutely mauled a smack-talking social media user named Ben recently ... after the guy had defended noted antisemite Nick Fuentes in an exchange on X.

Levy, who's Jewish, met the dude at his gym and pounded on him for several minutes -- forcing the guy to tap out.

Eventually, he got Ben to say on camera following the sparring sesh that six million people were murdered in the Holocaust -- an atrocity Ben didn't previously acknowledge.

When Levy joined Harvey and Charles on Tuesday's "TMZ Live" to talk about it all ... he said he was pleased with how it turned out with Ben -- and now, he wants others to keep the incident in mind before they hit their keyboards with similar nonsense.

"The big lesson I wanted to teach this guy -- and hopefully everybody who is watching -- is words have consequences," he said. "Actions have consequences."

"If you say something, you better stand behind it," he added, "'cause this hate turns into hate in the real world. So we need to cut it off."

Levy will have to take a brief moment from policing bullies on social media -- he's got a big UFC fight coming up against Alex Reyes on Sept. 16 -- but when that concludes, sleep with one eye open, trolls.

Courtney Stodden I'd Never Buy Chrissy Teigen's New Wagon ... Review-Bombs Are Karma


Courtney Stodden says folks shouldn't be spending money on Chrissy Teigen's new child wagon ... and she'd never support someone who told kids like her to take a "dirt nap."

We got Courtney in L.A. and asked what she thought about folks bagging on Chrissy's new stroller wagon, given the toxic history ... and while she claims to have moved on, she had some stern words for anyone looking to buy.

Courtney tells us she's gone through hell over the years, thanks to Chrissy -- and the irony is blinding ... selling a children's product when she was an online bully to kids.

BTW, we ask Court if folks need to move on, or if Chrissy's review-bomb is fair game ... check out her response.

As we reported, Chrissy's collab with Wonderfold has been flooded with 1-star reviews ... and many of the reviews are all about the celeb attached to the product.

One wrote, "To sell a product with its purpose to be used with CHILDREN, you chose a "woman" who told a CHILD (Courtney Stodden) to kill herself?!"

You'll recall, Chrissy had a bit of a mean streak in the past, especially with Courtney, who was a teenager at the time. Chrissy tweeted, "Go. to sleep. forever," and "I hate you."

The barbs came at the time Courtney was married to actor Doug Hutchison, tying the knot when she was 16 and he was 51.

Chrissy's since publicly apologized to anyone she hurt in the past with her trolling, but it sounds like Courtney still isn't going to forgive and forget.

Chrissy Teigen Angry Customers Review-Bomb New Wagon Collab

Chrissy Teigen's got 4 young kiddos of her own, so her latest collab on a wagon with Wonderfold would seemingly be a hit ... but that's not how customers are seeing it, review-bombing the product's online page.

Chrissy's limited edition W4 Petal Pop Stroller Wagon retails for $999 with a pink flowery design. The product was released Wednesday, and was an almost immediate sellout ... but the internet trolls still had their way, flocking to the comment and review section to attack.

At the time of this post, 40 of the wagon's 46 reviews were 1-star ... and it's got an overall rating of 1.5 out of 5 stars.

As for why the nastiness, some just don't like the design, while other people are still bringing up Chrissy's past incidents of online bullying. One review reads, "There is no way this company purposefully chose such a vile person to work with. To sell a product with its purpose to be used with CHILDREN, you chose a “woman” who told a CHILD (Courtney Stodden) to kill herself?!"

Another writes, "I would never use a wagon with her name on it. Even if it wasn't cheap and tacky looking," there's also, "The colors are not great.. looks like cotton candy threw up on an ice cream cart. That price?! Absolutely insane! Don’t even get me started on collaborating with someone so vicious and horrid as Chrissy T… in such poor taste! Wonder gold shame on you!! Lost my business!"

At this point, the reviews seem unfair, as Chrissy's apologized for her past online behavior, took some significant time off and hasn't been a bully in years. Nonetheless, there's still people who just won't let it go.

Drake Posts Pic With Taylor Swift Doppelgänger... Now Swifties Want Her Head!!!

Drake found a unique way to show love to Taylor Swift's "Speak Now" re-release -- taking a pic with a look-alike of the pop star he met in Chicago.

The "For All The Dogs" rapper posted the random photo-op on Thursday ahead of his 2nd Windy City show that kicked off his "It's All a Blur" Tour effectively putting the woman, Jaime Kitt Carson, into the internet spotlight ... causing bad blood amongst Taylor's "Swiftie" fan base. 😅

Jaime goes by the name "Trailer Swift" on IG as she's told she favors the "Midnights" singer ... which was her talking point with Drake when he showed up at her job.

She says her encounter with Drake was pleasant but she quickly learned the consequences of newfound fame ... as the Swiftie fanbase is currently accusing her of clout chasing.

It doesn't appear she seems to mind ... the coveted Drake IG pic is better than revenge in this situation.

In just 48 hours, Drake has managed to honor Virgil Abloh, snub Childish Gambino and piss off the biggest fan base in music. This tour's gonna be a blur, indeed!!!

Taylor Swift Fans Keep Hating On Ex-BF John Mayer ... Ignoring Her Call To Go Easy

Taylor Swift asking her fans to chill out on John Mayer is having quite the opposite effect ... because her ex-boyfriend is seeing tons of hate come his way online.


Here's the deal ... Taylor pled with Swifties to take it easy on John when she performed "Dear John" at her recent 'Eras' tour stop in Minneapolis, as the song takes shots at her ex-flame.

But, as it turns out ... Taylor's fans are instead going after John on social media ... and there seems to be no letup in sight.

Look no further than John's most recent Instagram posts ... they are being flooded with negative comments from Taylor supporters, with some even blaming him for Taylor's call for a cease-fire.

Over on TikTok, Swifties are posting videos of themselves saying how they are going to go against Taylor's wishes ... promising to cyberbully John.

Twitter's also awash with negative comments -- as is usually the case on the bird app -- so John's getting heat from all angles.

Remember ... John's on the record saying Taylor's song is humiliating, and he's previously ripped it as "cheap songwriting" and a "lousy thing for her to do."

Looks like Taylor may have unintentionally poked the bear.

Mötley Crüe Mick Mars Claims More Bullying As Band Wants to Move Case to Arbitration

Mick Mars' legal war with his former band, Mötley Crüe, is set to play out in court, for all to see -- but the Crüe is making a move to take it behind closed doors, despite Mick's protests.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Mötley Crüe is asking a judge to send this case -- kick-started by Mick's lawsuit in April -- into arbitration, where they say it belongs ... and where it will be out of the public's eye.

Mick's lawyer, Ed McPherson, tells TMZ ... "This is yet another attempt by bullies to hide the truth!"

In their filing, attorneys for MC say several different entities have been created over the years to handle varying aspects of the band's biz -- things like touring and recording -- and those agreements contain binding arbitration clauses.

Translation: All grievances that might come up among members, must be handled in private arbitration, instead of airing them out in public courts

You'll recall ... this battle is all about Mick, their longtime guitarist, claiming the Crüe unfairly and unjustly cut him out of touring and his share of tour profits ... after Mick was diagnosed with a debilitating bone disease.

The band's called BS, arguing they were actually trying to do him a solid based on his condition, and even tried to give him fair compensation ... but they say Mick's going about this the wrong way by filing a lawsuit

Bottom line is ... Mötley Crüe's asking the judge to send the matter to arbitration.

Not just that, but the band is also asking the court to strike several statements Mick made in his suit -- several of which contain damning allegations about ex-bandmates, including claims of substance abuse and physical violence which they call totally irrelevant to Mick's case. They believe he included them purely "for purposes of character assassination."

Paige VanZant Vows To Show 'Real Me' On Social Media After Haters Fat-Shame Her

Instagram / @paigevanzant

Paige VanZant is crediting her haters for a change she's making after being fat-shamed on YouTube -- the combat sports star is vowing to portray a more authentic image on social media going forward.

29-year-old PVZ opened up late Monday night, revealing she's gained "probably 20+ pounds" and for it, she's been bullied online ... but Paige says the jerks on social media have actually helped her come to a realization.

"The truth is, yes, I have gained a lot of weight... probably 20+ pounds but I also gained strength, power, muscle and a f*** ton of happiness," VanZant wrote.

"I see every single comment on my YouTube channel about how I look pregnant, obese, fat as f***, and won’t be able to fit through a door soon. But one thing I have always remembered. Happy people ain’t haters and haters ain’t happy."

Alongside the lengthy caption, Paige, who last boxed in July 2021, posted a video where she flexes in the mirror, and shows off her front and side profile. Going forward, she's vowing to continue showing the "real me" from here on out.

"I promise from this day forward to show the real me, forever. The fat me, the broken me, the skinny me, and the happiest f***ing version of me I have ever been," VanZant said. "Social media will never be real but I’ll try and be better."

Paige even took a little jab at the haters ... thanking them for lining her pockets with money!

"I’ll be damned if I don’t continue to profit off of THE BEST HATERS IN THE WORLD. Yours in thickness - PVZ."


She had a lot of fans backin' her up, including mixed martial artist Scorpio Sky who posted lyrics from Chris Brown's "Look At Me Now" song in the comments.

"I don’t see how they can hate from outside the club; they can’t even get in.😂 💪🏾 💵 👏🏾 💰."

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