Andre Reed Remembers Bills Superfan 'Pancho Billa' ... 'We Love You'

1:12 PM PT -- TMZ Sports talked to Bills legend Andre Reed -- who spent time with Pancho at the 2018 NFL Draft ... and the HOF'er reflected on his tragic passing.


Beloved Buffalo Bills fan Ezra Castro -- better known as "Pancho Billa" -- has died after a long battle with cancer ... his family announced Tuesday.

"Our hearts broken as we have lost our dear brother ezra "Pancho Billa" this morning," the family said in a statement.

"We are thankful and forever grateful for all the love and support during this journey. Ezra was surrounded by family and loved ones."

If you've ever seen a Bills game since 2008, you've probably noticed Pancho -- whose trademark sombrero and mask costume was a huge hit among Bills Mafia. He was the first fan inducted into the Buffalo Fan Wall of Fame late last year.

When he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer after a mass was discovered on his spine in 2017, the team rallied around Pancho and hosted him at games and the team facilities.

The 39-year-old Pancho played a big role in the Bills drafts the past 2 seasons ... personally announcing their 3rd round pick on stage in 2018 ... and gave GM Brandon Beane his stamp of approval before the team picked Ed Oliver with their first round pick last month.

Oliver visited Pancho in the hospital last week ... and even Bills legend Jim Kelly has shown support during his battle.

A GoFundMe has been set up for Pancho ... with all donations going to his family.


Alyssa Milano Calls for Sex Strike Until Anti-Abortion Law is Repealed

Alyssa Milano has declared all-out war on Georgia ... urging women to stop having sex until Georgia repeals its law severely limiting abortion.

In case you haven't heard, Georgia is the latest state -- there are 5 others -- that prohibits abortion after doctors can detect a heartbeat in the fetus. Heartbeats are usually detected after 6 weeks, and many women don't even know they're pregnant until later.

Alyssa says, "Our reproductive rights are being erased. Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy ... JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back. I'm calling for a #SexStrike. Pass it on."

Milano's call to arms is reminiscent of ancient Greece and Spike Lee. In famous Greek literature, a character convinces women to refuse sex with their husbands until they end a war. As for Spike, he suggested the same remedy for gang violence in the film, "Chi-Raq."

There's also been a movie to boycott the film industry in Georgia until the law is repealed, but this clearly affects more people.

The other states that have similar laws are Ohio, Mississippi, Kentucky, Iowa and North Dakota. The Georgia law takes effect in January.

Down with "Sex Strike"

Richard Sherman On Nick Bosa Tweets Won't Matter If You Can Play

"One thing about football is that nobody really cares what you say if you can play."

That's how Richard Sherman views the situation regarding his new 49ers teammate, Nick Bosa -- who's been at the center of controversy over tweets about Donald Trump and Colin Kaepernick.

Remember, back when he was a college student at Ohio State, Bosa referred to Kap as a "clown" -- which is interesting considering Sherman has been a strong supporter of Colin ever since the QB first began taking a knee during the national anthem.

The #2 overall pick in the 2019 NFL Draft also acknowledged scrubbing his social media pages of pro-Trump comments out of fear liberal fans in San Francisco wouldn't embrace him when he was drafted.

Sherman was asked about the situation by the Sacramento Bee -- and essentially said Bosa's views and previous comments won't matter if the guy produces on the field on Sundays.

“It’s not like something where guys are like, ‘Hey man, what about what you said?’ No. No. If he can play, he can play. If he can’t play, he won’t be here," Sherman said.

"But at the end of the day, that’s all that matters in football. Is he getting sacks on Sunday? Is he helping our team? Is he being a good teammate? Those are things that matter."

"Now, if he’s a bad teammate, that’s something we’ll address."

The star cornerback also weighed in on possible racial issues in the locker room stemming from Bosa's tweets and comments.

"At the end of the day, I think a guy that has played with African Americans his whole life, not saying he can’t be racist, but they know how to maneuver around African Americans," Sherman said.

"When you’re at Ohio State, it’s not like Ohio State’s an all-white school. So I don’t think that’s going to ever be an issue. I think, at the end of the day, your beliefs are your beliefs ... but when you’re in the building and you’re a football player and you’re a teammate, you handle yourself accordingly. And I think he understands that."

Donald Trump 2 Years Were 'Stollen' from Me!!! ... Mmmm, Delicious

Never has a typo from President Trump sounded so tasty as when he misspelled "stolen" to gripe about his presidency ... reminding everyone of a sweet holiday treat in the process.

DT made the hilarious blunder Sunday while going on a Twitter tirade about two years of his presidency that he feels were "stollen" due to Robert Mueller's investigation into potential Russia collusion -- which his team found no clear evidence of, BTW.

On obstruction of justice though ... well, that's a whole other can of worms.

Anyway, folks online seemed to overlook the President's complaint and zero in on the spelling error -- which brought forth an entirely different word in an entirely different context ... sweet, sweet Euro bread.

Stollen is a rich German fruit and nut loaf, usually covered in powdered sugar. You've probably seen it around your relatives' homes during Christmas time ... it's kind of a staple for the holiday.

Clearly, that's not what Trump meant at all -- but the dude hasn't corrected his tweet yet. So, "stollen" bread it is for the time being. The big question now ... will it get as big as his other "words?"

Covfefe and stollen ... now there's a delicious pairing.

Diana Ross I Felt Violated by NOLA TSA!!! ... TSA Responds

2:37 PM PT -- TSA has released a statement regarding Diana's uncomfortable pat-down. The agency says, "TSA is committed to ensuring all travelers are treated with respect and courtesy. TSA is aware of concerns presented by Diana Ross about her screening experience at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport this morning.

They continued ... "Initial review of CCTV indicates that the officers involved with Ms. Ross’s screening correctly followed all protocols, however, TSA leadership will continue to investigate the matter further. We encourage Ms. Ross to reach out to TSA so we can work with her directly to address her concerns."

Diana Ross says a TSA agent at a New Orleans airport took a pat-down search too far -- which left her feeling shaken and violated afterward.

The legendary soul singer described her experience early Sunday morning in a string of tweets, explaining that while she's normally treated like royalty in NOLA ... she got the exact opposite treatment at an airport there -- saying, "I was treated like s**t."

BTW -- Diana was in town this weekend performing at the Jazz and Heritage Festival, but it sounds like getting there was a nightmare.

Ms. Ross says she's not blaming the airline she flew with -- Delta, apparently -- but instead is pointing the finger at a female TSA agent that conducted an "over the top" pat-down as Diana was going through security. She says it's not what was done ... but how.

Diana says she felt violated by the incident, going on to say she could still feel the woman's hands "between my legs, front and back." She says the agent told her she was just doing her job, but Diana ain't buying that ... presumably feeling the pat-down was too handsy.

She posted a clip of herself performing later in the day and said she was feeling better, but it's clear the TSA moment left its mark. Diana isn't the first celeb to become infuriated with TSA protocol either -- CNN contributor Angela Rye had a testy run-in herself in 2016.

Ben Affleck got a handful as well in 2017 ... and even Kim and Kanye got held up one time, which caused quite a ruckus (and an investigation in the process).

It's unclear if Diana is gonna take her complaint up the chain, but ya gotta imagine if her people come calling to take it any further ... the airport's gonna listen.

Originally Published -- 10:54 AM PT

Barack Obama John Singleton Opened Doors ... Told the Stories Hollywood Tried to Ignore

Barack Obama is remembering John Singleton as a trailblazing director who opened doors for filmmakers of color, and showed Hollywood there were stories that needed to be told.

The former President tweeted his condolences to the late director's family on Tuesday and took a moment to remember John's work and everything he did for minority filmmakers.

Obama said, "His seminal work, Boyz n the Hood, remains one of the most searing, loving portrayals of the challenges facing inner-city youth. He opened doors for filmmakers of color to tell powerful stories that have been too often ignored."

As we reported ... John died Monday after being taken off life support following a massive stroke. He was just 51.

John was the first African American nominated for the Academy Award for Best Director ... for "Boyz n the Hood." John was only 23 when he directed the groundbreaking film.

Donald Trump Dog Whistles to Base ... Over Nick Bosa

Donald Trump tried firing up his base again, this time using the newly-minted San Francisco 49ers top draft pick, Nick Bosa.

Trump tweeted, "Congratulations to Nick Bosa on being picked number two in the NFL Draft. You will be a great player for years to come, maybe one of the best. Big Talent! San Francisco will embrace you but most importantly, always stay true to yourself. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

It doesn't take a James Holzhauer to figure out ... Trump's reference to staying "true to yourself," followed by MAGA, is a not-so-veiled reference to various remarks Bosa made on social media ... remarks that have been scrubbed.

As you know, Bosa called Colin Kaepernick a "clown" in August 2016, and not too long after, Trump blasted the then-San Francisco 49ers' QB and urging team owners to fire the "sons of bitches" who dared to kneel.

And, there's another comment one of Nick's friends made ... "I'm going to post using the N-word." Nick "liked" the comment. He also expressed disdain for "Black Panther" and Beyonce's music.


Nick has now apologized, saying, "I definitely made some insensitive decisions throughout my life ... I'm sorry if I hurt anybody. I definitely didn't intend for that to be the case."

Sounds like Trump liked the earlier version of Nick.

Matt Barnes Derek Fisher 'Already Caught These Hands!!!'

Matt Barnes is FED UP with the Derek Fisher jokes ... going scorched earth on an internet troll for heckling him about his old enemy, saying, "He already caught these hands. You can be nxt."

Here's the backstory -- Barnes went to Twitter on Thursday to talk about the Warriors and Clippers game, saying "Hopefully y’all will stop w this PatBev locking up or shutting down KD.. Only person that can stop KD is Westbrook."

Harmless tweet, right? Except, of course, someone had to disagree. After all, this *is* the internet we're talking about ... and the troll had to reference Barnes' infamous incident with the then-Knicks coach.

"This exactly why Derek Fisher be f*cking ya baby momma you slow corny motherf*cker f*ck you for ruining all those Lob City squads with your sh*tty defense," the troll said to Barnes.

Anyone who knows Barnes knows the dude ain't gonna ignore that, so he hit the troll back with "After you done being mad go wash that green off your neck from that fake ass chain B*tch!"

The troll's response is a bit too NSFW to post word-for-word ... so we'll just say he mentioned Fisher and Barnes' ex-wife, Gloria Govan, again ... as well as calling him out for not being in the league anymore.

Barnes' response?? "I retired d*ckhead.. 15yrs & still being paid until November 2020! You gotta do better than DFish jokes. He already caught these hands. You can be nxt "

Here's what we know about Matt -- if he says it, he means it.

Robert Shapiro Kim K's Got a Job Waiting with Me ... Once She Passes the Bar


Kim Kardashian has her first job offer in the legal world, and it comes from one of the famed attorneys who worked closely with her dad on O.J. Simpson's dream team.

Robert Shapiro, who defended O.J. alongside Robert Kardashian, tells us Kim has what it takes to become a sensational lawyer. And, once she passes the bar ... the door's open for her at his law firm.

Shapiro was leaving E Baldi restaurant in Beverly Hills Wednesday when he broke it down for us ... he says Kim's already done incredible work with no experience, so the sky's the limit now that she's seriously practicing law.

He makes it clear she has a long, difficult road ahead of her and there's a high chance of failure ... but Robert believes she'll pull through.

In fact, Shapiro says it won't take much for her to surpass her father's lawyerin' skills -- a not-so-subtle dig at how much Kardashian actually contributed, strategy-wise, to Simpson's defense.

As we reported ... Kim's been studying hard for the baby bar exam and was hitting the books earlier this week for a torts essay with attorneys Jessica Jackson and Erin Haney, with whom she's apprenticing.

She says she aced it, by the way ... and don't count Shapiro among the doubters.

'Avengers: Endgame' Directors Shut Your Traps Don't Spoil Our Ending!!!

As the end of 'Avengers' looms ... the directors behind the blockbuster movie are begging fans to shut the hell up so they don't spoil the ending for everyone.

"Avengers: Endgame" arrives in theaters this week, and directors Anthony and Joe Russo are getting out in front of the problem ... cajoling moviegoers into keeping their mouths shut after they see the flick.

In a letter addressed to "the greatest fans in the world," the directors promise a "surprising and emotionally powerful conclusion to the Infinity Saga" ... and then ask for silence.

"Because so many of you have invested your time, your hearts, and your souls into these stories, we're once again asking for your help. When you see Endgame in the coming weeks, please don't spoil it for others, the same way you wouldn't want it spoiled for you."

If that wasn't serious enough ... the Russo bros. close with this chilling warning, "Remember, Thanos still demands your silence."

Mark Ruffalo, who plays The Hulk, is on board with his directors' message ... tweeting a picture of the letter.

The lead-up to the highly-anticipated film has been shrouded in secrecy, but earlier this week some leaked 'Endgame' footage started appearing online ... and now the directors sound a little ticked.


Justin Bieber My 2019 Return to Music Collab with Lil Dicky

Justin Bieber is back in the game ... because we've learned he's recorded a track with Lil Dicky that'll drop next week.

Sources familiar with the collab tell us .... he'll be featured on the single. The song with Dicky will be the Justin's first since "No Brainer," which was released last July with DJ Khaled, Quavo and Chance the Rapper.

Justin retweeted Dicky's post Tuesday which said, "New song and video next week," but didn't hint he'd be any part of the project, although we know he's on it.

Bieber hasn't released a solo of his own for more than 3 years -- his "Purpose" album dropped way back in November of 2015 -- and a massive tour followed.

Last month, Justin revealed he was taking a break from music to fix his "deep-rooted issues" ... but we're guessing the Dicky project was clearly finished before the announcement.

President Trump Twitter Yanks 'Dark Knight Rises' Music ... From His MAGA Post

President Trump tried turning D.C. into Gotham with a little help from the music featured in one of Christopher Nolan's Batman movies ... but the bat signal was cut off quick.

DT posted a well-produced dramatic video on his Twitter feed Tuesday afternoon that hyped up his MAGA slogan and was basically fodder for his base -- but it also used one of the orchestral tunes in "The Dark Knight Rises" ... ya know, one of the epic ones.

And, of course, Trump slugged his tweet, "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

The problem ... Trump stole Hans Zimmer's music, "Why Do We Fall?" The tune belongs to the movie studio behind "The Dark Knight Rises" ... Warner Bros.

At some point early Wednesday morning, Twitter removed the video ... citing a complaint from the copyright holder, WB. A WB honcho publicly said shortly afterward the studio hadn't authorized the White House to use its Bat tune.

Trump just deleted the tweet, which makes ya wonder if he was even aware the video he plugged -- which he reportedly pulled from the depths of Reddit -- wasn't playing anymore.

Conor McGregor Congratulates Becky Lynch ... Teases Possible WWE Match

Conor McGregor was so impressed with Becky Lynch's victory over Ronda Rousey at WrestleMania ... he might be one step closer to joining her in the ring.

Lynch defeated Rousey and Charlotte Flair in the main event Sunday night -- earning both the WWE Raw AND Smackdown belts ... leading Conor to dub her the sport's first "Champ Champ."

"Congrats to Irelands Becky Lynch, the WWE’s first Champ Champ," McGregor wrote.

"Wow! What a match these ladies put on! Ronda Rousey is something special in that ring, as is Charlotte Flair of the Flair dynasty!"

That's when the tease came ...

"Stephanie McMahon you are right, I could not do what these athletes do. Or could I... "

McGregor hasn't exactly had the best relationship with WWE -- in 2016, he went off on a bunch of the wrestlers as "p**sies" who could never win a real fist fight.

"For the most part, those WWE guys are p**sies," McGregor said at the time ... "They're messed up p**sies if you ask me."

He did, however, praise Vince McMahon and Triple H at the time.

So, will he or won't he???

We recently shot Steph McMahon who told us she would love to sign Conor to a WWE contract ... if he's serious about wanting to get in the ring.


Conor's future seems to be a mystery -- he "retired" from MMA in a tweet last month ... but then told Khabib Nurmagomedov he would see him back in the Octagon.

Bottom line ... we'd bet it's only a matter of time before Conor crosses over.

Kelvin Gastelum Chill Conor & Khabib Somebody's Gonna Get Shot


If Conor & Khabib don't chill out with their vicious and very serious beefing, someone's gonna get seriously hurt ... as in shot ... so says UFC star Kelvin Gastelum.

Khabib and Conor have been going at it on social media lately, after McGregor lobbed what some thought was an anti-Muslim insult directed at Khabib, prompting Khabib to launch an ultra disrespectful clap back.

We got UFC Star Kelvin Gastelum -- who was in L.A. promoting his UFC 236 title fight against Israel Adesanya -- and he says if the rhetoric from both men has the potential to end up tragic.

"I think there are some lines that have been crossed, and it's escalating to a point where it shouldn't have to. I feel like if it keeps going the way it's going, somebody's gonna end up injured, somebody's gonna end up hurt, somebody's gonna end up shot."

Kelvin is 100% serious and you can hear it in his voice, he told our camera guy he believes there's only so much Khabib and his side will take.

"Khabib don't play no games, man. This is real life for him."

We should say, Conor seemed to apologize for his statements on Twitter yesterday, along with a pledge to be better in the future. But, is Khabib accepting it?

Let's hope so.

JuJu Smith-Schuster No Beef With A.B. ... 'That's My Guy'


JuJu Smith-Schuster says there's "no bad blood" between him and Antonio Brown ... telling TMZ Sports, "That's my guy."

Of course, as of just a few days ago that didn't seem to be the case ... 'cause the two seemed to be taking some passive aggressive shots at each other all over social media.

It all started just hours after the Steelers traded Brown to the Raiders ... when JuJu posted a pic of him catching a TD (with Brown watching in the background), writing, "I'm ready."

Then ... after a very public spat between A.B. and Ben Roethlisberger -- JuJu weighed in with his own take on Big Ben's leadership, completely disagreeing with Brown's opinion.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

"I was so blessed to enter the league and play with a Hall of Fame QB as a 20-year old," JuJu wrote ... "Ben has taught me so much, he’s a true Leader and I can’t wait to rock with my guy this season."

Didn't take long for Brown to respond ... 'cause he took to his own social media page to fire back.

"Do not listen to any NFL player who haven’t got paid yet! They will do and say anything to make sure they going to get paid even if it’s compromising integrity or anything ! sad but true."

That sound like beef to you??

Maybe ... but JuJu says straight-up there truly isn't any rift between the former teammates, saying, "That's my guy. [Everything's good between us] always. There's no bad blood."

Dr. Phil Shaving His Stache ... Best April Fools' Joke?!?

Dr. Phil's upper lip is as bald as the top of his head now -- he's kissed his iconic mustache goodbye ... or at least it looks like he has.

The good doc's showed off his apparently clean-shaven mug on Twitter, posting before-and-after pics that are sure to drive his fans wild. While the new look seems totally legit at first glance ... we gotta take April 1 into account.

Tom Brady already used the social media platform to stage a fake retirement announcement.

Of course, if Phil is just yanking our chains with another April Fools' joke, he's really going ALL in with shaving cream, razors, a bib and some makeup magic ... but hey, maybe he's just doing a little spring cleaning.

Worth noting -- he didn't post any video of the slaying of his mustache, which makes us suspect.

If you're already missing Dr. Phil's old look, chill ... it'll grow back ... if it's even really gone.

In the meantime, enjoy the baby face.

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