Charles Oakley Assault Case Against Madison Square Garden Back On ... 'Truth Will Come Out'


11:09 AM PT -- A rep for MSG tells TMZ Sports, "We are pleased that the Court dismissed the majority of the case and are confident that after a review of the facts, the remaining claims will also be dismissed."

Charles Oakley's assault case against Madison Square Garden NY just got new life -- thanks to an appeals court ruling.

Remember, Oakley had sued MSG, owned by James Dolan, for assault, battery, defamation and other allegations stemming from the infamous Feb. 2017 incident when Dolan ordered Oakley to be removed from Madison Square Garden.

The case was dismissed in federal court in Feb. 2020 -- but now, an appeals court has ruled Oakley CAN proceed with the assault and battery portions of his suit.

So, why?

The appeals court believes the lower court didn't analyze Oakley's assault and battery claims correctly -- and he deserves a shot to put on evidence that MSG security used unreasonable force when they kicked him out.

Oakley says in his complaint that security roughed up him and repeatedly shoved him to the ground -- all while Oakley claimed he did nothing wrong.

Oakley is obviously happy his lawsuit can move forward -- telling TMZ Sports in a statement, "I am appreciative of the appeals court as I now have a chance to show the world what I said from day one was true."

"The truth is going to come out at trial and Dolan will be held responsible for what he did."

Oakley's attorney Douglas H. Wigdor also commented ... saying, "As we have always stated, Mr. Dolan and MSG acted improperly, and unlawfully, when they violently threw Mr. Oakley out of MSG without provocation."

"We are pleased that the Second Circuit has allowed Mr. Oakley to have his day in court and to finally be able to hold Mr. Dolan accountable for his actions."

"This is a great day for Knicks fans and fans of Mr. Oakley, and we look forward to the truth of what happened finally coming out."

Sources connected to the case tell us MSG is confident with its position -- noting 7 out of the original 9 claims were dismissed for the second time, including all claims against James Dolan.

We're told MSG believes it behaved appropriately in coordination with the NYPD and are confident in the final outcome.

Originally published -- 8:43 AM PT

UFC's Paul Felder Gets Bloody Face Stitched Up After dos Anjos Fight


Wanna see the aftermath of a bloody UFC brawl between two of the most badass dudes on the planet?!

Here's Paul Felder getting his face fixed up after his split-decision loss to Rafael dos Anjos on Saturday ... and it ain't for the faint of heart.

Remember, the Irish Dragon took the fight on just 5 DAYS(!!!) notice and fought like a true warrior ... going all 5 rounds with RDA.

In fact, the dude initially thought he would be the color commentator for the event ... and had to cut 22 pounds in that quick turnaround to make weight at 155.75 pounds.

While the result may have not gone in Felder's favor, the fact he even stepped up to the challenge has earned the guy some serious props in the fighting game.

Not only did Felder take it like a champ, he was even down to show off his patch-up job after the fight ... and he seemed to be in good spirits.

Check out the video ... that is, as long as you're not eating.

NFL's DeAndre Baker Criminal Charges Dropped ... In Armed Robbery Case


8:52 AM PT -- Baker's attorney, Bradford Cohen, tells TMZ Sports ... "The result is the correct result in dismissing Deandre's case. We have been saying he was a victim of an extortion from day one."

Ex-NY Giants CB DeAndre Baker is officially off the hook in his armed robbery case -- after some alleged funny business with the witnesses who initially said they saw him commit a crime at a cookout back in May.

As we previously reported, Baker -- along with Seattle Seahawks cornerback Quinton Dunbar -- was arrested for allegedly robbing several people at gunpoint during a cookout in Miramar, FL.

Baker was initially charged with 4 counts of robbery with a firearm over the May 13 incident and was facing up to life in prison.

But Monday morning, prosecutors announced all charges against Baker have been dropped because of serious issues with the alleged victims and witnesses.

Prosecutors say three alleged victims had initially filed sworn statements "in which they asserted that three men committed a robbery with a firearm upon them and that Mr. Baker was one of the assailants."

Then, something changed ...

Prosecutors say, "the alleged victims and the known witnesses have become uncooperative and their credibility is inalterably tarnished."

In fact, prosecutors say they tried to have one witness held in contempt of court for refusing to answer questions.

And get this, prosecutors also say an attorney representing three of the alleged victims was arrested Monday morning for extortion "related to soliciting a cash payout on behalf of the three men in exchange for altered testimony."

In other words, officials believe the lawyer was helping his clients get money in exchange for changing their stories.

Prosecutors say the alleged victims ultimately recanted their initial claims -- that Baker was involved in the crime -- and most recently said that he was "present" at the cookout but did not rob or assault anyone.

Because of all the alleged shenanigans involving the victims and witnesses ... prosecutors have just decided to drop the case against Baker altogether -- seemingly because they realized they would not be able to prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Baker -- who was drafted by NY in the 1st round of the 2019 NFL Draft -- was cut by the Giants back in September over his alleged role in the incident.

At the time, cops said witnesses told them Baker pulled out a semi-automatic firearm after a dispute at the cookout and directed Dunbar to start taking watches, cash and other valuables from partygoers.


Baker had denied the allegations through his attorney.

The 23-year-old has remained an NFL free agent while his case played out in the courts. It's unclear if he'll still face league discipline even with the charges being dropped Monday.

Originally published -- 8:18 AM PT

Blake Shelton Freaks Out Over D-Hop Hail Mary Catch ... 'Sh*t My Pants!'

"I died, came back to life, sh*t my pants and hyperextended my scrotum all in 30 seconds!!!!"

That's Blake Shelton vividly describing the rollercoaster of emotions he experienced during that wild Hail Mary at the end of the Cardinals vs. Bills game ... and man, hope you're okay, bro!!

The play was insane -- Kyler Murray scrambled and fired off a prayer with 2 seconds left in the game, the Cardinals were down 30-26.

But, somehow, DeAndre Hopkins jumped over 3 Bills players and hauled in the ball ... securing a 32-30 win for the Cardinals.


Shelton -- a MASSIVE Cardinals fan -- says he lost his mind during the play. And, after the game, the Cardinals reached out to make sure he was okay!

"Hey [Blake Shelton]. Saw your tweet and hope you're doing okay. That's a tough 30 seconds for anyone."

By the way, that play wouldn't have been possible without Shelton -- remember, he takes credit for convincing Cardinals' GM Steve Keim to take Kyler with the #1 overall pick of the 2019 NFL Draft!


"I told Steve Keim that we wouldn't be friends anymore if he didn't take [Kyler] No. 1 in the draft," Blake told us last year.

As for DeAndre, watch his description of the catch after the game -- the most calm, humblebrag ever!!!

No lies detected!!!!!!

Jordyn Woods Surprises Karl-Anthony Towns for Bday ... w/ Gifts Honoring Late Mom

Talk about a thoughtful 25th birthday gift ...

Jordyn Woods celebrated Karl-Anthony Towns' quarter-century day over the weekend with a very special celebration -- complete with golf, gifts and some incredible tributes to his late mom.

FYI, the NBA star's mother, Jackie, passed away back in April after she contracted COVID-19.

KAT and his mother were extremely close and he was devastated when she died.

Woods decided she would use KAT's 25th birthday as an excuse to get him some very cool items to remember his mom -- including an unbelievable custom ring featuring the name "Jackie" decked out in gold and diamonds.

She also got him a fancy Louis Vuitton handbag with his mom's full name, "Jacqueline" painted on the side ... underneath a halo and a pair of angel wings.

Pretty touching gifts ...

There's more ... Woods also surprised KAT with a special golf outing at the legendary Torrey Pines course in San Diego.

She even got him a special golf-themed cake!!

The two have been dating for about a year -- and if you're wondering what KAT got Jordyn for her 23rd birthday back in Sept., those gifts weren't too shabby either!

We're talkin' 2 Birkin bags, a Chanel clutch and an autographed Michael Jordan jersey ... among other things.

"Thoughtful" and "rich" make for a pretty solid combination when it comes to presents!

UFC's Yancy Medeiros To USADA Drug Tester ... I'm in the Middle of Having Sex!!!

"Having sex in my living room and [the US Anti-Doping Agency] comes pounding on my door at 8pm."

That's UFC fighter Yancy Medeiros explaining the most AWKWARD drug test in his life ... when a tester came pounding on his door in the middle of a banging sesh!

FYI -- USADA often conducts random drug tests on athletes to try and prevent the athletes from cheating. So, they can literally bang on an athlete's door at any moment to demand a urine sample, and the athlete has to deliver the goods!

Seems to be the case with 33-year-old Yancy "The Kid" Medeiros -- who was engaging in some romantic activities over the weekend when a USADA agent came calling.

Yancy says he made the guy wait outside until he finished up with the sex ... but the reaction from the tester was worth it.

"Best part, him trynna be all professional as I look him in the face, knowing this foo heard everything going down," Yancy said.

"Been tested pre/post competition, but 'during' is a first," he joked.

Medeiros (15-7) has been fighting in the UFC since 2013 -- so, he should be pretty familiar with the USADA testing situation.

He's currently on a 3 fight losing streak -- most recently taking an "L" to Lando Vannata back in February -- but the Hawaiian is expected to return to the octagon soon.

Good to see he's staying "active" during his time off though ...

NFL's Demario Davis Great News for 1-Year-Old Daughter!!! 'Her Body's Free Of Cancer'


Amazing news from Demario Davis -- the Saints linebacker says his 1-year-old daughter is cancer free after being diagnosed with a rare eye disease earlier this year.

Carly-Faith Davis was diagnosed back in May with Retinoblastoma -- a disease that caused a tumor to form behind her left eye which required the eye to be surgically removed.

Carly-Faith -- who now has a custom prosthetic eye -- has recovered well and tests show the cancerous threat is gone!

TMZ Sports spoke with the 31-year-old about his daughter's recovery ... and Demario says his family is truly blessed.

"I'm a person that just never try to take anything for granted and to know what she's been through, even to the point of having to lose her eye, but her body is free of cancer," Davis tells us.

Demario says his youngest has maintained her joyful personality despite her challenging journey ... and even danced and cheered the Saints' most recent win over the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Sunday.

"We're able to use her story and bring awareness to a lot of families that probably wouldn't of known about it if it wasn't for us going through it."

Davis says he is grateful for the doctors and resources his family was able to use during treatment ... and hopes their story will help others going through similar challenges.

"So, we're just anxious as parents to see if God is gonna take her eye what is He gonna restore her with, what is He gonna give her because we know He's not just gonna take something without giving a double portion back."

"It's exciting! That just seeing that video is just a reminder of so many blessings that we have around us."

We also spoke to Davis about his decision to suit up this season ... and he gives a detailed breakdown on why he wanted to play.

Cleveland Cavaliers Kevin Porter Jr. Arrested on Weapons Charge

Cleveland Cavaliers guard Kevin Porter Jr. was arrested this weekend on a weapons charge -- something the team says it'll handle internally.

Porter Jr. was picked by cops in Mahoning County Sunday morning and booked for improperly handling a firearm in a vehicle. No other information about what led up to the arrest has been released, but the guy was taken to jail and posed for this mug shot.

In a statement released shortly thereafter, the Cavs said they would address this in-house. A spokesperson says, "We are aware of the situation involving Kevin Porter Jr. and are in the process of gathering information. We have spoken with Kevin and will continue to address this privately with him as the related process evolves."

Porter Jr. was a rookie last year, having only appeared in 50 games and having mixed stats. He's since been released on bond.

Tommy Lasorda Famed Dodger Manager Hospitalized in ICU with Heart Issues

Legendary Dodgers Manager Tommy Lasorda is in serious condition at a Southern California hospital in the ICU with heart issues, TMZ Sports has learned.

Lasorda was admitted a week ago and his condition took a turn for the worse. Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, Tommy was hooked up to a ventilator and sedated. We're told he's now resting comfortably, so it seems he's improved.

Our sources say, his condition is NOT COVID-related.

One source noted Tommy is 93 with medical issues so his prognosis is uncertain.

Lasorda had a storied career in baseball, first signing with the Phillies in 1945. He also played for the Royals

Lasorda retired in 1960 and joined the Dodgers as a scout and then a manager. And, he was one of the most colorful managers in the sport, leading the team to 8 National League West division titles, 4 pennants and 2 World Series championships.

Tommy, who became a TV pitchman for various products, retired in 1996 because of health issues. He has a wine company -- Lasorda Family Wines.

After retiring from managing, he became Vice President and then interim general manager of the team in 1968.

Tommy was inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 1997.

We wish Tommy the best.

Ryan Cabrera I Proposed to Alexa Bliss ... And She Said Yes!!!

Singer Ryan Cabrera and WWE star Alexa Bliss have something to celebrate during these bleak COVID times ... THEY'RE ENGAGED!!!

Ryan posted a pic of the question-popping Saturday night, with the caption, "tonight was the best night of my life!!! And it's just the beginning!!!"

Bliss added Ryan popped the question one year after they met. She said, "One year ago we said hello, tonight I said YES."

Cabrera and Bliss met at a Smackdown event with The Miz doing the honors as matchmaker ... they all hung out during the show, and Ryan and Alexa clearly had a connection.

Alexa had been engaged to fellow wrestler Buddy Murphy, and Ryan ended his relationship with “The Hills” star Audrina Patridge 2 years ago.


Kobe Bryant Childhood Hoop Set To Hit Auction ... After Penn. Home Sells

The hoop Kobe Bryant molded his jump shot on as a child is set to hit the auction block ... and it can be all yours -- if you've got a small fortune lying around.

TMZ Sports has learned that just before Bryant's childhood home in Pennsylvania sold for $810K this month ... the seller decided to pull the backboard and the rim from the listing after the buyer wasn't interested in paying more for its inclusion.

Instead, we're told the seller gave it to an acquaintance who handed it over to John Romani at Sales By Helen to have it sold at auction.

While it's unclear how much the hoop might fetch from bidders ... Romani tells us it wouldn't surprise him at all if the piece soared into six figures.

As we've been reporting, Kobe memorabilia has been in ultra-high demand since his tragic death ... with fans paying astronomical prices for signed basketballs, jerseys of anything else Kobe touched.

In fact, a signed piece of the hardwood from Staples Center that Kobe played on in his final NBA game recently sold at auction for more than $600,000!

As for the hoop from Kobe's Pennsylvania home, Romani says the plan is for it to enter Heritage's Platinum Night Auction on Feb. 20.

And, Romani says there will be a bunch more Bryant memorabilia collected from the house that will join the hoop there.

Romani tells us a Michael Jordan Sports Illustrated magazine addressed to Kobe will be sold. Other items, like Duke basketballs Kobe had when he was being recruited by the Blue Devils, will be included as well.

Romani says there's even some Italian magazines Kobe owned ... and one book that Kobe appeared to have written on as a kid.

Bidding begins in just a few weeks ... hope ya got enough cash if you want it all!

Steelers Eric Ebron Cops Custom Diamond Chains ... to Honor His 2 Sons!

Pittsburgh Steelers tight end Eric Ebron is representin' his sons in an iced out kinda way ... with 2 brand new diamond chains with their names on it!

The 27-year-old is a proud father of 2 boys -- 3-year-old Oliver and 1-year-old Aiden -- and decided to have some pieces made up in their honor.

So, Ebron hit up Ari the Jeweler in Manhattan to get two personalized Cuban links -- and Ari delivered!

Ari The Jeweler

We're told each chain features 40 carats worth of VVS diamonds and 300 grams of gold!

Unsure on how much E plunked down for the duo, but we're told they're valued around $65k each!

Ebron can definitely afford to splurge -- he's reportedly made over $31 mil in his 7 seasons in the NFL.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Rails on D.C. Lockdown I Have to CrossFit in my Hotel!!!


A newly-elected congresswoman is pissed she can't do her HIIT workouts in a gym -- instead having to sweat it out in her hotel -- but the fact she could pull it off might derail her point.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene -- who just won her congressional race in Georgia for the House of Reps. -- posted a video of herself Saturday which shows her in the midst of hardcore exercise ... a routine she says she'd normally do at a CrossFit facility in her home state.

She sounded pretty sour about having to do this in the confines of her D.C. hotel room, writing ... "I work out everyday in a CrossFit gym that is open. With people. Gyms are small businesses that have been devastated by the government mandated shut downs."

Rep. Greene added, "In DC, NOTHING is open bc of Democrat tyrannical control. So here’s my hotel room workout. We must FULLY reopen!" BTW, she's a Republican ... FYI. Also, it looks like Greene can get her CrossFit fix just fine from where she's at -- just sayin'!

Side note ... the GA congresswoman has been picking up major headlines since her Nov. 3 victory -- for one, she vocally rails against coronavirus guidelines, like masks and lockdowns, and parrots much of what President Trump has said these past few months on COVID.

She also flip-flops on her mask-wearing -- just like DT -- which was on full display these past couple days when she and other freshman congressmen and women touched down in the nation's capital for orientation ... where one day she was masked up, and the next not.

More importantly, she's catching flak for showing support for the QAnon conspiracy ... which is crazy, considering she's an elected official now on one the biggest stages in this country.

Earl Thomas Wife Files For Divorce ... 7 Months After Wild Arrest

Earl Thomas' wife is clearly done trying to make things work with the NFL star after the two were involved in that wild April incident ... TMZ Sports has learned she just filed for divorce.

According to court records, Nina Thomas put in the paperwork on Nov. 3 ... citing adultery as the grounds for ending the marriage.

Nina added in the docs that the couple has such a strained relationship ... there's zero "reasonable expectation of reconciliation."

It's interesting ... because Earl has seemed to put in a ton of effort to make things work since Nina was arrested for allegedly pointing a loaded gun at him back on April 13.

We broke the story, cops say Nina SNAPPED after she allegedly caught the former Baltimore Ravens safety cheating on her at a rented home in Austin, Texas.

Police say Nina busted in the home angrily ... and eventually held Earl at gunpoint.

Nina was ultimately arrested ... but shortly after the incident, Earl announced the two were trying to work through things.

And, it all seemed to be going smoothly ... he posted on social media several times the past few months praising her -- and even celebrated her birthday last month with a photo and a mushy "I love you" note.

But, Nina -- who married Earl in a well-publicized, extravagant wedding in April 2016 -- makes it clear in the docs ... she wants out.

The couple has three kids together ... and in the court filing, Nina is asking for Earl to only have limited access to the children until "he takes a parenting course and can show evidence that he is able to care for the children for an extended period of time."

We've reached out to reps for both Nina and Earl, but so far, no word back yet.

Bubba Watson COVID's Made Golf More Popular Than Ever ... 'All-Time High'


PGA superstar Bubba Watson says golf is BOOMING in popularity right now all because of COVID -- and it's so huge, equipment companies can barely keep up with the demand!

"Golf is at an all-time high because of the virus," Watson tells TMZ Sports ... "There's more people playing the game, there's more equipment being sold."

Watson isn't trying to be insensitive -- he's just pointing out the facts ... people are looking for safe activities to do during the pandemic and golf checks a lot of those boxes since it's outdoors and you can easily social distance while playing.

Watson -- who's promoting the "Golf Clash" mobile game -- says even interest in golf VIDEO GAMES is through the roof right now.

In fact, Watson says golf equipment companies are "a little behind"  the demand -- and they're struggling to churn out enough product to keep everyone happy!

"They're trying to push through and it's hard to get components to make golf clubs. It's hard to get different golf equipment to be made because of some of the slow down."

Watson -- who's currently competing at The Masters -- even joked that for once Tiger Woods can't take all the credit for the massive spike in interest ... though the way Tiger is playing right now, golf might get another boom by the end of the weekend!

Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl 54 Ring Sells For OVER $70k ... In Online Auction

Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs received their Super Bowl 54 rings a little over 2 months ago, and now one of the iced out rings just sold for BIG BUCKS at auction!!

The ring was originally given to Mike Weber -- a 23-year-old running back who was on the Chiefs practice squad last season -- before the blinged-out jewelry made its way to the block at Goldin Auctions.

The auction house would not disclose the final sale price ... but one big-time collector placed a bid for $70k.

The opening bid was $35,000.

Sure, it's a lot of cash ... but the ring is absolutely awesome. It features a bunch of super cool aspects to commemorate the Chiefs' championship.

It's made with 10 karat gold and contains 2 Lombardi Trophies made with marquee-cut diamonds ... and a Chiefs logo designed out of 60 diamonds.

But, it's not JUST gold and diamonds ... the ring also includes 16 rubies representing the teams 10 AFC West division titles and 6 playoff appearances under Andy Reid.

The perimeter of the ring top has 122 diamonds which represents 100 NFL seasons and the 22 playoff appearances in Chiefs’ franchise history.

The blinged-out jewelry also contains the name, number (#45) and signature -- inside the ring band -- of Weber ... who just signed on with the Packers' practice squad.

Unclear who dropped stacks of cash on the piece ... but if you're a football fan, it doesn't get much cooler than this ring.

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